Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s Bor-Mudari communities end peace conference

By Philip Thon Aleu

January 24, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) – Representatives from Bor and Mudari communities ended a conference on peaceful coexistence and sharing of grazing land. The parties agreed to form a committee to resolve litigious issues. But, the outcome of the meeting is considered by one side as half full and the other as half empty.

Abraham_Jok_Aring_Juma_Ali_Maou.jpgThe commissioner of Terekeka county, Juma Ali Malou described the peace conference held in his county as successful. Giving his closing speech on Tuesday, the last day of the two day long conference at Gameiza, a town in the north of South Sudan capital Juba (100 miles), Mr. Ali said the event is a remarkable one.

“Today is a remarkable day in Mudari and Bor hishory. It is a day of peace,” said Mr. Ali adding that all the necessary steps should be followed to realise peace coexistence.

The conference, attended by Bor county commissioner, Abraham Jok Aring also attracted many religious leaders, Members of the respective states Assemblies, Payam leaders, among others, started on Monday 21 and end Tuesday 22.

Both side resoluted that a sixteen members committee be formed to work on the burning issues. The committee should be comprised of either sides members. Movement of people will not be restricted but any agenda concerning cattle movement is a later case, read the resolution from Mudari community. Bor had wanted their cattle be allowed to graze in Toch (land between rivers). A request Mudari refused.

Tension between Bor Dinka and Mudari communities remained high after a group of unknown gunmen looted proprieties and killed more than ten people in September 2007 in Mudari village. Forth to that incident, a man was killed in Bor territory.

The Mudari responded by carrying out attacks on Bor-Juba road killing tens of people, most of whom Bor citizens. Other accusations both sides made include what they called ‘threatening theft’, killing of weak and innocent people stealing of cattle and child abduction.

Bor commissioner, Abraham Jok Aring told reporters that the conference can’t be called a success or failure.
“We have agreed on principles. It is a long way to see total peace but as far now, I am hopeful that peace is returning,” said Mr. Aring adding that his counter part Mr. Ali is a man of peace.

However, the likely failures includes the refusal of Mudari community to allow Bor cattle to the grazing land in their territory, demarcation of border that extends to Pariak in Bor territory, quitting of their land by Bor citizens now, and the interfering of Bor cattle with Mudari’s gardens in summer.



  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    South Sudan’s Bor-Mudari communities end peace conference
    Infect, this is a very good step and CPA dividend. If all the tribes will be committed to this forgiveness, peace & reconciliation, then the future of south Sudan will be recognized and redefined.

    But I still doubt if it’s a real peace and reconciliation conference that emerged from grass roots and addressed all the past grievances from the both tribes which involves the participation from all community leaders and other neighboring tribes. If it’s a true peace & reconciliation conference, then it will last for ever and its results will be enjoyed by both tribes.

    BUT and I say again BUT in bold letters, if its just from the interest of the political leaders; the it will not last for long and one day tensions will grow and arose also as of what we have seen so many reconciliation meetings were done in Bor between the Jongle state tribes and still we are seeing confrontations, killings, abductions, raping, lootings and many others.

    I wished if such issues are to be addressed, then it will involve the true community participation from both tribes that includes; chiefs, religious leaders, men, women, youth and even some top tribal political leaders above the level of the Commissioner, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money eating.

  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    South Sudan’s Bor-Mudari communities end peace conference
    We as Southern Sudanese we need to be united and respect each other.am happy to those two leaders known as representaives from both sides to settle the problems btn those two clans.Yet i would like the problems of cattles destroying crops in summer to be solve how people should control their animals in summer to avoid further conflict.And border is the main subject of conflict any where any time,the border of grazzing btn those clans should be clear to them to see that the one who attempt to show horns will be brought to justic and i wish both sides will now enjoy their peaceful settlement with clear and friendly communication.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan’s Bor-Mudari communities end peace conference
    This time it is Bor Dinka and Mundari conference, but next time should be Bor Dinka and Murle.

    Mundari and Bor Dinka (or Jaang Bor as I traditionally call them) share alot in common. They use the same facial markings with four long lines across their faces upwards. Their body feature looks alike even how they pronounce things in foreign languages either in English or Arabic. It should not be difficult for them to reconcile and maintain peaceful co-existence.

    The Murle and Bor Dinka have been involved in killings between the two. Bor Dinka accuse Murle of cattle raiding and abduction of children. The Murle say the Bor Dinka sell their children to them and then report it as abduction.

    The recent clashes inside Bor town which targeted government staff from Murle and even killing of Murle patients admitted inside Bor hospital was one of the most primitive and unthought of kind of warfare.

    The Murle were furious and demanded that the state capital should be moved from Bor town to the interior of Jonglei state or they should retaliate to overun the town. They claim that they were not protected inside the town by both the Bor County administration and the police department.

    What the GOSS should do as an urgent action is to disarm the civil population of Murle, Bor Dinka and Mundari as was done in other communities in Jonglei state. Then the peace conferences should also go in parallel with the disarmament process.


  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan’s Bor-Mudari communities end peace conference
    Hi Gatwech and others

    Dinka Bor and Murle need huge gigantic peace conference that is not in couty or state level, that conference must be organize in national level, Bor-Murle problems has taken different scale, the recent war between Bor and Murle had dragged each side far away from the center of their relationship.

    Yes that is not easy issue, all sensitive cores which brough all those clashes need to be addressed, strong committee to monitor Bor Murle relations should be formed, and rules and policies regarding general coexistances in Jongolei or among all those tribes has to be firmly placed and supervised.

    If Bor town has become chaotic, the state captial must be moved somewhere else as Mr. Gatwech put.

    Murle must stop raiding and child abduction, while Bor need to stop selling kids to Murle period. Free movement of both traders of Bor and Murle has to be established, and most importantly Bor Murle got to resume exchange of goods and services between each other as in 1970s except child trafficking.

    All those individual violetors should carry punishment by law.

    Everybody in Jongolei got to remove tribalism out from his/her heart.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan’s Bor-Mudari communities end peace conference

    God bless you pullet so as for you to get some active brain, because I think the one you have now is expired months ago if not years.

    I don’t understand what type of consequences do you refer to,that my people are bearing ? I don’t see anything wrong my people have done, if Bor want their kids they sold to us please just easily bring back the cows and your kids will be given to you without any dispute.

    For state capital, there is no question, actually, there are three simple choices here for Bor to choose from

    1 Declare Bor town crime free, that means every tribe should not be harassed, insulted, or killed regardless of the problem of any sort.

    2- If there is no good security gurranteed in Bor, then the headquarter of course has to be relocated.

    3- With failure to secure peace and hormony in Bor as it may result, the only left option is for Nuer, Murle and Anyuak plus other small tribes to form their own state with their own state capital somewhere else.
    Because we are not going to send our representatives to Bor to be killed, so Mr. Biar you need to worry bring solidarity and unification you are talking about first to your people because there have never been someone from another tribe killed in Pibor town circle. in fact the day when Murle patients were slaughtered in Bor, there were 123 Bor traders in Pibor and non of them lose his life, that should serve as good example for many of you to know how good Murle really are.

    God bless.

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