Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan army starts to redeploy troops from South Kordofan

April 29, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Authorities in Unity state and South Kordofan began today the implementation of an agreement signed on Monday stating the withdrawal of the southern Sudan army from Kharasana locality in northern Sudan.

SPLA_soldiers_engage.jpgThis deal was reached between the two parties following a siege imposed by Misseriya tribesmen on the Sudan People’s Liberation Army position in the town to revenge the killing of 9 members of the tribe by some SPLA elements.

The SPLA garrison in Kharasana is located in the northern part of the country according to 1956 border demarcation.

Sudan Armed Forces spokesperson in the area Alsoarmi Khalid Saad said that the northern Sudan army has provided four large troop transporters to complete the SPLA withdrawal from the region in two weeks.

The governor of Unity State Taban Gai Deng and the governor of South Kordofan Omer Suleiman Adam signed on April 28, 2008 an agreement stating the redeployment of the SPLA south to the 1956 border line within two weeks. Also it was agreed to provide the SPLA with water by the SAF troops and the evacuation of their families from the military garrison.

The parties committed themselves to pay compensations for blood and other physical damages.

The clashes between the nomads and the southern Sudan army had been renewed following the killing of nine Messiriya tribesmen by some SPLA elements during a session of a traditional court. To revenge the killing, the Messeriya blockaded the SPLA troops and shut the water supply off to the entire garrison.

The northern Sudan army had prevented the arrival of SPLA military reinforcements to the besieged soldiers.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan army starts to redeploy troops from South Kordofan
    Those SPLA should not be removed in my view,Goss must provide them with water,those moron Misseriya tribesmen encouraged by Beshir need a serious lession and strongly force to dehorn their crazy act.the peace of arabs and black must be underground.

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Misseryia besieged SPLA garrisson?
    If the “tribesmen” barricaded the SPLA garrisson, then what is the point of the SAF preventing the reinforcement? Since they were unable to convince the misseria from unlawful act against a national armed force.
    They’re lying, SAF is part and parcel of all the insecurity in Abyei, Aweil and parts of Unity state.

    Alutta continua !!

  • Stefano Wieu Francis (BA. Philisophy)
    Stefano Wieu Francis (BA. Philisophy)

    South Sudan army starts to redeploy troops from South Kordofan
    Positive pride is always a strong shield for a man in any given society or environment. First and foremost I would like to correct the subject heading of the article itself. It should have been written: ” South Sudan army starts to redeploy troops from Northern Ruweng County”
    The people of Ruweng in the known history of Southern Sudan and for the last 22 years of devastating civil war, have been the main backbone for Sudan People’s Liberation Movemnet/Army.Despite the geographical location that placed them at the jaws of the Sudanese Governement during war time, abandoning the land was a remote and far impossibility at the back of their brains hence, they defended this land with spears, axes, panaga and few weapons supplied by the SPLA before landlocked was created and perpetuated by our neighbouring friends.

    Death for the sake of the land, became a traditional sacrifice observed by either old or young because leaving the land to the Arabs meant a complete extinct of this tribe.

    shocks and tears dominate the normal mood of this community when a breaking news of betrayal by the State Government was received regarding the resolution reached between the Unity State and Southern Kordofan Government on the withdrawal of the SPLA troops to south of Aliiny. This is absolutely an unacceptable decision by the community of Ruweng and if at all the GOSS administration is in full support of this resolution then, I would suggest that the people of Ruweng suspend their participation in GOSS & GOS and seek the right to self- determination.

    I always question the rationality of people who uttered in most cases the issue of 1956 border, while not knowing where does it end. The 1-1-1956 border,was a tentative border done to ease the supply of administrative services and that is why Abyei was annexed to the North otherwise what tribal relationship do people of Abyei have with the Arabs?

  • Samani

    South Sudan army starts to redeploy troops from South Kordofan
    I only wish that more open minded, objective and sensible southern Sudanese brothers would comment. Not the usual loud mouth racist freaks. Mr. Francis, what are you a joker our just another trouble maker. Its people like you that start calling for ‘Independence’, when they have no idea what their words really mean. ‘Northern Ruweng County’? please !.

    One thing i also dont understand, are you people so blinded by your hatred that you cant realize justice. Not long ago you were yelling and screaming that the SAF wouldn’t re-deploy out of the South in the deadline set. Some of you called on sanctions and even WAR if they didn’t. NOW the tables are turned ! The SPLM has not re-deployed out of the north (please spare me your silly excuses). Yet not one of you has the guts to ask why. So much for people with high morals.

    Mr. Logic says ‘Those SPLA should not be removed in my view’ … in your view! Send reinforcements ?? Invade the North ? Watch your words, at least the GOSS stayed out of this to keep it on the low. Shameful


    South Sudan army starts to redeploy troops from South Kordofan
    common betrayers of Misseriya tribesmen . do you Misseriya want war or what? tell the spla that you people wants a fight. spla is down for whatever!!!!!!!!!

    how much does al bashir hired and rented you Misseriya tribes to attack your brothers of SPLA. wake up like darfur. darfur people used to be just as you lossers get hired and rented by arabs to kills,shoots their brothers spla and its civilians in the villagers.

    five years ago they then realised, why are they killing their own brothers and sisters?, so then they stop killing spla and civilians and operated their own army and turned their back and shoot the arabs. which was the right ideas of darfur to stop getting hired or rented by ncp to kills southerners of sudan.

    please accuse my point of views. if you spla want to success and win the battle dont moves your troops out of the Misseriya area. if you spla moved. therefore ncp armies will moved there and operates theERE, even could attacks nearby spla’s ,armies, villages or states even its army (SPLA)

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