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Sudan Tribune

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North Sudan army completes troops redeployment from oil fields

January 9, 2008 (RABKONA) — The northern Sudan army Wednesday completed a redeployment of its troops from southern Sudan in accordance with a 2005 peace deal that ended more than two decades of north-south Sudanese civil war.

In a celebration ceremony held at Rabkona, a small town in the Unity State in southern Sudan, a flag of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) on the top of a pole was replaced by a flag of the joint forces of the SAF and the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

“We announce today a completion of the re-deployment of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) from all the regions (in the south) according to the security arrangements of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA),” Sudanese Minister of Defence, Abdelrahim Mohamed Hussein, declared at the ceremony; the official SUNA reported.

The minister of defence described the redeployment completion as “a historic event,” adding that it coincided with the third anniversary of the signing of the CPA.

He stressed the importance of a peaceful coexistence of tribes on both sides of the boundaries between northern and southern Sudan, which is well-known as the 1956 lines.

The Sudanese minister also expressed his confidence on the strong will of the two peace partners to fully implement the CPA.

Pagan Amum, the minister for cabinet affairs and secretary general of the SPLM, who attended the ceremony announced that the SPLM finished on the same day the withdrawal of its forces from the Blue Nile and South Kordufan areas north of the 1956 lines, SUNA said.

He noted that the redeployment of the forces of the two sides represented a major step in the establishment of peace, adding that the redeployment was a fruit of serious and continuous work done by the political leadership of the two partners.

Amum hoped that the year 2008 would be one for support to peace building, comprehensive development and stability.

Governor of Unity State, Taban Deng Gai, said that the oil production areas would remain secured, adding that his government would follow up the re-deployment of forces of the two parties.

The Sudanese government and the SPLM signed the CPA on Jan. 9, 2005 in order to end the conflict between the two sides, which is termed as one of the longest civil wars in the African continent.

According to the peace agreement, the two sides must withdraw their armed forces respectively to the north and south of the 1956 lines, to leave the oil production zones as well as other strategic areas to be safeguarded by the joint forces.




    North Sudan army completes troop redeployment from oil fields
    Congratulation! Congratulation!

    Job well done by our leadership SPLM, it is unbeilievable that adaman Bashir would accept the redeployment of his NIF from the oil-rich areas but due to the hesitation and patience of our leadership, Bashir has accept to move away his Mujahadin out of South territory, this one of the biggest achievement ever done by the SPLM since the signing of the CPA hence what’s require out of the SPLM at this moment is to sanct corruption and face the enemy at the border of 1956, God has done his part by making Bashir to stay at his boundary, should SPLM intellectuals continue scrambling over the little they get from Khartoum then Mr Bashir would re-inhabit the left oil fields.
    Lastly, SPLA troops are to be treated properly so that they will not admire those Arabs cakes being displayed to them.


  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    North Sudan army completes troops redeployment from oil fields
    My thanks to SPLA and its Leaders who were in struggle for the whole country as Southern Sudan,i beleive southern sudan is now self confidential region compared to other countries in Africa and around the World as well,Goss should now be prepared and well organised about how he should manage to develop his region in self ambition that southern sudan well be among top countries in World despite the fact that he is able to meet any requirements.Goss should ensure that he will be able to find his own technicians and he should ensure that there is Equality from troops,people upto states in Southern Sudan and lastly but not the leasty we are Equally should be nominated as the motto. Thank you SPLA woyee New Sudan woyee

  • James James
    James James

    North Sudan army completes troops redeployment from oil fields
    Mr. Chol Maguet:

    It is very deplorable for me to see most of you normally giving 100% of the credit of anything achieve today to late Dr Garang than being given to the current leadership who work hard on the present sucess. I don’t understand when are we going to begin giving credits to Salva Kiir and Riek Machar plus all those active leaders on the field as their own appreciations from us for what they do ?

    Please don’t take me wrong, I know Dr Garang was very remarkable man,yet that doesn’t gurrantee him to earn any reputation from any other citizens of south sudan. We all knows that, president Salva kiir and Dr Riek plus others in the army had work hard enough to keep this peace in track and I don’t understand where Garang came to hand 100% congratulation from current achievement.

    Don’t base things on tribal affiliations, let start to be nationalist and work with fairness.

    According to me, 90% of the credit should go to Mr Salva Kiir, Dr.Riek Machar, James wani and other high ranking officers like Oyai Deng, Salva Mathok plus every leader in south sudan includes our MPs, while the remaining 10 % goes to our heros like Garang, Karabino, Nyuon Ngachigak and Martin Majier. this is fair proportion because we have to praise and entrust those who are with us now than growing disatisfaction from them and ticking our necks out to those fallen heros whom deserve only remembrance.

    I hope you understand what I mean.

    God bless.

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