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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 12, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) -– Governor Kuol Manyang Juk extends his supervision of all Jonglei’s day-to-day activities to helping Bor town residents in cleaning state capital Saturday April 12.

Governor_clean_bor.jpgArmed forces joined to fight rubbish (mostly polythene papers and light plastic containers) that floats streets and roadsides.

The state governor was interested at the response shown by town residents. He however, stressed that all have to be left neat. “We shall work till 2:00 pm if this rubbish is not done away with,” Lt. Gen Kuol Manyang told a group of children who flanked him at Bor town Freedom Square.

The governor, who was heavily guided, encouraged town residents to ensure that polythene papers and light plastic containers are properly disposed. “All shops, restaurants and bars owners have to ensure that; at least two rubbish tanks are availed at their places; that can be used to thrown-in rubbish,” Mr. Manyang told one of his guards in Arabic to access that this is in place now.

Armed forces that include wild life, police and fire brigade (the fight fighters) also intervened to fight rubbish. Unlike last month Br town cleaning exercise where they asked town residents to collect rubbish, wildlife state chief says it is to take action.

“It has started raining now days and with polythene papers littering around, it will be unhealthy,” director of wildlife, Brigadier Kuol Mayen Mdaing told Sudan Tribune when summoned to explain army practical involvement.

The desire to keep Bor town clean rank high on Governor Kuol’s plans to make Jonglei capital Bor a better town in South Sudan.

Addressing a first rally as a governor, on December 24 2007, he promised that “Bor town will overtake South Sudan capital Juba in a matter of months should his plans be supported” by the majority – and outlined proper disposal of rubbish as a primary tool to this success. Efforts made by police, in accordance to state government instruction, to ensure careful proposal of polythene papers in Bor town is over shadowed by large volume supplied from Uganda and northern Sudan.

Jonglei government issued a decree barring local traders from using polythene papers since January 200 which was overwhelmingly received by traders – and the masses inclusive.

Bor is surging modern township status following Governor Kuol’s directives and positive response from the town residents. Jonglei citizens in Diasporas are challenged to boast their capital through building of permanent houses, investing money they are expected to have generated there, people contacted by Sudan Tribune on Bor town streets says it is the only option to realize a speedy development.

Jonglei, and Bor community in particular has thousands of citizens in the United States of America, Australia, Canada and New Zealand sought refuge there following north-south civil war. Erecting of Toton (tents used by majority of Bor town residents) calling those tents houses and thus home, is a muffle setback to beautify Bor town – no matter how much it is cleaned.

Governor Kuol is credited for suggesting the idea of sending thousands of Southern children to Ethiopian’s territory, in the late 1980s, to obtain formal education. The children comprised of the Sudanese nationals in the US, popularly known as “LOST BOY.”



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise
    Once again i would like to Congratulate and welcome everyone back to our home forum,and also i would like to advice those of Biar,James are in including Trueson and Amule who are out just to mention few that this web is not a bin for throwing rubbish.we should keep it as standard as every forum through respect and friendly behaviours.debating should be done in right manner and use responsible words in your langauges other than spoiling the site by insulting and alot of hatred.whoever you are and wherever you are please welcome back.

    good but dangerous Mr Governor Kuol i appreciate this idea of keep our environments cleans because we knew that 99 % of diseases which cause sickness and result to death of our poeple comes as lack of sanitation.but i would like to advise you that you must take control of your tongue incase of uttering negative opinions of leading South into dark prograss of our future,what will be the difference between Juba capital and your dreaming area,how big will the differences be if you plan to transfer the capital,its not a matter to our people,but its matter of a big shame to our represenataives for our nation of South being control by un-recongainsed bor.if south is to be under bor as a capital mr koul there is nothing to tell the world that we are confidential people truth and perfect,its a unhealthy for the unskill son to represent his wise father totally crazy and stranger.

    End of south
    Please donot pretend to be as you are wise enough in your knowledge to utter strong words in South,how far have you done in bor since you come to power of governor,we wont complain about capital,but before we come to the conclusion of JUBA to be transfer under triblism,corrupted SPLA under dinkas,can you remove your dinkas from cause trouble in Equatoria,can you stop the corruption across South,can you show us that bor really has a top quality of position throught facilities,can you settle our internal issues which has been ignored by Mr Kiir for his support of triblism in South.your adding salt to the wound yet none of us has realised what is going to happen if we are sleeping in South.taking capital to bor is related to dropping an egg in your hands,and this is what i can see in current leadership,people has high pressure of being properious but none has any idea of developing South,because 99 % when bor has becomes a capital Billions of dollars will be wasted and cosumed obviously while nothing is going on like development of South.

    No time for baby politics
    South sound small,but not smaller in terms of representing itself due its resources and developing if South is under right person who has a high aim of leading our nation not triblism nor corruption,so Mr kuol donot play baby politics about transfering capital or leading us back,we are people,we are responsible about South and Sudan as general do right things and be positive about future of bor other than jumping to wrong section.being in hurry with high pressure has no achievemen,if you keep encouraging your dinkas whether to vote for the capital nor causing trouble across South its dangerous to dinkas lips and this will not offer them a room to breath in.I can tell you frankly understand foundation and get used to it rather than going to wrong point.Am telling the truth and fact for us as Southerner.

    loving brother LOGIC IS BACK fresh and responsible

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise
    keep up the good job,Governor Kuol Manyang.To keep your City clean has nothing to do with politics. If you live in a clean environment that helps a lot as far as evironmental health and safety is concerned.

    Removal of plastic sheeting bags,digging
    of latrines and gabbage disposal and other hazardous materials from our city
    streets is a good thing and keeping our cities clean and tidy is even better.

    Kuol Manyang have not only demostrated a good example by telling the citizens to keep their city clean ,but by physically taking part in the exercise.
    The south sudan state capitals should
    compete in the clean, up keeping of their
    cities which are really in bad shape.

    When Kuol Manyang took over the governoship of jonglei state, he promised that Bor would be one of the cleanest city in the sudan.That was one of his agenda it is a good thing if leaders keep their words. When he said Bor would overtake the southern sudan capital of Juba he did not mean that Bor
    would become the capital of south sudan as some people are trying to paint it.

    We should encouraged leaders who want to make a diffrence as far as the up keeping clean of our cities, which are the primary concern of the town mayors and the city council. Last year Iceland and Canada tied up as the cleanest countries in the world. Our state capitals should compete in the cleanliness of the southern cities. it is a healthy thing to do.
    I know Kuol Manyang so well when it comes to cleanliness andd tidyness .He was doing the same thing in Wau when he was an Instructor at the May Vocational Institute. He likes to live in a clean environment and cleanliness and tidyness is in his blood stream.Other state leaders shouls follow suit. Keep your cities as clean as a Kitchen!!!

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise
    Dhal,Deng,Garang and Justin

    we are all Southern none of us has intended to act against each other but same people simple a tribe is trying to stand on others for the fact of their majority being on the top,because people are using their power to abuse with others instead of using their power to lead the nation in right way.I would like to advice you that please we are in current world,alot of tricks were found and still more are coming according to the point of Kuol for making things silly for same like you to identify it,we knew what is going on just on the bottom of South and we knew who are the planners,donot attempt to disagree about the transferring of Capital to Bor as such ideas were arranged ages ago and still people are dreaming about it at the moment,as mr Kuol is trying to play his baby politics in opposite manner to show that he is smarter,yes he is but not to the point of Capital,you better understand the terms of current practicians and the theory of Southern Sudan Capital rather than opposing the right view,i would like to remind you that Southern Sudan is being undergoing alot of corruption,because those who are in power are not happy when the right person has come up with a real idea of correction nor right opinion about South as general.be positive other than going opposite.

  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise
    Fools like some people I know will always touch this and that not knowing that the truth remained one. Keeping Bortown clean has nothing to do with taking the South Sudan capital to Bor, besides it,s nothing to do with relating it to fund or whatsoever anyone may accuse son of the soil of corruption. Dropping feaces in the middle of roads in cities I know is not in the culture of Jonglei people who are always determined to let people breath fresh. Anyway I am very sorry to talk sense when non-sense is the choice of some.

  • Deng Chol Malual
    Deng Chol Malual

    Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise
    Iam thankful to H.E Governor of Jongolei Hon. Kuol Manyang for the right decision of cleaning the town.
    I hope such plan will propel to the rest parts of the state.

    In the world today the right and wrong government is just judge in the street before understanding what plan do the government have in office. Therefore, this town freshness exercise must be a sign of transperancy governance in all sectors of Kouls’ administration.
    I suggest it should be accepted willingly and given a regular time frame. The town will be the cleanest place in Sudan as Kigali is the leading city in hygienic in Africa.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei governor leads Bor town cleaning exercise

    you need understanding in your knowledge,get to understand what is Logic and how it works,because am not going to make it obvious for you to understand all of my points,you beleive that baby/little politics and negative are insulting words or your having same dreamatic ideas in your head rather than approaching me in right direction

    biar and aguer

    i wont waste my time to make revenge of insulting you back,because as a wise man i have nothing to deal with such words,you say am a dog,but your out of sense because your moron language of abusing people has no any other room to breath in and you wont find any dog following you,but my privilege of expression and dreaming of better nation for respect and equality has its moment unless otherwise,before i beleive that your resposnible person but now i have realised that your among those who have gone mad due to problems of being brought up in ash as their daily beds in life,i do respect same dinkas because people are different in their mind beside their culture nor appearence,but now i would say 0.5% of your dinkas mighty be normal than the rest of 99.5% including you.

    we need respect on this site yet your teaching people to miss used the web if we follow blind fox like you and your brother

    Mr koul has a knowledge of telling bor or dinkas to collect rubbish along their kitchens and latrines,but he has nothing to deal with Capital as he has intend in his silly language to show that he has same deplomatic skills.

    loving brother LOGIC is back

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