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Sudan Tribune

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UN resumes South Sudanese repatriation to Jonglei state

January 29, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has resumed repatriation from Kenya of Sudanese refugees to Jonglei State in the eastern region of South Sudan.

Sudanese_refugee_women.jpgTribal clashes that erupted at the end of last year forced UNHCR to temporarily suspend its repatriation operation, mainly from Kakuma, in north-west Kenya, to the area. At least 30 people were killed during those clashes – sparked by cattle thefts — and some 100 injured.

As the security situation improved in the past weeks in Bor, the capital of Jonglei State, UNHCR decided to resume returns by air. New repatriation started again on January 24th and returns will continue at an average rate of four flights per week out of Kakuma on an IOM-chartered plane. In 2007, UNHCR assisted 3,000 refugees to go back to Jonglei state.

Kakuma camp currently hosts 46,000 Sudanese refugees who will return to their homes, mainly in Jonglei.

In the coming weeks, organized returns will mostly focus on areas in and around Bor – 200 kms north of Juba, South Sudan’s capital. The other major return areas for refugees within Jonglei State are Pochalla, Pibor and Akobo, near the Ethiopian border.

One of the main challenges in areas of returns is the limited development of basic infrastructures. In Jonglei state, UNHCR has helped drill boreholes as well as rehabilitate and build health centers and schools.

Since UNHCR’s repatriation operation began in December 2005, the UN refugees agency has helped more than 80,000 Sudanese refugees go home from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt. An additional 90,500 returned by their own means.



  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    UN resumes South Sudanese repatriation to Jonglei state
    Every one is welcome back to his/her own home as we have alot concerning our people election in 2009,censes in April and many more development need all our people to act on their land,Goss i think you have to provide more money because 22 Million pounds will not be enough to bring back all of our people.

  • James James
    James James

    UN resumes South Sudanese repatriation to Jonglei state
    Well that is what I had expected, Bor in fact don’t want to hear the name of Kakuma at this time now. why should they want to stay in Kakuma where the the ration has been reduced all the way to down hell, yellow corn and wheat flour has been cut, oil is measured in almost 3 tea spoonful and dry fish from lake Turkana don’t have way in, then how can Bor who love their stomachs to remain stuffed to brim got to survive such tragedy ?

    Any how, welcome home, but don’t dream that Murle will still buy one of your seven kids as per family as they do back in the day.

    Remember also to bring with you good number of hoes for resuming digging your former gardens.

    I know for now the good citizens of Mundari are supplying mangoes to Bor, I think that will help, But wait a minute, do we have teeth good enough for crashing mangoes, ho that is another problem.

    For Amule, brother your comment is very meaningful don’t listen at those jonkoth because they can not give any single right to you no matter how good you can express your views, I know these guys well for years.

    In fact I dearly welcome census because liars like Bor who used to fake their number in order to get good size of ration food from UNHCR/WFP etc will face the truth, now It has come to the sense that, Murle turn out to be majority in Jongolei and Bor fall second, what a big shame ?

    Lastly Bor don’t have power to bring Murle to the zoo to be counted as you claim,
    you know that good, though Murle reduce to 100 strong men, Bor can not bring them to zoo, unless you beg GOSS to send to you the sons of Nuer, Equotoria, Nuba, Bar El Ghazzel Shullik, Lokoro, Taposa etc, so stop dreaming my Jongkoth.

    Again,please call 1800- Gumuruk/ Pibor for your dental appointments, for your teeth to be treated with Murle well affective herbs of Theri-Ci-Agulu.

    God bless.

  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    UN resumes South Sudanese repatriation to Jonglei state
    I urge UNHCR to urgently repatriate the South Sudanese who are in Kakuma.
    Because our people have been suffering indeed not because of poor living conditions but they are being mistreated by Kenyans. The host community by name Turkanas have been killing the refugees since 1995 to date with out Kenyan government intervention. Now, that there is no law in Kenya because of tribal clash since the disputed results of the elections were announced by the ECK, there will be increased of deaths in the refugee camp. The host community use to loot the property of the refugees. The name refugee used to be a bad word in Kenya. So UNHCR should urgently bring back our people for their safety.

    By Madhang Loth

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