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Sudan Tribune

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155 wounded by Sudanese police during anti-coup protests

December 19, 2022 (KHARTOUM) –  The Sudanese security forces violently dispersed protesters in Khartoum state who took to the streets to voice their rejection of the military rule on Monday, wounding some 155 people.

The demonstrations were organized to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the start of the popular protests in December 2018 which led to the collapse of the al-Bashir regime in April 2019. Also, They coincided with the adoption of a resolution by the Sudanese legislative assembly to declare  Sudan’s independence on December 19, 1955.

The anti-coup protesters marched in the streets of Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman as well as Eastern Nile but did not reach the Republican Palace or other “strategic sites” in the capital due to the massive deployment of the police forces.

The police used tear gas to disperse protesters in Omdurman when they moved towards the parliament. Also, the security forces used tear gas and stun bombs to prevent hundreds of demonstrators from crossing the Mak Nimr Bridge from Khartoum North to Khartoum.

Eyewitnesses told Sudan Tribune that the police fired live ammunition to disperse the protesters who sought to reach Khartoum from Eastern Nile through the Mansheya Bridge.

The Central Committee of the Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) said that 155 protesters were wounded and confirmed that two were wounded by bullets in Eastern Nile.

The pro-democracy group added that other protesters were wounded by stones, rubber bullets, vehicle ramming, and tear gas canisters.

The military component pledged to stop the use of violence against protesters. However, the police killed a protester on December 10, five days after the signing of the political framework agreement.

Activists reported the excessive use of tear gas against protesters, while Al Jazeera announced that its cameraman, Osman Abdel-Rahim, was injured while covering the protests, and his camera was destroyed.

Anti-coup protests took place in several cities across the country including Port Sudan, Kassala, Gedaref, Sennar, Medani, Kosti, Nyala, El Geneina, Kadugli, Berber and Atbara.

In a statement issued after the protests, the police spokesman said the demonstrators assaulted the security forces protecting public facilities and institutions with stones and Molotov cocktails.

The statement added that the forces dealt with the protesters with high professionalism, and dispersed them by tear gas and water jets.
