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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser

January 16, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir appointed a suspected Janjaweed leader as a special adviser.

Musa Hilal (NYT)
Musa Hilal (NYT)
Press reports in Khartoum said that Al-Bashir issued a decree appointing Musa Hilal, leader of the Darfurian Arab Mahameed clan, as an adviser for the ministry of federal government.

Hilal has been named by numerous eyewitnesses in Darfur as leading terror campaign against the African tribes in the war ravaged region.

The tribal leader denied any wrongdoings and told Human Rights Watch (HRW) in a videotaped interview in 2005, that he only recruited militias on behalf of Sudan’s central government.

The 43 years old was jailed by the Sudanese authorities in 1998 for leading armed robbery of the central bank in the city of Nyala in Darfur. However the First Vice president Ali Osman Taha secured his release in 2002 for unknown reasons.

The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when an ethnic minority rose up against the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum, which then was accused of enlisting the Janjaweed militia group to help crush the rebellion.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has been investigating the war crimes in Darfur and has issued arrest warrants against Ahmed Muhammed Harun the Sudanese minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Janjaweed militia leader Ali Kushayb.

Hilal was named in the filings made by the ICC prosecutor in February 2007 as making a speech alongside with Harun in July 2003, which was characterized as “racist”. However he was not named as a war crime suspect.

“Hilal was enthusiastic about unifying to fight the enemy and characterized the conflict as a holy war” the ICC prosecutor said in the document he submitted to the judges.

The UN Security Council imposed travel and financial sanctions on Hilal and three other individuals in April 2006. The US president George Bush issued an executive order enforcing similar sanctions on them.

International experts estimate 200,000 people have died in the conflict, which Washington calls genocide, a term European governments are reluctant to use. The Sudan government says 9,000 people have been killed.



  • Kuol Madhier Anyang
    Kuol Madhier Anyang

    Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser
    The man is gulity as charged and the fact he is nominated as an adviser by the president is just slap in face. Hilal would have to clear himslef from these allegation before the president name him as an adviser. We all know that most the killing that took place in Darfur were carried out by Janjaweed and if this guy is their leader and than chances are that these things happened on his watch and therefore Hilal is responsible.

  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser
    Dear our black sisters and brothers of Sudan, I would like to remind you again that we are not going to be ruled again by Jalabas. Every person has now seen how Omar is mistreating our people. This is the right time for us to come together and tell Jalabas that it is time for us to taste the fruit of our own soil. Now, Bashir does not even know that time for genicide is over. He is still going ahead and appoints notorious Janjaweed leader by name Chemical Hilal who will very soon use chemicals to make sure he sweeps us out of Sudan. But let me inform you mr.Hilal, you will never succeed in your life to sweep us out of Sudan.
    You don’t feel shame of killing innocent kids and women who are termed as the most vulnerable groups.
    Dear our black Sudanese brothers, let us not give a single minute to such absurd leaders to ruin our lives.
    Let us stand firm as brothers inorder to depeat such common enemies.

    By Madhang Loth

  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser
    Dear our black sisters and brothers of Sudan, I would like to remind you again that we are not going to be ruled again by Jalabas. Every person has now seen how Omar is mistreating our people. This is the right time for us to come together and tell Jalabas that it is time for us to taste the fruit of our own soil. Now, Bashir does not even know that time for genicide is over. He is still going ahead and appoints notorious Janjaweed leader by name Chemical Hilal who will very soon use chemicals to make sure he sweeps us out of Sudan. But let me inform you mr.Hilal, you will never succeed in your life to sweep us out of Sudan.
    You don’t feel shame of killing innocent kids and women who are termed as the most vulnerable groups.
    Dear our South Sudanese brothers, let us not give a single minute to such absurd leaders to ruin our lives.
    Let us stand firm as brothers inorder to depeat such common enemies.

    By Madhang Loth

  • Majok e Deng
    Majok e Deng

    Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser
    The so called the president of sudan is ruining our country with his clique who called themselves arabs. And therefore, supposedly important then the other sudanese who called themselves indigenious Africans. However, our single-minded president is working for his own interest- and this is evident in his appointments of the Sudanese evil genius into his government since he took office in 1989. It is clear that Bashir’s regime is not for the Sudanese people, so it is upto the Sudanese people to vote this problematic president out in 2009 or face social revolution.

    majok e Deng

  • Kur

    Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser
    This is the government of the janjaweed malitias. They all must be indicted for war crimes in Darfur.So special advisor for the government of Bashir is a notorious war criminal and so is his commander.They must all face justice if there is justice in this world.

  • John Mou
    John Mou

    Sudan president appoints notorious Janjaweed leader as special adviser
    Dear readers,

    Do not be surprised on the appointment of Musa Hillal who is suspected for killing of innocent people in Darfur. In the eyes of Al-Bashir, he is one of the best people who deserve paradise in killing the Darfurians.

    During civil war in the south, the same people mobilized the most of the marginalized people including Darfurians against the southerners in the name of religion, deceiving them that the southerners were fighting against Islam.

    Now, the issue has become crystal clear. It was not a matter of faith, but the God given skin and the land that we have were the reasons for all killings, rape, abduction of women and children and destruction of infrastructure in Southern Sudan.

    As you all know that Khartoum is famous of organized protests and riots against south Sudan during the war or against the U.S.A and Israel in support of Palestine, Iraq and even Iran just to mention a few.

    However, have you ever seen or heard any organized protest or riot being carried out by Khartoum to condemn the killings of innocent people in Southern Sudan by SAF, Popular Defense Forces and Maraheel (maraham) or to condemn genocide in Darfur caused by SAF in collaboration with the so called Janjaweed?

    As marginalized people, let no religion, tribe or language divide you any more but be united and know that your common enemy is the Jallaba.

    John Mou is a South Sudanese citizen and can be reached at [email protected]

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