Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Are we a “Morally Decayed” generation?

James Dak in the court in Juba on February 15, 2018 on

James Dak in the court in Juba on February 15, 2018 (Reuters photo)

by James Gatdet Dak

WARNING!—–This could be a bitter truth, or an exaggeration, or a combination of both!

Don’t take this elderly observation post too personal. It doesn’t single out a person. It includes myself too—–in case it touches on some of your daily personal lifestyle.

This social media post is a general observation simply meant to remind and self-criticize ourselves and encourage ourselves socially and culturally to try and do good in society in case of going astray. A food-for-thought. No hard feelings!

Unfortunately, in our today’s society when you politely advise people to avoid doing unhealthy and harmful things such as smoking, for example, some of them will instead negatively think that you are judging them.

Then how do we advise ourselves or encourage ourselves?

Are we a “LEAVE ME ALONE” and “I DO AS I WANT” generation?

Read the below elderly observation and think about it positively and critically with honesty!

It goes like this:

A concerned wise elder in SSD with a keen observation reminded me that we are living in an era of good-looking people but corrupthearted and “dark-minded generation” or “do̱r mi̱ wi̱c ca̱r” (the CONTEXT). This is as far as moral values, ethics and principles are concerned.

That we are a morally decayed generation with a majority that would lazily and dishonestly accept a sweet lie and reject a bitter truth——and will speak a lie with confidence but mock the truth without remorse.

Does this sound familiar? Read on…

That we are a generation that not only badly loves money above EVERYTHING else, and can do almost ANYTHING for money including trashing dignity, but also vulnerably sycophantic.

A generation with a majority discourages loyalty for a common good cause but encourages sycophancy only with selfish individual gains.

A generation with countless many who will easily betray a friend in exchange for peanuts.

A clever and tricky generation with a majority of corrupted hearts and minds—-which is fortunately or unfortunately well versed with communications technology more than any other previous generation before it—–but ignores wisdom.

A generation of more emerging false prophets and teachers and conmen and women who pretend to be Godly in order to get money and other material gains through tricky ungodly ways.

That we are a generation made up of a majority of heartless and merciless people many of whom fake humanity but love the taste of hearing bad news as interesting “hot news.”

That we love insults and INTENSELY crave for gossiping, slandering, false accusations and divisions and senseless ego with false pride.

A generation with a majority that is cunning, pretentious, untrustworthy and willing to fake almost ANYTHING, including body appearance. Thanks to Editing and Photoshop and Makeup and Bleaching, etc.

And it is the first-ever culturally and socially united generation worldwide in many ways after the Tower of Babel—-which is connected by the internet on social media across all countries in all continents and can write, read and speak one language (English).

A generation, which Christians and Bible scholars around the world, see as the last generation on earth before the return of Jesus Christ—–and that it is the most globally morally wicked and lustful and pornographic and incestuous generation which frequently practices fornication and adultery.

A generation with the deadliest weapons the world had ever seen and difficult to control.

That this generation—-from the Biblical perspective—-shall eventually provoke and witness the return of Jesus Christ to bring to an end the growing madness once and for all.

NOTE that according to the Bible, a lifespan of one generation from birth to death ranges between 50 and 100 years. The children of Israel were in bondage or slavery in Egypt for 430 years and God in the Bible counted it as FOUR generations.

And per the Biblical teaching, the next time Jesus returns to earth to put an end to the wickedness, He will not return as a Sin Offering Lamb to die on the Cross again for the sins of the world, but He will rather return as the Lion of Judah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords to bring an end to the WICKEDNESS and establish His everlasting righteous KINGDOM on earth.

Yes, a wicked generation of natural evil with many gluttonous “evil-eyed” people and some of whom still practice witchcraft despite being Christians.

That we are a generation which focuses more on good-looking on the outside or skin surface—-at least with deceptive unnaturally looking handsomely and beautifully edited pictures on social media—–which are different from their real-life body appearances. And this is at the expense of rather focusing on the natural inside (heart and mind).

An educated and innovative generation with members that nevertheless want to willingly revert to nudity by walking naked or half-naked publicly in towns and cities despite the inventions of decent clothing industries.

A generation with many who pursue material wealth at any cost, either through persistent stealing, and that is pickpocketing, money embezzlement, land grabbing, cattle raiding, bribery, shoddy deals, kickbacks, prostitution, slay queen style, or whatever fishy self-trading.

A “quid pro quo” generation which majority has lost the gift of unconditional giving to the needy, but will give you something while expecting something in return, either immediately or in a near future.

That we are also a generation with a majority that is unappreciative of the natural being and disrespectful to the elderly—- and even disobedient to our own parents—–and at the same time undeservedly extremely jealous and covetous.

A generation with so many fame-seekers (good and bad) with many doing it in the wrong ways, not through good ways.

Sadly, a generation many of whom (not all) have turned marriages/weddings into meaningless attention-seeking games and corruption-driven competitions and disrespectful show-offs with new body-to-body touching EROTIC dances——going out of control even by many of us, Christians.

Many people have lost the dignified natural flavour of marriage!

That we are an unfortunately too materialistic generation—-with our majority—-who have replaced true natural love with commercial love and raised the bar high to its next commercially induced level.

That we are a noncommittal playful and selfish generation which easily breaks wedding vows without warning or convincing cause—-and always hateful at will—with unpredictable swinging moods, etc., etc., etc.

In short, we are a generation which is educated and good-looking and globally connected and knowledgeable, but at the same time morally decayed, selfishly and heartlessly materialistic and wicked pleasures worshipping generation—–possessed by so many different negative spirits with bad motives and intents.

I wish it is an exaggeration! But if true, then we are a messed up generation.

We need rehabilitation or restorative help!!!

And the question is, ‘but how?’

This will be a topic for another day—for a collective opinion sharing among people.

I admit that although a predicament, I hope it is not a precarious spiritual, moral and ethical situation beyond a reasonable repair.

No one is perfect. We are all in this mess, one way or another.

*The author is a Press Secretary in the Presidency, Republic of South Sudan. He can be reached at [email protected]