Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan First Vice-President cancels trip to Oslo conference

May 3, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The First Vice President of the Republic will not attend the Sudanese delegation to donor conference next week in Oslo because he want to attend the funeral of the victims of the plane crash.

Salva_Kiir_arrives.jpgSalva Kiir Mayadrit will not travel to the Norwegian capital on Sunday to participate in the third donor conference which aims at generating pledge of support for the reconstruction and development of southern Sudan, the Sudanese foreign minister Deng Alor announced today.

The minister of Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) affairs Lieutenant General Dominic Dim Deng’s plane came down on Friday 375 kilometres (around 220 miles) from Juba, killing everyone on board, including many army officers.

Salva Kiir, who had to lead the Sudanese delegation, was expected to address the Sudan Consortium presenting an annual review of progress in implementing the social and the economic aspects of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Deng Alor didn’t indicate who will lead the Sudanese delegation. But the Second Vice President Ali Osman Taha will take part in the meeting and he is expected to head the delegation.

The delegation includes Minister of International Cooperation and Minister of Finance and two ministers from the government of southern Sudan and technical delegation.



  • young paul
    young paul

    Sudan First Vice-President cancels trip to Oslo conference
    How come H.E Kiir , will not attend this very important donor conference, because he want to attend the funeral of the death . I started to doubt the competence of this man. The business of death people are left to God, to handle. He needs to take care about the business of the living, and shutting the business of the county down for three full days so we can mourned the death show no sense. So if Dr Reik Machar, was to follow in one of those mysterious airplanes we get one mouth to mourn. Can you believe that Jallabal are ones attending this important conference about the pledge support for the reconstruction and development of South Sudan.

  • young paul
    young paul

    Sudan First Vice-President cancels trip to Oslo conference
    Thanks grace Mr. Deng Magot Riem, I wouldn’t have explained it better then you did. These amateur are control by they emotional feeling, some one like Chameleon , will have to go another 100 years to open up to an intellectually debate for him to differentia between emotion and reality. One thing that I can offer him for now is my prayers, O Lord I pray for those around the world who are terminally ill. I ask you first for a miracle in their body, and second that they make peace with you. So they well not have to fear meeting death, for a loving friend and redeemer wait to meet them. Amen. This tell us no one have control over death expect God. Therefore for H.E Kirr to act like a child and mourn so the spirits of the Death with protect him is way too far but a childish act. The business of the country is very important then to waste time about the death.

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