Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum

May 13, 2008 (LONDON) – Sudanese security service arrested Mrs Zinad Ali Yousif, wife of Khalil Ibrahim, chairman of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement who led an attack against the Sudanese capital.

Khalil Ibrahim
Khalil Ibrahim
Rebel JEM said on Tuesday that Zinad was arrested on Tuesday in the Sudanese capital where she lives with her children.

Khalil wife is from Al-Jazeera state, in central Sudan. He met her when he was a student in Al-Jazeera University.

JEM condemned the arrest saying that Ibarhim preserved his family from his political activities. “Her arrest shows how low Albashir’s Government can sink.” The statement said.

Ibrahim sons and daughters are studying in the Sudanese schools and universities in Khartoum.



  • Sihs

    Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum
    That`s not good ,families should not be linked to any acts of their relatives, and not to be involved in warring parties.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum
    That is crazy why do people consider politic with other issues.this is wrong completely i would not support this act of arresting an innocent civlians as people are creating wrong elements,relation has a big different with politics.Khalil Ibrahim dreams and thought are far from his wife and as you can seen since her husband orgainsed his movement if his wife has simlar heart by this time she should have left the city.just say that she was arrested because she was married to Durfurians man.

    shame on you Beshir is abusing human rights in Sudan alot of raciest open and frankly

  • ochan stephen
    ochan stephen

    Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum
    This is a sort of illiteracy and narrow mindness to all the NCP cabinet. why would they do that to JEM’s leader wife!! infact El bahsir’s govt is now a toilet like govt to be.
    right now there is terror and torture on the darfuris living in the capital khartoum following the assult on saturday at omdurman and most of these citizens are innocent, who knows even the casulties and the dead must have been the regular forces contribution.
    If GOS need to stand on their rights they should accept dialogue with JEM leadership as they are ready to resolve the matter mean while you leave the attrocities inflicted to the darfuris in town.

    BY. Ochan stephen LOCHI

  • Bol Majok Tuil
    Bol Majok Tuil

    Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum
    that’s really bad I’ve come to learn that there is no government in sudan totally because putting her in prison won’t stop her housband from doing his business or bring him in your hand

  • Kasinu

    Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum
    But Mr Khalid, I will blame you for keeping your family in your enemy teritory, you look inexperience and you must learn quick new skills to fight with this crook guys in the north.

    I advice you, I learned a lesson from Biblical Samson and i wish you also be guided by that lesson in your struggle for the right of Darfuris, If i may ask you, Is your wife from Arab or Darfur?, Our northern foes are very tricky, watch out your step, They had wanted to paid 125 Mln USD just to kill you.

    Pliz safe your innocent children by taking them away from these common enemy.

  • sudani

    Sudan arrests wife of JEM leader in Khartoum
    Dear ALL

    the wife of dr. khalil is an arab , A WHITE ARAB , didn’t I tell you ????

    & he wants his sons to learn and get educated in Sudan , and to go to Aljazeera university , just like him where he met his beautiful wife .
    Then he will be the president father of the darfur / arab nice mix .

    Please , Please Government army , KILL HER , & KILL HIS KIDS , to show him that there is no power ever greater than the power of death , to burn his heart fully , just like he burnt the hearts of alot of people ,
    in the south & in the north.



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