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Sudan Tribune

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Joseph Kony is obstacle to peace in Uganda – Museveni

By Isaac Vuni

April 14, 2008 (JUBA) – Ugandan President Yowri Museveni slammed fugitive rebel leader Joseph Kony for his rejection to sign the negotiated peace agreement saying he became an obstacle for peace in Uganda and regional stability.

Salva_Kiir_Yoweri_Museveni_juba.jpgLast Friday, the signing of the deal to end 20 years of war which was due to take place in South Sudan, was postponed after the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army leader Kony, who is hiding from an international arrest warrant, failed to show up.

“I have come to Juba the capital of southern Sudan ready to sign the final peace agreement with the LRA but unfortunately Joseph Kony refused to come out of the bush to sign the protracted peace negotiated under the auspices of the government of Southern Sudan’s Vice president Riek Machar,” said the Ugandan Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Addressing joint press conference at Government of southern Sudan secretariat Monday afternoon, President Museveni said it was the LRA who does not want peace to prevail in northern Uganda.

“Today Joseph Kony is disturbing not only in northern Uganda but also in neighboring Southern Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa Republic yet I am being branded as a war monger,” stressed Museveni.

“Nevertheless, the government of Uganda and her people are standing firm with the people of southern Sudan who suffered so much from LRA atrocities and we the government of Uganda have the means to solve some of this problems posed by the LRA,” declared Museveni.

He suggested that Ugandan forces could abandon a ceasefire that expires on April 16 and resume military operations against LRA rebels who have allegedly been attacking civilians in south Sudan.

“We have the means to act together with them to solve some of these problems,” Museveni said.

However, President Museveni said the extending of the cession of hostility agreement with the LRA that is due to end on 16th April 2008 would depend on recommendations from both the former Mozambique President, Joanquim Alberto Chissano, Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General for LRA affected areas and the chief mediator of the Juba peace talks, Riek Machar, who is also the vice president of GoSS.

The U.N. envoy to the conflict said last week on the Congo border that the negotiations with Kony were not dead, despite rebel infighting that apparently killed the LRA second commander and delayed the final signing. Joaquim Chissano blamed a breakdown in communication with Joseph Kony.

President Museveni thanked President Kiir for all troubles government of southern Sudan has been enduring in mediating between his government and the LRA under the watchful eyes of Riek Machar and mediators’ team.

President Museveni also acknowledged the speeds and efforts being exerted by GoSS to reconstruct and develop the war torn country within a short period of signing the CPA on 9th January 2005.


Meanwhile the first Vice president of the Republic and President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit said Monday that peace talks between Kampala and Ugandan rebels are still on track despite the scrapping of a peace deal signing after a no-show by the rebel leader.

“The negotiation has not ended,” Kiir said. “The fact that Joseph Kony has refused to sign the agreement does not mean the end of the road.” He underlined.

Mayardit said Ugandan president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni came to Juba on one day official visit on his invitation to discuss bilateral relations between the two governments including the on going peace process in northern Uganda.

Kiir said LRA leader Joseph Kony failed to appear to sign the final peace agreement with Uganda government scheduled for 10th April 2008 at Riikwnbwa camp in Western Equatoria state.

President Museveni extended invitation to GoSS president to visit Uganda at his convenience.

He thank Presiden Kiir for having initiated the mediation process between the Uganda government and the Lord’s Resistance Army and reiterated his commitment to peaceful settlement of the conflict in northern Uganda.

On behalf of the people of Uganda and presidential entourage to Juba the capital of southern Sudan, president Museveni appreciated warm reception accorded to them by Goss government and the citizens of Juba.

The presidential jet took off from Juba International airport to Kampala at 5.15pm



  • Bol Gai
    Bol Gai

    Joseph Kony is obstacle to peace in Uganda – Museveni
    I think these two friends should understood what it means to be African, we need leaders who knew the africa continent need a big help not Arabs to be influences in our continent using us to kill one another. In my opinion the East Africa must work together to reveal to the West Africa that we African must unit, and look for the Africa interests.

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