Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Protest group calls to exclude political forces from Sudan transitional government

Angry Without Border group

Angry Without Border group members lead a protest calling for civilian rule in Khartoum's twin city of Omdurman on Feb. 14, 2022. (AFP photo)

March 14, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – The anti-coup protest youth group, Angry Without Borders, on Monday called to not include political forces in future transitional government once the military are removed from power.

The “Angry” group was prominent in Sudan’s protests following the coup carried out by the army chief on October 25th. Members of the group are usually on the front lines of demonstrations that are constantly taking out in Khartoum, where they have been directly confronting the security forces.

The “Angry People” group appeared during the protests that took place after the coup of October 25. The group’s members used to be on the front lines of the demonstrations and do not hesitate to confront the security forces directly when the latter seek to disperse the protests.

Karim Alnur, a member of the media and communications secretariat of Angry Without Borders, told the Sudan Tribune on Monday that they reject the scramble for power by political forces during the transitional period.

He added that supporting the People’s Authority Charter proposed by the Resistance Committees is the only solution to avoid this situation. Because the political forces would not participate in the upcoming transitional government.

“Our involvement in the political movement is a rejection of the dirty practices of the parties during the revolution,” he said.

“We are not pawns in a battle for the parties but also we are not shields to protect their gains,” he further added.

The Resistance Committees during the revolution of December 2019 had a limited mobilisation role at the neighbourhoods level while the protest movement was organised and spearheaded by the Sudanese Professionals Association.

Now in the anti-coup protests, the committees lead the protests and seek to create a national structure to represent them.

The People’s Authority Charter calls to overthrow the ruling military junta, review the Juba Peace Agreement and formation of transitional government structures.

To join the charter, the signatory groups must not have participated in the previous regime, or supported and participated in the October 25 coup.

The Resistance Committees reject to take part in the UN-facilitated process as they raise the slogan of the three Nos: “No partnership, no negotiation, no bargaining (with the army).”

During the two-year transitional government, the Resistance Committees were marginalised despite the prominent role they had played during the revolution.

So, now they want to ensure that they would play a significant role that enables them to control the transitional technocrats government.
