Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir shows his real colours

By Atem Mabior

January 3, 2007 — It is common to hear SPLM leaders accuse their partner the NCP of using the divide and rule policy to dominate the south. These days the SPLM leader Salva Kiir tried the same policy in a futile attempt to muzzle opposition to his bad administration. Any body who happened to come across Kiir would usually describe him as a quiet spoken man but little did they know that the man is a master of intrigues and conspiracies and wickedness.

The latest SPLM ministers reshuffle exposed the dark and dangerous side of Kiir. We will support our allegation by giving you three examples of Kiir’s dirty intrigues.

First, after dismissing Telar Ring for reasons only known to him, Kiir appointed Telar’s father-in-law Ambassador Andrew Makur Thow. Definitely Kiir attempt is to drive a wedge between Telar and his in-law Makur. Normally in the old days, Makur could have rejected the offer to avoid crisis with his in-laws. But as there is moral and ethical degeneration within our society as a result of so many factors, we are surprised today by Makur accepting Kiir’s offer for political accommodation. Many will jump into conclusion that Makur is desperate to have political accommodation this is why he had swallowed his pride and sacrificed his family relationship with his in-law. We had for many years respected Ambassador Makur but this episode has disappointed us.

Second, after months of conspiring with Garang boys to remove Dr. Lam from the government Kiir finally got the courage to announce the removal of Dr. Lam. Of course we all know that the reason for standoff between the SPLM and its partner the NCP was a manoeuvre by the former to get rid of Dr. Lam from the government. There were essentially no substantial issues for the SPLM pull out of government. This is shown by the fact that the SPLM ministers ended their boycott without any tangible gains over their partner. Kiir usual strategy of fitting SPLM members against each other appointed Pagan Amum as minister for Cabinet Affairs a position in which Dr. Lam was appointed. Pagan on his part shamelessly accepted the position irrespective of the intrigues involved. According to Kiir’s conspiracy theory “let the Shilluks fight it out themselves, I care less.”

Third, we also learnt that James Kok who has been appointed minister for Foreign Trade is an in-law to Timothy Tot, the former state minister for Industry. Mr. Timothy was nominated for a ministerial position but for his constructive criticism when the suggestion for the SPLM pull out of GONU was being debated last October, he was dropped and replaced by his in-law James Kok.

These examples expose Kiir as a dangerous wicked man who is ready to go at any length to destroy people’s relationships to serve his selfish interests. Any leader is expected to create harmony not only among his people between among their families. Now Kiir is indulging into destroying family ties of the members of the very party he leads. The question we want to put to all SPLM members is: After all you have heard and seen does Kiir have the moral and ethical turpitude to lead the SPLM and the South in general?

*The author is the head of SPLM Veterans for Truth in Diaspora, London, UK. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Victoria Naculya
    Victoria Naculya

    Kiir shows his real colours
    What you have written Mr.Mabior may be true, and may not be true. Everyone in this world has different colors when things are going wrong, including you. And why are you the one to speak on behave of Lam, Makur and Kok??? Do you think they do not know what they have done or what Mr. Kiir is doing???

    And by the way, Mr.Kiir has the moral and ethical turpitude to lead the SPLM and the southern region as well. I am not going to jugde him, from what you have written, that is not how the politics goes, though I am not a politican and not a SPLM member.

  • Martin

    Kiir shows his real colours
    You said you are head of veterans of diaspora in UK. Why SPLA veterans stay in UK rather in Sudan? Do you meant that you are head of refugees in UK? Please stop involving in politics you do not have enough knowledge. I think Kiir does not support those who work against the SPLM’s goal and objectives.

  • Ngongdit

    Kiir shows his real colours
    Well, Mr. Mabior, let me start by saying that SPLM is not a family party but a party representing Southern Sudanese and other marginalised people in Sudan. Whhat is important is to a appoint people who will act in the interest of Southern Sudanese but not people whose loyalties lie in the North like the ones you just mentioned above. And I think that is what the president of Southern Sudan is doing. I’m also wondering whom you were refering to when you said “we will proved…”. I think you are the master of conspiracies and wickedness…you better leave president Kiir alone because he is doing his job as far as I’m concern.

  • Bol Nul Zihew

    Kiir shows his real colours
    Hallo Mate,

    We are heading against our common foe please not ourselves. Would you halt that noise. Those are minor errors that can not summon more attention.

    I hope, you have got news update on the web about Sudan, therefore, why don’t you mind the contraversy between SPLM/A and NCP following the boycott of redeployment by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the failure of NCP to fully implement the CPA ‘s entire coverage???

    Enjoy a brand new year,

    Bol Nul Zihew,
    New Sudan ‘s extra-patriot from Sydney.

  • Deng Akech Deng
    Deng Akech Deng

    Atem Mabior is playing with Southerners Minds
    Mr. Atem Mabior has revealed his colours and inner intentions instead of what he alleged of Mr. Kiir Mayardit, the GOSS president. Indeed, Mr. Atem’s allegations against SPLM and Kiir are false, and ironically, these allegations describe and reflect him and his intentions of conspiring against long won peace and liberators. His aims is to fail the nation and people of South Sudan because of his love for himself. He wants South Sudan to belong to him, or take over South Sudan so that he can sell it to Arabs. But Kiir, Pagan and many other liberators and veterans in the SPLM cannot allow that to happen. Therefore, he is plotting against these people so that he may get space to spit his poisonous snot of hatred to cause chaos in South Sudan, but he will always fail until his collaborators turn against him.

    In addition, Mr Atem’s grasp of logic is weak and harmful to himself. His underestimate of how logical and rational Southerners of today are, led him to blindly play with Southerners’ understanding by constructing arguments which don’t make any sense. My advice to you Mr. Atem is that you stop false allegations and conspiring against people. You have done more harm than good to yourself.

    Deng Akech Deng

  • James James
    James James

    Kiir shows his real colours
    To be honest with you guys, I don’t support the removal of Dr Lam Akol and yet I can not put any blame on our belove president Mr. Kiir, in first place what is called politics itself is a known filthy sophisticated duty in the planet, and I am sure most of us could do even much more worst then Kiir suppose we were elected to the position.

    Secondly, Kiir himself did not only clean a lot of mess left behind by previou leadrship but also bogged himself among crocodiles whom their hearts are saturated with retaliatory ambitions to those who did not fully offer their sacrifices during the war. In other words, Lam was removed after perpertual requisitions from SPLM high ranking officers who view the position of foreign ministry as the best portfolio that should be given to special SPLA heros then Lam who betrayed them during the war.

    Indeed, I am sure Lam didn’t do anything wrong that is that prominent to cause him the job, but the mixtures of personal hatred between him and others within SPLM, tribalism, previous Lam credits in SPLA records and minor future political worries are what after all resulted to Lam’s removal.

    In this regard, I don’t see anything forensic to blame kiir with.

    However, I hope southerners come together, forget the past and work as brothers and sisters in spirit of bringing our country to cerntain level, In fact, Lam is one of the only few important tools we have right now and I guess goverment should give him a job for us to utilize his experient as country, and as Atem noted.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    Kiir shows his real colours
    Wow Mr. Moses Maker Mony or money biokdit. Good to thank you because you reminded me my grade three level years ago, and for supporting Kiir as I do if I don’t read wonders.

    Good job really for new joiners to the politics like us.

    God bless.

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