Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s next election should learn from Kenya’s lesson – Salva Kiir

January 14, 2008 (WAU) — The First Vice President said today that Sudanese political forces should prepare to run free and fair elections in 2009 in order to avoid Kenya’s dispute.

Addressing Monday the country’s celebrations of the Peace Day in Wau town, capital of West Bahral-Ghazal State, the First Vice President, Salva Kiir Mayadrit, urged all political parties to prepare for the upcoming elections in 2009 in accordance with mature political practice, pointing out the SPLM commitment of the elections date.

He added: “We have to conduct a free and fair election in order to not repeat the Kenyan experience in our country.”

Salva Kiir said it is necessary to solve the problem of Abyei and the demarcation of the border because they are linked to census process, which is an integral part of the electoral process

He reviewed the challenges facing the comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA): border demarcation, the issue of Abyei, general elections, and the referendum on self determination after the transitional period. He also expressed hope that the SPLM would not be forced, a second time, to withdraw its ministers from federal government.

He called its peace partner, the National Congress Party to strengthen partnership in the framework of the Government of National Unity and the implementation of the Peace Agreement

Regarding the recent events in Grenti Salva Kiir said “We will not allow anyone to destabilize security in the region in the region,”. He further indicated that he had directed the SPLA forces to withdraw south of the Bahr al-Arab, to demonstrate the keenness of southern Sudan government to support the programmes of peaceful coexistence among all the components of Sudanese society.


Kiir said the freedom being enjoyed by the country is the most important fruit of peace and stability, explaining that the celebration of peace comes to enhance the stability and development nationwide.

He said January the 9th is a national day that motivates the country for further development and progress. Kiir further pointed to the continuous efforts of the government to make the arms holders in Darfur join the peace process.

He emphasized support of the Government of National Unity to the education and health sectors, besides rehabilitation of roads and bridges in south Sudan. He reviewed the issues being discussed by the Presidency, including Abyei and some partnership mechanisms.

The First Vice-President further said that the dividends of peace have become apparent in South Sudan, particularly in Juba and Wau cities.

He also referred to the recent decision by the President of the Republic Omer Al-Bashir freeing the political detainees, saying the move constitutes a genuine call for consultation and dialogue for the interest of our beloved country, calling for further tolerance and peaceful co-existence among the sons of one homeland.


The Vice-President of the Republic Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, Deputy Chairman of the National Congress Party, on Monday renewed the commitment of his party to the implementation of the CPA, stressing in his address before the celebrations marking the third anniversary of the signing of the peace deal that translating this agreement into reality is the responsibility of all Sudanese people.

Taha told the nation in his address inside the Wau Stadium that people should equip themselves with hope, action and unity of ranks stressing that the Sudanese tools in facing any challenge would be dialogue, confidence, patience and serious work.

Commenting on the partnership between the National Congress Party and the SPLM, Taha that the National Congress would continue its positive partnership with the SPLM and with all partners forming the Government of National Unity with the view to implement the peace agreement.


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