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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan resumes arrest campaigns against anti-coup activists

Security forces

A picture showing members of the joint security forces storming a house in Khartoum North hunting protesters on Nov 17, 2021 (ST photo)

June 28, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese security authorities have launched a new arrest campaign of anti-coup activists ahead of large protests they plan to hold on June 30, the Emergency lawyers said; on Tuesday.

The Resistance Committees, independent neighbourhood groups, plan to hold massive protests on Thursday, June 30, to increase popular pressure on the military component to hand over power to civilians.

“The security authorities launched a new campaign of arrests, as they arrested three resistance committees on Monday night,” Rehab Mubarak a member of the Emergency Lawyers rights group, Rehab Mubarak told the Sudan Tribune.

She pointed out that security agents in plain clothes arrested a member of the Burri Resistance Committee, Mohamed Omar (aka Franssawi), from his home on Tuesday to an unknown location.

A spokesman of the Khartoum Resistance Committees Omer Zahran confirmed to Sudan Tribune Franssawi’s arrest adding that the joint forces have been heavily y deployed in the Burri neighbourhood.

Zahran further said they expect further arrests of their members and political activists before the June 30 demonstrations.

The Resistance Committees and political forces seek to mobilize the Sudanese across the country as was the case on June 30, 2019.

The national mobilization takes place as the military component and their allied groups seek on the opposing side to foil the demonstration.

Also, activists released statements on social media to explain how to avoid the cartridge weapons that the security forces use massively against protesters

On Monday, the ministry of interior requested the Attorney General and the Minister of Justice to deploy federal advisors into police stations and protest sites to monitor the security forces and report on their action against the protesters.

The police denied the use of cartridge weapons against the protesters while the photos and wounds of protesters show clearly the use of this internationally banned weapon.
