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Sudan Tribune

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China issues a warning to Sudan over Darfur crisis

January 30, 2008 (ADDIS ABABA) — A senior Chinese diplomat today warned Sudan that “the world is running out of patience over what’s going in Darfur”.

The Special envoy of Chinese government Zhai Jun met with Sudan’s foreign minister Deng Alor on the sidelines of the African Union (AU) summit in Addis Abbaba.

Alor said that the Chinese envoy reaffirmed his government’s support to his country but called on Sudan “not to do things that will cause the international community to impose sanctions on them”.

UN officials have accused Sudan of obstructing the deployment of peacekeeping force in Darfur pursuant to resolution 1769.

China has generally avoided appearing to pressure Sudan directly over the Darfur crisis to be in line with its long standing policy of not interfering in internal affairs of other countries.

Beijing, a veto wielding member in the UN Security Council, has protected Sudan from international condemnation and sanctions causing furstration among Western powers and human rights group worldwide.

Last week Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said China could “definitely not accept” rights groups that say China’s support for Sudan’s government is prolonging the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.

The remarks were in response to calls by this groups to label the Beijing summer olympics as ‘genocide olympics’.

“To link the Darfur issue to the Olympics is a move to politicize the Olympics and this is inconsistent with the Olympics spirit and will bear no fruit,” Jiang told reporters at a news conference.

Energy-hungry China buys two-thirds of Sudan’s oil output and has refineries, a pipeline and joint exploration projects in the east African country.


*CORRECTION: The special envoy of the Chinese government & Assistant Foreign Minister Zhai Jun and not Liu Guijin as mentioned in previous version


  • Bol Madut
    Bol Madut

    BREAKING NEWS: China issues a warning to Sudan over Darfur crisis
    This is just a mere public display to show the world that China is concerns about the situation in Darfur when the fact is the opposite. As the world body has been calling on NIF led regime to end the war in Darfur, China has been publicly telling the world that Sudan is a sovereign state and that no one should interfere in her affairs.

  • Chol Nyok
    Chol Nyok

    BREAKING NEWS: China issues a warning to Sudan over Darfur crisis
    China is trying to cover up it image from human right activists during the Bejiing Olymphic over it supports for genocide in Darfur. Bejiing will never distance itself from such attrocities at least they discover their own oil which is but a dream. The message is a mere flaterry and weightless.

    There is not day China will support such crucial issues on earth. Bejiing is ratting high in human right abuses, poluttion, unlawful killing, poverty and the like. Therefore, China can not ask Bashir’s regime to stop genocide, the reverse is true, it is nonsense.

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