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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference

February 06, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan’s top military official broke down in tears at the opening of a conference by the ‘martyr’s organization’.

Abdelrahim M. Hussein
Abdelrahim M. Hussein
Abdelrahim Mohamed Hussein recounted the sacrifices of martyrs since the 1989 coup that brought President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir to power.

“They [martyrs] have perished while fighting for a cause and defending values” Hussein told the attendees at the conference.

Hussein was addressing the top leaders in the departments making up the ‘martyr’s organization’. The latter was formed in 1992 at the height of the civil war between the north and south.

The organization was established to serve the families of fallen soldiers as well as veterans.

“How would our situation be if one the martyrs’ families complained to the God almighty against us because we have not fulfilled our obligation towards their wives and children?” Hussein said before sobbing.

The Al-Intibaha paper daily in Sudan said that the defence minister had to cut short his speech because of the “emotional breakdown”.

Some Sudanese speaking to Sudan Tribune mocked Hussein by saying that his weeping was related to the defeat of Chadian rebels in their attempt to seize power last weekend. Chad along with France and US accused Sudan of supporting the Chadian rebels.

Some unsubstantiated reports said that Hussein along with Salah Gosh, the head of Sudan’s National Security and Intelligence Service have orchestrated the rebels offensive against Chadian president Idriss Deby.

Some 1,000-1,500 insurgents equipped with pickup trucks mounted with machine guns arrived on the city’s outskirts Friday after a three-day push across the desert from Chad’s eastern border with Sudan. They entered the city early Saturday, reportedly trapping President Idriss Deby in his palace.

However the rebels appeared to have been pushed back by resisting government forces on Sunday.



  • Gatwech

    Sudan defense minister breaks down crying at a conference
    Minister Hussein,

    What ‘values’ were your so-called martyrs defending? Did you really have values in your government?

    Let me remind you that it was the Khartoum Peace Agreement and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that introduced the values you may be referring to now in the country. This was not the cause your ‘martyrs’ or ‘murderers’ fought for. Keep on crying!


  • Nico

    Sudan defense minister breaks down crying at a conference
    Hi Mr. Defence Minister, i would like to let you know that your fuckin “Value” is not true, coz u just a fuckin regime by nothing to do to the south…..

    Cheers to my fellow southern! coz we will win the coming election…..!

  • Majok e Deng
    Majok e Deng

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    The splm/a fought for a real cause-united secular Sudan, while Bashir regime fought for Islamo fascism-arabism and islamism. And according to Bashir regime, indigenious Sudanese were supposed to be abid or slave because they are black, therefore they don’t deserve equal right just like in America. Bashir regime is dead wrong on governing Sudan from day one. You want to tell us that killing Sudanese who refuse to be slave is considered marty. Bashir regime actually fought in vain.The war between north and south is actually right versus wrong.

    Majok e Deng

  • Nixon Andu
    Nixon Andu

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    Keep crying Mr. Hussein! The souls of those whom you people murdered will continue haunting you. Criminals, What values and martyrdom are you talking about? Are you crying for real? Or you are crying for the miscalculated attack that you carried out in Chad? Why are you not crying for the innocent women and children who are dying day and night in Darfur under your government if you are talking about vaues? God Bless South Sudan……..

  • Abdelbagy Abushanab
    Abdelbagy Abushanab

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    Keep crying Hussein, because being haunted by killings of millions of innocent Sudanese in the West,South,East and the Center. What goes around comes around no matter how late.

    On behave of all innocent victims

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Sorry for the failed Islamisation of South Sudan!
    “How would our situation be if one the martyrs’ families complained to the God almighty against us because we have not fulfilled our obligation towards their wives and children?”

    The above quote of the SAF defense boss is mind boggling! There are alot of questions than answers but we (South Sudanese) can guest what he meant.They haven’t fulfilled their dream goal of the 90s.
    The Islamisation of South Sudan and above all divide us along tribal lines so that they can continue the divide and rule policy!

    That will never, ever happen again, we learnt a lot from the past experiences.

    May God bless the beautiful motherland of South Sudan and her citizens from Malakal- Kajo Keji, Nasir- Raja …

  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    It is shocking news to see Minister of Defend sobbing like a woman. Dear brothers of South Sudan, let me iform you that the minister of defend is crying because he was defeated in Chad. The war that he waged against Deby of Chad was a lost to the so call defend minister. So it is another way of alerting his own fellows to declare jihad war/holiday war in Chad. Chadians should be more vigilant because when you see a man cries,he has seen some windows of opportunity to get into you and make sucide.


  • Mijocque

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    What a joke,Defence Minister sheding crocodile tears pretending to remember in humane murderers,who knows it may be his family issue which let him cry at the wrong place.shame on you Hussein.I can’t waste my time on your kidding tears.

  • Kur

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    What a joke that some war criminals would earn the tittle of martyrs!Mr. Hussein, you must know that the innocent blood shed by your bandits in South Sudan, Nuba M., Blue Nile, and Darfur will never go unpunished.Cry now before you pay the price of your unpreceivable crimes you committed while serving the evil intentions of your corrupt masters.
    May you join the devil in hell.

  • DarfurVictory

    Sudan defence minister breaks down crying at a conference
    Criminal Hussein:
    You are crying because you failed to change Chad government. You are crying because you failed to keep UN/AU peacekeepers away from Darfur to protect our people from daily killing by you all criminals. You crying because your end is about….
    Do not cry, men do not cry!!!
    Let the victimes cry for what you have done to them from day one of your being in power up to day….
    Be brave and face your end mr.man!!!

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