Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan govt rejects Khartoum census monitors

April 26, 2008 (JUBA) — The Southern Sudan cabinet directed today to resend census monitor from northern Sudan to Khartoum. The observers are sent by Sudanese president to watch the counting operations.

An_enumerator_juba.jpgCouncil of Ministers of the Government of South Sudan said in a statement issued on Saturday that census monitors have to return to where they had come from.

The Southern Sudan government said it has not been notified of their mission and didn’t have any information about their task.

However, the Chairman of the Southern Sudan Center for Census, Statistics and Evaluation Commission, Isaiah Chol Aruai told the Sudanese TV that the ten states of southern Sudan have see if they need the northern monitors to oversee the counting. “Those who are not needed have to return to Khartoum;” he said.

During Friday meeting GoSS cabinet expressed concerns over the issue of unexpected co-opting of northern Sudanese in the census who have suddenly appeared in almost all the ten states in the South to monitor and supervise the conduct of the Census.

Luka Tombekana Monoja, Minister for Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the Southern Sudan Census Council told the cabinet that these monitors claimed to have been directed from the North to monitor and supervise the enumeration exercise in the South with at least two persons in each county throughout Southern Sudan as part of Monitoring and Oversight Committee formed by President Omer al-Bashir.

Chol Aruai, reportedly said he was not aware of any agreement or arrangement to bring northern Sudanese to the South to monitor and supervise the conduct of the census in the region.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan govt rejects Khartoum census monitors
    Good Idea Chol Aruai

    Sorry for you Beshir,we are people in South why should we be understand your cruel policy while we have our regulation in South,did we intend to choose any ministers to go and watch what is going on in northern census.dont be scared about losing for the coming wealth sharing and dont steal some arabs from you monks neighbours,this is crazy act even a child would not be able to consider this idea.Luka and Chol please tell Beshir to collect his monitors from South otherwsie lets returne their heads in basket or plastic bags and show it to Beshir.

    no room for cruel policy in South

  • Samani

    South Sudan govt rejects Khartoum census monitors
    Mr. Logic : return their heads in plastic bags !! And they say your humans and dont belong in the jungle !
    You and your friends replies make me sick ! I dont know wether to laugh or cry !

    Those observers were sent because : 1)The GOSS is incompetent to do it itself. FACT 2) There are ment to be observers and monitors from the north, the south and the UN.

    Wasn’t it a few days ago the SPLM was going to boycott the census because they didn’t have enough of their people in South Kordofan, thats north if im not mistaken. The UN, the African Union, even the Americans tell you this census is good for you. How long will your small IQ’s make everyone suffer ! Get a proper institution to govern your people and then argue you cases. Better go killing each other over cattle, seems to be the only thing your good at !

  • Kasinu

    South Sudan govt rejects Khartoum census monitors
    Very excellence GOSS cabinet, fix the dateline for their evacuation back to the north, otherwise we will ditch their life in the south counties like poor messiriya people, Mr Bashir you should better deploy them in your north teritories, your thick brain must not always go on strike resulting to irrational thinking, forgeting to consult GOSS and it Census commission in making that decission was a high degree of abuse to our Government of south Sudan.

  • Augustino

    South Sudan govt rejects Khartoum census monitors
    Good idea and it is a brave decision by our cabinet ministers to reject this shameful and ignorance thought by khartoum.They should not overlook us. southerners were capable to monitor the war for 22 years and successed in all fronts.It is very simple to conduct counting in the South sudan without the supervision of Fackan/cunny Northerners.They should not be given Room to spy on our population,they want to steal our people’s statistics for their planning against us.
    Thanks all
    Augustino in Sydney-Australia

  • Deng Chol Malual
    Deng Chol Malual

    South Sudan govt rejects Khartoum census monitors
    Well I appreciate whoever, detected these Khartoum sent spies to monitor the South census.
    I differ with the word ” send back” with the reason that these monitors might have stayed in the South monitoring all the GOSS initiatives for development so that the Khartoum can device a mechanisms for obstracting the South Developmental progresses.Forinstance,the CPA irregularities might have attributed to such Khartoum act.

    Again, I doubt whether they are the only spies send to Southern Sudan, there can be more not detected yet.

    Now in my opinion, I suggest that if any one member of the monitors is found, should be subjected to the court of law as a terror rather than sending him or her back to Khartoum freely.

    WHY GOSS leaders always and everyday reacting emotionally to Khartoum plans.
    Why not devicing an independent plans for the so call Khartoum to react as it has been an every-day meals with the GOSS

    Lastly, I urge our Government the GOSS to move proactively by solving the problems as well as devicing the way forward.

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