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Sudan Tribune

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Salva Kiir in Egypt Sunday to discuss south Sudan development

February 9, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Salva Kiir Myardit, Sudan’s First Vice President and President of southern Sudan government begins tomorrow, Sunday, an official visit to Cairo to discuss economic cooperation and particularly southern Sudan development.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
In his third visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Salva Kiir will meet the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and a number of Egyptian officials to tackle implementation of development projects agreed in his previous visits to Cairo.

Further he will meet Arab League Secretary General to speak about Arab world contribution in southern Sudan reconstruction.

Egypt supports the reconstruction and development of southern Sudan in various fields such as electricity, education, health, irrigation and water resources.

Within the framework of supporting education projects in Sudan, Egypt had offered 300 scholarships for students form southern Sudan; some 173 students have already arrived in Cairo.

Kiir last visit to Egypt was at the end of November 2006.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Salva Kiir in Egypt Sunday to discuss south Sudan development
    I dont know how sweet is the de development of Arabds in SS nor Sudan,its because SS lack communication and foreign relationship or same thing else,this is not a relation nor checking for development its another **,if so why do we show diatribe and curse for Arabs in SS for this 21 yrs,i cant beleive this its a gout to us otherwise Arabs will gag same one and we will face the consquences,am groaning because of the logically fundamental beliefs that will result to us as SS am acting mindful for the reality of our people because we dont have to otherwise we may regret to those monks tomorrow,our Goss was satisfy with a little he can see at the momment but logically its a piece of bread to SS nothing we have own yet and all this cannot achieve our dreams as we are hoping.Goss are you trying to nominate Arabs as developers of SS for the fact that Beshir is aiming to stop or change USA dollars to Euro in Sudan by deceiving people that they are fighting for blackmarket,Goss imagine the serious action of USA about Sudan ,have you forgotten about the idea of removing Islamic banks in SS.

    okey go on Goss lets wait and see as you have decided in your view.

    halfway thank you but not thanks due to my internal and logically beliefs

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Salva Kiir in Egypt Sunday to discuss south Sudan development
    well, while it is good to have a good relations with our neighbour we do not need to forget the fact that Egpt is doing all that because of the Nile waters. When it comes to Electricity why do we resort to Electricity generated by generators when we can have a very powerful hyro eletric at Fula. All the the countries along the two Niles use the river for producing power why not South sudan?.

    As for irrigation it is the same reason
    Nile waters. When it comes to Education
    the Egpytian standard is only recognized in the Arab world because of their shallow Academic standards. The south need everything first class as a developing region that has been denied
    the opportunity due to the war and Egypt
    has been and continue to be the chief abvisor to the sudan government especially on issues on the independent of South sudan.
    Encourage people in diaspora to go back
    give them jobs and see what happens.There are people who would want to go back, but when you see things like
    tribalism, nepotism and clanism is taking the upper hand then they feel reluctant to go home.Do not wait to put Fula falls At Nimule to good use. Use the same Nile water to generate Hydro Electricity just as Owen fall in Uganda,High Dam, in Egypt,Senar and now Merowe Dam in North Sudan. Make the decision right now the south can not build industrial projects without the power,free power from Fula.

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