Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum

April 29, 2008 (JUBA) — South Sudan has ordered up to 170 census monitors to return to Khartoum, accusing them of interfering with the vital count that will help determine how wealth and power are shared in Africa’s largest country.

The monitors, part of a team of national and international and observers whose leader was appointed by the presidency in Khartoum, were mostly from the north of Sudan, a senior southern census official told Reuters on Monday.

“(Khartoum) sent a recognised team of 25 (monitors). The others we don’t know,” Adwok Chol said. “State officials have told them to report back.”

Sudan’s first census since a 2005 north-south peace deal that ended Africa’s longest civil war began last Tuesday. Due to take two weeks, it will lay the groundwork for a 2009 poll that will be the country’s first democratic election in 23 years.

North and south bickered over the content and logistics of the much-delayed count, with the south reluctantly agreeing to a start date but saying it may not be bound by the results.

Chol declined to say if the 100-170 unrecognised observers were being detained but said local authorities from the 10 southern states would be sending them back to Juba, the capital of semi-autonomous South Sudan.

“For their own safety and security they should not move around and should go back to the north,” he said.

Chol said the south had not been informed of any census observers other than the 25 agreed, adding: “They (the monitors) should stop interfering with the census, report back to Juba then go back to Khartoum”.

Some 2 million people died in the north-south war that was fought over ethnicity, religion and oil and is separate from continuing violence in Sudan’s western Darfur region.

The road to peace has been rough and suspicion and tension over oil revenues, the location of a north-south border and delays in the redeployment of troops remain high.

Under the terms of the 2005 peace, the south will have a chance to vote for independence in 2011.



  • John Liai Diing
    John Liai Diing

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    Good move GoSS. They are not census monitors; they are spies. You should detain them, grill them, and prosecute/convict them for their criminal mission (infiltration and espionage) in the South. You have only agreed to 25 census monitors and the rest should be perceived as infiltrators and spies against the sovereignty of the South Sudan. The time of Arabs to monitor our Southern Affairs is or about to be over and we must prove that we can run our own internal affairs without their existence except those shared responsibilities stipulated by the CPA.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    Be careful brother,these guys were not sent to the South to do anything productive to the Southerners,they were sent by Mr Basheir to disorganised the Southerners. They deserved to be lock up in jail becouse they might be al qeada agents. They needs to be identified first. Why rush in the process of sending them to the North?, did you asked them what brought them to the South at this crucial time?.
    Let be thinking big before the mundukuru out wited us.

    Deng Akol Agut-rungduon a man far away from Nepotism.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    Your acting in right capability Mr Chol and i would support the idea for those terrorists to find their way back,otherwise they will face the consquences as their aim of attacking Southerners with their rotten knowledge.Also in this point i have to ask Mr Chol as the Central Bureau of Statistics and Census has been given sum of 3.5 million dollars to cover the salaries of the enumerators, transport, and other operational costs,why do we face same difficulties in South if we have such amount of Money to cover the census.I crossed a lot of problems particularly about food,transport and salaries especially in Jonglei (Rumbek/Bor) and Eastern Equatoria.Mr Chol please don’t let a rat to enter your pocket otherwise such secrets are the main engine of corruption in South,your given this money to spent on the census,but without presenting how far you have done on the census,you feel so confortable as everything is done.Oh my friend it’s too early to harvest so let give chance to our baby nation to show some confidentils ideology that we have planed to achieve rather than leading it behind.


    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    Oh my GOSS officials,am sad to hear that you are trying to send these people back to north after fulfilling there dreams,its very sad and i don’t know when you will learn from the arabs.
    I wish you should detain them a charge them for spying and terrorism,am sory you are send them back safely,i appreciate the comment of my brother here that,their heads would have been sent in a bag and handed over to the stupid omar al basir.
    did you people hear the plcae that our beloved brothers from the south were killed in khartoum.
    OUR GOSS IS not doing well.

  • Maganydam

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum

    I thought Southerners were still primitive as being said by Arabs in the past during the signing of Nile water with Eygpt by Sudan-1975, when all the Arabs from the North went for the Agreement in Cairo and betrayed to their counter parts that “Southerners are still primitive, we shall go and tell them all about the Agreement”, and brotherhoodly signed 75% of Nile water for Eygpt and 25% remains for Sudan.

    Though Arabs donot believe in Non-Muslims, SPLM visionery leaders shall stand as the atambling block towards Arabs marginalisation mission of the black Indeginious People of the South, revealed in their foolish estimation that there are 5 millions unproductive citizens in Southern Sudan which made the Khartoum Government to allocate few Census forms to the South.

    Finally, I call upon the international community(observers) that the two Wings of Sudan need monitoring in the Census since exaggerations-especially from the North may be there.


  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    Hello All:

    I have been trying to instruct some of the folks in this website to filter their opinions when they try to give comments on national issues.

    The writings of others here look nothing close to political language rather than the volume of light litters in clean dumpster. I think we should utter such kind of words when we are in retaliatory positions, not in normal circumstances like this. I know we have substantial resentment towards Arabs for being so tough on us for decades. But we need to introduce ourselves into the politics of tricks little bite, I have never seen an Arabs guy posted an article citing death of Southerners openly here, and that is not because they like us, it is because they want to hide their wrong sides from international commmunity.

    We in the South of country don’t know how to hide out hatred towards arabs, all we do is to expose all our inner colors for the world to see us as very dark-hearted people. What difference can it make when we hide our bitter hatred against arabs and display it only when they display theirs?

    The 100 or 170 people who were sent to Juba did not come directly to kill any body though we know they might have hiden agendas. I think, all we can do is to send them back in peace rather then suggesting all those negative comments against them. I strongly want to warn those who proposed the killing of those people to retreat such kind of ideas because we got to remember that, we still have our brothers and sisters in Khartoum and we don’t want to put their lives at risk just for thinking wrongly.Please lets learn.

    I hope everyone understand.

    God bless.

  • job mayen
    job mayen

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    I always be thanking the Government of Southern Sudan under Salva kiir and his team for the best appropriate actions they normally taken start from the withdrawal of SPLM ministers from the Government of National Unity and more i cann’t mention.
    Therefore, iam very please in particular and the entire southerners in sudan and abroad to government of Southern Sudan for doing every significance action by sending back what they so-called Sudan monitors team back to were they came.
    anyway, i have some questions to ask which people might know as well;
    based on Comphersive Peace Agreement CPA
    was it there in CPA that during census there will be monitoring team to monitor the census uniterally to South rather then in the North? and Constitutionally: has it be constituted in the constutition that monitors will be required in South only because….? or they think that we haven’t understood the CPA structure?
    however,the Northerners think that south Sudanese are still be cheated like before if they attempted which i don’t even know. Now southers are more well organised then before as i witnessed during to my recent visit to Soutern Sudan and Juba.
    this is a very premature and shamefull idea to come up with.
    Job Mayen from Australia

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    Mr. Job Mayen:

    I am proud to thank you for your average natural wisdom. Good people like you need to see where ESL (English as Second Language) classes are for us to understand your helpful questions, precisely, you have good pompous words but you suffers from sentence structure and arrangement.

    I was very glad to answer your question, but I have potential difficulty to understand the nature of the question or its aim. Please visit the question again and try to put it in simple and primary standard for easier grip.

    I hope you follow.

    God bless.

  • Mijocque

    South Sudan returns 170 census monitors to Khartoum
    It’s a perfect stand that the (GOSS)took to deport the ambassadors of the DEVIL NCP.They thoght the GOSS won’t understand their evil mission by calling them census monitors avoiding their real name as terrorists.Beside that I agreed with one gentleman’s comment above who warned to WATCH OUT FOR THE HIRED SOURTHERNERS BY NCP.GOSS is capable of running its activities and doesn’t expect any assistance from NCP.It’s a tender decision taken under quality of leadership.Millions of thank to GOSS.Keep united in order to overcome the NCP trials.

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