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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan and Iran discuss ways to boost military cooperation

March 4, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese and Iranian delegations today started talks on military cooperation between the two countries in order to bolster bilateral military relations.

Mustafa Mohamed Najjar
Mustafa Mohamed Najjar
During an official visit to Iran in mid January 2007 Sudanese defence minister, Abdelrahim Mohamed Hussein signed a military cooperation agreement with his Iranian counterpart.

The talks between the Sudanese and Iranian sides touched upon ways to enhance military cooperation between the Sudanese and Iranian armies in the fields of military technology and the exchange of expertise and training.

Iran’s Minister of Defense, Mustafa Mohamed-Najjar arrived today in Khartoum, at the head of a high-ranking delegation in a four-day official visit.

During his last year visit to Iran, the Sudanese minister inspected Iran HESA aircraft manufacturing industries and got a first-hand look at the specialized, scientific achievements of the complex. Hussein described as very good, the production of Iran-140 aircraft as well as design and manufacture of different kinds of helicopters.

Welcoming the Iranian minister, Hussein pointed out that the Sudanese-Iranian relations are considered as model relations, indicating that the visit comes in the framework of the exchange of visits between the two countries, referring to a visit he paid to Iran.

He further said that the visit avails an opportunity to boost further the relations between Sudan and Iran.

Hussein reaffirmed Sudan’s stance rejecting imposing sanctions on Iran as development of the Islamic Republic of Iran to its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes, saying that “the Zionist entity is the one who develops nuclear technology for military purposes.”

The Iranian Defence Minister, on his part, expressed hope that the visit would boost further the relations between the two countries, pointing that the strategies of Iran includes boosting security and stability in the world and in the region in particular.

The Iranian minister denounced the massacres being committed by “the Zionist military machine against the innocent Palestinian people in Gaza and the Palestinian territories.”



  • emadven

    Sudan and Iran discuss ways to boost military cooperation
    iran arming sudan government so is China, SO is Russia, so is all the Arab countries while SPLM steal money

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan and Iran discuss ways to boost military cooperation
    Can kenya government block military boost between two Devils Iran and NIF regimes in protection of the CPA as it did to South Sudan government? Or is it going to release the weapons it confisicated which were aimed to protect the CPA? The position taken by NIF regime is not surprise to me because of its nature. They came to power through the ballots of gun so, with most sophiscated guns they believe they could stay for one more day. Also, two regimes are identicals, they are the most notorious, human rights violaters and world most hated regimes ever. And it could be a reaction to SLM/A openning its office in Tel Aviv. I don’t doubt any military ally between evil forces, and as they are evils without legitimate rights to kill people of Sudan, they will be defeated.

  • Prophet Green
    Prophet Green

    Sudan and Iran discuss ways to boost military cooperation
    birds of the same fathers flock togethet!! TERRORISTS! uniting for mass destruction of human race? never! evil shall never conquer good! you blood sucking people if you ever attempt to launch any suicidebombing games played in the middle east,you will regret the regret you never experience before.just go on shopping spree of weaponry on mass destruction and keep those weapons till they are rotten in your bloody store armoury.
    when shall arabs understand international quest for order and tranquillity in the world?
    the world is never against any religion but the resistance to political reform to attain stability.
    God may you help my fellow human political arabs to reform.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    “Kenya (Kibaki) should tell the SAF that they’re violating the CPA”
    If the past allegation of SPLA military hardware confiscation by Kenyan port authorities in Mombasa is true. Then the self appointed president of Kenya Hon Mwai Kibaki should approach his counterpart in Sudan to tell him that they’re in breach of the CPA or else he’ll impose a “no fly zone” on Sudanese airspace!

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