Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ardol calls to include al-Bashir’ party in Sudan’s transition

Mubarak Ardol

October 1, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – The Secretary-General of the pro-coup National Consensus Forces (NCF), Mubarak Ardol, called for a comprehensive solution to the current political crisis in Sudan including the banned National Congress Party.

Sudanese political forces and the military component, after the ouster of the former regime, agreed on the need to prohibit the activities of the former ruling party in Sudan and try its leaders responsible for war crimes, human rights violations and corruption during the past 30 years.

The alliance of the former rebel groups backing the coup and now participating in the military-led transitional government until recently called to involve political forces that were not part of the revolution’s forces but did not call to involve the al-Bashir’s party.

But Ardol, a former SPLM-N spokesman, took the leap and dared on Saturday to call for transitional justice as an approach to respond to the legacy of the atrocities and crimes committed by the former Islamist regime.

Transitional justice must be included in the transitional constitution as one of the mechanisms that provide reparation to the victims of the former regime and hold accountable the perpetrators of these crimes and promote the rule of law, he said.

“Otherwise there would be no national reconciliation without the participation of all parties, including members of the former regime,” he stressed.

Ardol did not explain if this call represents his personal point of view or the NCF coalition as many of them like the others of the revolution forces stand with the ban of the National Congress Party.

He asserted they are seeking to establish a democratic regime in Sudan.

“So we can reconcile and move forward with any party that adheres to democracy. On the other hand, we are hostile to non-democratic forces that seek empowerment and military totalitarianism,” he said.

The NCF groups were hostile to the FFC forces saying they mobilized power and excluded the people of the margin.

Before the coup of October 2021, they staged demonstrations and held a sit-in outside the Republican Palace in Khartoum calling on the military leaders to topple the civilian government.
