Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM transformation, pessimistic and optimistic view

By Kidi Samuel

May 1, 2008 — Practicing politics is a social responsibility to bring about positive transformation to the people and every body has a civil right to exercise it.

From the pessimistic view, the current political transformation situation in Southern Sudan is favourable for mushrooming of fault politicians whose interests are vested on practicing politics as source of livelihood especially, when chance of becoming a leader is a night mare and it is not based on any parameters such as achievements and commitment to the party, self scarify, and above all, ability to bring the desired change to the general public among other guiding principles which could have been put in place. The transformation could be an opportunity for infiltration into the SPLM system like what happened during the cold war to the former Soviet Republic. As result, the face of the movement may get distorted in the forthcoming election and it would reduce the chance of liberating the marginalized people of Sudan starting from South.

From the optimistic view, It is a chance for SPLM to get new blood, ideas and more energy necessary for navigation towards the objectives of the SPLM. It is also offers a room to show that SPLM is accommodative, democratic and honest in its quest for change. It could also reinforce SPLM ability to strive in areas that were not pro-SPLM.

Need for reconciliation, peace, transformation to democracy and good governance in Southern Sudan are priorities like oxygen, water, food and sleeping. Most bad things always come in good clothes. Therefore, if the current affair is left for chance, the possibility of it causing harm to the liberation struggle which I believe has not yet ended with signing of the CPA could be high. Remember that the war strategies have changed with changes in political environment of Sudan and the World.

In conclusion, Transformation generally comes with good and bad but to achieve the objectives of transformation, it depends on how vigilant, analytic, preventive and mitigating to disasters the SPLM is equipped now.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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