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Sudan Tribune

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John Garang Students press government for salary.

By Philip Thon Aleu

February 16, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) — Students of John Garang Institute requested Jonglei state government to maintain salaries to their working colleagues. The demand is pending cabinet ministers’ decision.

John Garang Institute
John Garang Institute
Alongside ‘leave-with-pay,’ the students also requested: pocket money, adequate security, sporty materials, and courses of geology and engineering. “We want these courses because Jonglei is rich in oil,” said the interim guide president, Mr. Gok Dak adding that they are “committed, and sufficiently ready to study any marketable course.”

However, the director of the Institute, Dr. Vassile Charice maintained that the degree courses beginning in September 2008 will exclude geology and engineering. “By September 2009, we shall introduce other courses but for the main time, Forestry and public gardening, Ecological Security, and Medical technology will be offered by the University in September 2008,” he said.

The director outlined the Institute plans indicating that by 2012, Master degrees will be offered to the students at the Free International University of Moldova, a mother University of John Garang Institute. Doctorate degree courses commerce in September 2014 as well.

To help those who wanted to help themselves, the governor reported advised students to fight ignorance and backwardness. “You only need assistance to develop yourselves to fight ignorance as your fathers and brothers fought for liberation,” he said adding that, “tribalism – a disease of Jonglei and Africa at large, should be uprooted.”

The governor also served for himself a cup of praise, he deserves, when he mentioned how keen he was to send children to schools in late 1980. “Many of those children are now in Australia, America and other parts of Africa. They are better than their parents,” he affirmed.

The Institute took 104 students at in January 2008. About 75% are Jonglei students and any decision that would see “leave-with-pay” positive, will be smiling results for over 60% of students.



  • Lago Gatjal Riaka
    Lago Gatjal Riaka

    John Garang Students press government for salary.
    What a contradiction speed? By 2012 Masters program will start in John Garang Institute? And then doctorate by 2014? That would be high great achievement within short period of South Sudan development. But, there are alot of other things you need to consider though before we reach that path.

    First, we need to understand and judge what our future will be after 2011 before we jump to conclusion like that brothers. Only if Southern Sudan become an independent state that we might be confident of reaching that path in John Garang Institute. But, if Southern Sudan might remain part of Sudan for some reason, I think that dream will be dead by then because I don’t think your brothers Arabs in the north will be interested in empowering Southern Sudanese students as you predicted your goals since Sudan’s history proved that.

    That is why you have to judge other aspects before rushing with hopes that might not be fulfil. First, let us hope that Southern Sudan is going to be an independent state which I definetly want it to be as I’m concern. In that case, we can have hope that John Garang Institute might in fact progress in term of academic status; bachelors, masters, and then doctorates in the near future. But, before we are free from the Arabs north, I doubted for those expectations.

    However, I’m happy that we now have something consider higher education institute that we must be proud of as Southern Sudanese because we can use it as path for our progress. But, I hope that Arabs are not going to stop on our way by fooling us in a way that we remain in United Sudan. Because if that happen, the hope for John Garang institute will be in peril.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    John Garang Students press government for salary.
    The Free International University of Moldova!!what a crap?!I graduated from Kuban University of Medicine,which considered at lower level of academic reaseches in Russia,and Moldova University ranked the 68th in the whole “Commonwealth of the Independent Goverments,which include most of the former USSR.SouthSudan needs modern education system,to meet its’ development demands,with a renewable resources of quallified teachers,reaserches methods,not like that one undeveloped from Moldova.
    Sadlly enough,that our degree from Russia is not recognized in the Western Countries,so how about Moldova.Inorder to build a strong leaders,we need our education efforts to be recognized internationally,so that our future leaders can achieve the right tools,to build the country and the nation as well.
    When i was student in Kuban Medical University,i used to recieve a pursary equall to US$100 monthly.I never been in need to call my familly for a financial assistance,nor a two ways ticket to visit them,it have been provided once every two years,free of charge by the university,to avoid getting home-sickness which will affect our academic achievement.The Cdr;John Garang Instritute of Technology,is the minimum demand for our people,in a rich Oil Producing country.If our GOSS keen enough,to eradicate ignorance and lack of technical cadres,better be off Moldovian Education System,we already backwork in that academic field.Why GOSS make a solid plan to solve the educated itellectuals indiaspora problems,to return home and find all the facilitation to do their duty accoring to their high level of education, that they recived from the first world not Moldova.The Cuban /Sudanese graduates are highlly quallified to pass the knowledge over.
    Where is the European Donors’ Promises at Nivasha,that they will help in developing the infrastructure,such like Technical Education?
    GOSS,Please,give these students some crubs of your OIL-CAKE,they deserve it.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    John Garang Students press government for salary.
    SS Minister of Education under Kiir should work accurately,student are not allow to have pocket money and spent them on luxurious activities such as sluts,beer,drugs and etc,if there is enough finanical benefit i recommand that minsister of Education should provide students with all materials needed to meet their concern,its unacceptable that the resources of the country should be used as pocket money,our minerals and resources are for raising our nation interms of development,because i beleive that the money should be spent on facilities such as sporty materials,electricity power,courses of geology,engineering and other useful areas,i would like to remain SS minister of Education that his plan of taking students to Khartoum should be abolish lets build our region and every SS will benefit in his/her homeland instead of searching for knowledge also our brothers and sisters who are living abroad in Australia, America,Europ and other parts of Africa should keep their ambition that they are living there for us indeed we need their skills for our future by mean of transparent.stop corruption

  • James James
    James James

    John Garang Students press government for salary.
    The pendding issue of pocket money to the students, should be in the hands of local goverments or state government to see if they have enough money to support students. But the point of leave of absent with pay, sound little bit too pradoxic in ordinary terms, because I have never seen a government that exit salaries for the school of any sort which will resumably going to expand to thousands of students. How,like which school,in which budget and till when ?

    I think critic will not wait to term it as part of corruption, because I know if this is accepted, later in the day, every school will claim the same with a country still with such vacillating economy as south Sudan.

    The only student who are normally allowed to retain their salaries are those who are sent by the government abroad.

    Any, this need close look.

    God bless.

  • Dhieu Dok
    Dhieu Dok

    John Garang Students press government for salary.
    Maintaining their salaries while at school? The choice is clear, you either work or go to school. These guys should consider themselves lucky because non of them will be required to pay tuition to attend his/her classes. In North America and the Western World, there is nothing like a free lunch. You pay your own tuition, rent, foods and all other requirements. Nobody will pay you while you are at school. It is upto you to get a part-time job, squeeze your expenses or get the hell out of university and be a full-time employee.

    If the government of Jonglei continue to pay them, where will it get the money to pay their predecessors? It is an opportunity cost, you either go to school or get your money. They should be given allowances for their basic needs but not that much otherwise it will be exploitation of the public. If they want excess money, it must be loaned to them with a promise that they will pay it when they get their jobs.

    One can do without a university degree. Moreover, those students should thanks God because tuition will be introduce as soon as required human resource has been achieved to run basic necessities. Even in United States, the world richest nation, you can’t go to school for free. You must sweat to get that degree otherwise the route to the factory is very clear.

    Dhieu Dok

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