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Sudan Tribune

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Removal of Governor Unity State will be deserters – advisor

By Isaac Vuni

February 3, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The advisor of Governor of Unity state on border affair, Mr. William Tuil, said plot removal plot o governor Taban Gai Deng by clique of state representatives MPs in Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly in Juba will create great deserters in the state and appeal to president Kiir to take mature decision.

“Since it was president Salva Kiir Mayardit who constituted the investigation committee comprising of permanent members of SPLM revolutionaries, sincere citizens who cherish Southern Sudan above individual’s interest, I wonder why some section of our community are rejecting the final report of the committee;” ponders advisor Tuil in a press conference he held Sunday in Khartoum.

“If they are not contented then let them seek redress in court of appeal otherwise final decision will be taken by president himself”, remarks advisor Tuil.

Advisor Tuil says as member of SPLM he felt that some thing is going wrong but the entire decision now rest with president Kiir that might be made in favour of the people of Western Upper Nile, probably resulting to removal of Governor Taban, but that the consequent of such decision will be grave.

Nevertheless, Tuil says he is optimistic that President Salva Kiir Mayardit is going to make the right decision that would not be based on the interest of opportunistic MPs who wants to steal the two percent oil revenue share meant for development of Western Upper Nile state because they knew there is no law in southern Sudan that will make them accountability.

“These renegade MPs who are now demanding for removal of Governor Taban Gai Deng are people who have no interest in development of Western Upper Nile state than plotting to loot oil revenue share of two percent meant for development and thereafter to run away with it to their paradise home in Nairobi Kenya,” observed elder Tuil.

He went on saying that most of Western Upper Nile members of parliament in southern Sudan legislative assembly whenever on recess will opt to remain either in Juba or go to Nairobi Kenya to manage their private individuals businesses instead of returning home to join hands with Governor Taban Gai Deng for enhancing development.

“Yet the money they received from Governor Taban was more that what any one of us here might have received in a lifetime. For instance, Hon. Benjamin Majak who is spearheading removal of Taban Gai was in fact given more money than any other MPs including a car for conducting his luxury fifteenth marriage in the village,” remarks elder Tuil.

Regarding accommodation allowance, Tuil said it was the MPs who beg Governor Taban to give them financial support from the state oil revenue share as they claimed that their living condition in Juba was horrible but as soon as they were allotted plots by governor of central Equatoria state, and money loan, Governor Taban on recommendation of councilors of ministers decided to stop additional MPs living allowance. I wondered why they should complaint, said elder Tuil.

Regarding allegation of non development, the press advisor to governor, Mr. Gadet Guer said the state have initiated several developmental programmes in the nine counties and that for the first time in history of Western Upper Nile, tarmac roads has been constructed by governor Taban Deng and counties are linked with feeder roads to easy transport including telecommunication services of the modern time and he challenged journalists to visit the state to prove for themselves his account on development in western Upper Nile state than being misled by enemies of the CPA.

However, Guer admitted that there is over employment in the state because the actual number of employees budgeted for is 6000 against GoSS grant of 30 million is not enough to meet salaries of 18,000 employees hence the state have to use oil revenue share of 1.5 million dollars per month out of which 50% goes to salaries while 10 % goes to development. However, he says a technical committee has been constituted to screen those dubiously recruited and committee decision will be base on individual’s qualification.

The chief editor of Khartoum monitor newspaper, Mr. Alfred Tabanr says allegations brought on Governor Taban Gai Deng are based on rumors that could amount to Deng’s politically character assassination as he has not been given fair chance by his accusers to defend himself. he advises journalists to be objectives and factual in their reporting of the matters.

Finally, advisor Tulil appeals to all southern Sudanese particularly people of western Upper Nile state to uphold the Comprehensive Peace Agreement as a vehicle for development and empowering the downtrodden people of southern Sudan from Nimule to Port Sudan, form El-Geneina to Gedarif and from Akobo to Raga, pleaded elder William Tuil

The well attended press conference was attended among others SPLM representative of Western Upper Nile state based in Khartoum, Mr. James.



  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    Removal of Governor Unity State will be deserters – advisor
    I know for sure that those of Riak Machar don’t sleep day and night to make sure that Governor Taban Deng Gai is removed. How can one remove a true son of the SPLM. Taban Deng deserves to be the governor of the Unity state because he has united the people of the Unity state. Unity state is the only states among the ten states in South Sudan to have constructed tarmac roads which are not in other state. Congratulations to Taban and keep up your good work of developing your state for the sake of your people. I refer Taban Deng as a caring leader for protecting his people by stablizing security situatin in the region. I would like to inform our brothers who are collaborating with NCP to stop inciting the true sons of the South Sudan. Riak should stop the idea of ousting our true son of the South NOW.

  • Dictor Gatjuat Jal
    Dictor Gatjuat Jal

    Removal of Governor Unity State will be deserters – advisor
    Tuil has no again future in Western Upper Nile if people think he should be the right person to advice President regard Taban removal.

    Taban has done enough corruption in WUN; hence if any one is claiming then that person must be claiming the bread he used to get.

    We have in WUN people who don’t deserved to eat only bread but bright future.

    Bravo Kiir if the romours could be true.

    A Kuar te ke ji kel

  • Deng

    Removal of Governor Unity State will be deserters – advisor
    Guys, you should understand the situation before you put blame or defend somebody. It is unfortunate that people will always defend a leader that either related to them or are benefiting from his leadership. That’s already a corruption. People complain of corruption but supporting a person who is cussed of having squandered money is a big form of corruption. Stop supporting our leaders who have been accused of corruption. Let them clear their names. By now, we have no idea of who is right between the accused governor and the accusers. I don’t come from that state and you must not accuse me of supporting any side. But I have to air out my opinion on the issue. That current issue not only a Unity state problem but a southern problem. That problem is reminiscent to the previous problems in other states. Therefore, we must address it. In my opinion, I think Mr. might done very well but there are indications that he is involve in corruption. My analysis is from his previous interview where he accuses the vice president of intentionally planning to replace him with his wife. In that interview, Mr. Taban Deng, admitted that he has employed 100 advisers (But MPs say 150). 100 advisers? Are you kidding me? What and where on earth is that kind of thing happening? Even the most powerful leader in this planet does not have such a number. On what issues will those people be advising Mr. governor. Why would a governor have such a number when Mr. President has less than 8 advisers? Isn’t that a serious flaw if people can have a good judgment? He defended his decision by saying that most of those advisers are state elders and deserve to be employ. Do they deserve to be employed? Who in that state doesn’t deserve to be employed? Those elders do not even know on what they have to give advice. That’s ludicrous. Apart from that, governor Taban also admitted that he gave some to elders who had to go abroad for treatment. What the hell is Mr. governor doing? What the hell is so important about those elders? What about our women and children? How many in that state need medical attention just locally leave going abroad? Those elders are better off and that is why they where abroad is. What about these kids who do not know abroad and can’t afford a tablet? Mr. Taban Deng proudly told the journalist that he is proud to have saved the lives of those elders. That’s cool but is it in the constitution? Does the constitution tell him that? Public resources have nothing to do with neither the elders nor young but all.
    It is stupid and unwise for that adviser of Mr. Taban to say that removing Mr. Taban will let many deserted the state government. Mr. William Tuil should not threaten the federal government from removing Mr. Taban. Furthermore, Taban isn’t the only one who can lead. There are many leaders who can do better than him. Mr. Tuil know very well that if their bread basket is removed from power, there will be no more 100 advisers in the state and him is among those who will be removed together with Mr. governor. Those who claim that Mr. Taban is the true son of the state are dreaming. Who is a foreigner in that state? You don’t have to be a true son to be the governor. That’s not a guarantee. 100 advisers! Give me a break. What a leadership!

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Removal of Governor Unity State will be deserters – advisor
    Did the reporter or the advisor meant “deserters” or disastrous? Please Vuni avoid readers deciphering what you actually intended to report!

    Ain’t bothered by the accussation and counter claims in WUN. But worried about the nature of journalism we have in South Sudan in the form of self appointed folks like …

    Wish the people of WUN well in settling their grievances.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    What does the heading mean, deserters or disastrous?
    Did the reporter or the advisor meant “deserters” or disastrous? Please Vuni avoid readers deciphering what you actually intended to report!

    Ain’t bothered by the accussation and counter claims in WUN. But worried about the nature of journalism we have in South Sudan in the form of self appointed folks like …

    Wish the people of WUN well in settling their grievances.

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