Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudanese, Be proud to admit your own faults

By John Mac Acuek Mac

February 18, 2008 — Enslaved in a community where beauty is only skin deep. Tyranny surrounds every corner you look. The humble people only blind folded by gimmicks of the hordes. Forced to live in a flea infested world, where barbaric lords are engulfed by lust and greed. Envy molests those in power. This is only an understatement of what us Southern Sudanese are facing today.

In this troubled time it is vital that all who believe in the rights of the people and for the people stand together as one. Let us astray from pointing fingers and start thinking rational. It is no longer a war between, SPLM/A Torit and SPLA/M Nasir, the current government or any other political party. Truth of the matter is, it is a war that we are fighting to free our selves from a bondage that has kept us from expressing our thoughts, the right to venture into new fields of economy, a war to end monopolization, a fight to establish a law that will prevail discrimination.

Hundreds and thousands of government employees, every day drag themselves to work just to put food on the table. Kids return home from school with good grades only to find that their parents are not there to greet them, quietly they turn into bed knowing that their fathers and mothers are out there working more than one job, just to make ends meet. Next morning when the news of ‘no reward’ for their hard earned grades is given to these adorable kids, just because the parents couldn’t afford to do so, the looks of dismay turns into an avalanche of pouring tears; parents are heart broken.

Today, we hold the future, the future of the generations to come. We carry the responsibility to craft the roads that our children are to take. We are the guiding light of our own flesh and blood. On judgment day we all would have to answer the question of how we trained our children and how we paved the road for them. What answer will we have? God only gives victory to those who not only pray, but fight for their survival and rights. Not every war needs to be fought with the tip of a sword or the barrel of a gun. Wars can be waged by in many means. Educating those in the dark, speaking out, peaceful rallies in union are ways that wars can be fought.

Our children looks up to us, with wide open eyes, and unknown to us they ask us, why we have brought them into this world of hatred; and yet we have given them a deaf ear and a blind eye. While we have resorted to desperate measures, we have forgotten we are really fighting to save the innocence of our land, our children.

God frowns upon discriminators. While those who live in Khartoum’ got most resources, our brothers and sisters residing in the South outside Khartoum’, do not really have a clue on what they should be receiving. Not only are most of the South schools thought by under qualified teachers, but most resources are provided by what those who live in South earn. Half what they are earn they contribute to the development of the South, while the rest is squeezed out to supply for their very basic needs, to survive as human beings.

While most of us are being underpaid and over worked, little do we know that those in power draw in all the cash, despite the fact they are being overpaid and under worked. Where does all the money from oil %50% go, how is the money from tax revenues export divided, is any of the money drawn from Customs duty ever put into the nations development.

If the ‘breakwater sea wall’ around South’, and the road pavement in South’, and all government schools built in South’ and hospitals in the in all ten states, and the construction’, and most government sponsored scholarships, are either grants or loans from foreign countries, where did the government invest all the money. It is as if the Southern income was an effervescent substance.

To admit ones fault is not a crime, but not to is. To forgive is not a crime, but not to is. There is still time for everyone, to bring about changes for the better, changes that would end the sufferings of all Southern Sudanese. Addiction does not only go with the abuse of drugs, it goes with the abuse of anything; be it alcohol, adultery or power. The good news for those addicted is that there are cures for all of these addictions. Step one is to admit, and determine not to abuse it anymore. Rivalry among brothers and sisters is only nibbling on your own flesh and serving it on a platter to your family; everyone gets hurt.

Only the people elect whom they want for office, no matter who’s campaigning. Only the people can decide what their needs are. So once let us put our heads together, and rethink our actions and what we say. We have a good momentum going, let’s not kill it for a start. All of us have different opinions, but that does not mean we can’t all work to achieve one goal.

Be proud to be a Southern Sudanese, say what you want to say, bring it out there, fight for your own right, look into the innocent eyes of your children, ask them what they want, pledge to them that they will not suffer like we have, help to rebuild a nation of peace and prosperity, take the hand of your neighbor, lift your hands and pray to god, the mighty, to end our sufferings. Take the three steps to success – think, plan and take action.

Lets all think out side the box, look at the bigger picture.

I thank all those who are fighting for our rights, and appreciate the great sacrifices that they are making, let us not forget, we can all change for the better. Be proud to admit your own faults, ’cause people do forgive and forget, let us work hand in hand to bring a smile to a nation of humble, and pure hearted people

The writer could be reached at: [email protected]


  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Southern Sudanese, Be proud to admit your own faults
    Thank you so much,BrotherJohn Mack
    It’s my first time to hear a honest, patriotic and very brave voice,like yours.I do pray to Almighty GOD,to protect you whenever you go,and in whatever you do.We,the SouthernSudanese,are addicted to negative critisism and blame the others for our failiure,nevertheless,our respected leaders,in all the aspects of our life.WE need to hear our instinct,not burrying our heads in the sands of hatred,execluding the others,or engulfing our selves tribalicaly.Brother,Keep it on,i am behind you as strong supporter to tell the truth;inorder to enlighten those who has been deprived of knowledge and patriotism.May god bless you…
    SouthSudan Oyeee.NewSudan Oyeee

  • Deng Thiak Adut
    Deng Thiak Adut

    Southern Sudanese, Be proud to admit your own faults
    Well, said…all we need is German-minded people to inplant the spirit of hard work and forgivenesss…..I wish was I borned in German!! Nevertheless, I can not escape South Sudan. It is my destiny and yours too…so lets be pround and do the maths for future generation… I wonder what the life be like in 10,20,30 years time if we dont change now?

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