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Sudan Tribune

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UN provides U.S$20 million for food security in Sudan

شعار برنامج الغذاء العالمي

شعار برنامج الغذاء العالمي

May 30, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan Khardiata Lo N’diaye has announced a grant of US$20 million from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for Sudan.

“This grant will allow the procurement and distribution of seeds, provide critical nutrition and WASH services and support crop protection committees to farmers in Darfur,” N’diaye said in a statement.

She added, “This is a race against time to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people in Sudan are protected from acute food insecurity in the months ahead,” she added.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will receive US$12 million and the UN Children’s Agency (UNICEF) $7 million, with the World Food Programme (WFP) receiving $1 million to provide logistic support.

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan calls on the Government of Sudan to facilitate the provision of agricultural inputs – fuel, fertilisers and extension services – for all producers. She urges peace to prevail and the government to uphold the peace and security to ensure a successful agricultural season so people can rely on their own food production this and next year as global food supply faces major challenges and humanitarian funding for food support is limited.

In March, FAO and WFP said the combined effects of conflict, economic crisis, and poor harvests are significantly affecting people’s access to food across Sudan. This, they warned, could potentially double the number of people facing acute hunger in Sudan by September 2022.

Since its establishment 17 years ago, CERF has been one of the fastest mechanisms for providing emergency funding to people in need, through rapid allocations to new and deteriorating crises, or where funding has fallen short. The fund pools contributions from a range of donors, and resources are allocated on strict life-saving criteria to help the most vulnerable and at-risk populations.

More than 130 member states, observers and other donors, including private individuals, have reportedly supported the fund with about $7.8 billion since 2005.
