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Sudan Tribune

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Two Sudanese killed in fresh anti-coup protests in Khartoum

Protesters outside presidential palace

Protesters gather outside the presidential palace defying the military junta on Feb 28, 2022

February 28, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese security forces on Monday killed two protesters as they used excessive violence to disperse demonstrators who managed to reach the presidential palace.

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD), in two separate statements, announced that an unidentified person had been killed by live bullets in the head in Omdurman. The other was shot in the abdomen and chest with a cartridge rifle in Bahri.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of the Sudanese capital in a protest called “Power to the People” organised by the Resistance Committees, four months since the start of anti-coup protests on October 25, immediately after the coup.

In Khartoum city, the demonstrators reached the Republican Palace, chanting anti-military slogans and demanding civilian rule.

The palace serves as the headquarters of the military-led Sovereign Council.

Similar protests were organised in the two other cities of the capital in Khartoum North and Omdurman.

The CCSD confirmed that the security forces fired tear gas into the emergency room of the Arbaeen Hospital in Omdurman.

The coup leader and head of the Sovereign Council stated several times that he ordered to not use lethal violence against protesters and hospitals.

However, the security forces again fired bullets on the protesters and attacked hospitals. Also, they hunted protesters when they started their withdrawal far from the Republican Palace.

On Sunday thousands of mothers and fathers held a rally in Khartoum city to voice their support for the continued protests carried out by Sudanese youth, as they now started the fifth month.

After the coup d’état, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan has reinstated the former security officers and civil servants of the former regime after sacking those appointed by the former Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok.

Similar protests were held in other states.

In Port Sudan, the security forces used excessive violence against the protesters who gathered in the city’s main market.
