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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan: France warns Darfur rebels “not to transfer activities to Kurdufan”

Sudan: France warns Darfur rebels “not to transfer activities to Kurdufan”
196 words
10 January 2008
05:36 pm GMT
BBC Monitoring Middle East
(c) 2008 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation.

Text of report by pro-government Sudanese Media Centre website on 10 January

France has issued strongly-worded warning to Justice and Equality Movement [JEM] not to transfer its [military] activities to Kurdufan region after confinement of its military activities in Darfur lately.

A high diplomatic sources informed SMC on a meeting that took place in Paris between Sudanese affairs secretary in French Foreign Ministry Ambassador Frederick Bouvier and a leader in JEM Al-Sadiq Yusuf.

The meeting lasted for four hours where the later informed [the French official] of the current political situation of JEM as well as its situation in the ground.

According to the same source, the French official warned JEM not to transfer its activities to Kurdufan, saying that the new US envoy to Sudan Williamson will issue an invitation to JEM, Sudan Liberation Movement, Ahmad Abd-al-Shafi Abd-al-Wahid Muhammad Nur factions, along side with Sudanese government in the coming few days to consult them on ways of making Darfur peace process a success. [Passage omitted]

Source: Sudanese Media Centre website, Khartoum, in Arabic 10 Jan 08

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