Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM second convention shapes the future

By Mabior Philip Mach

May 15, 2008 — Southern Sudanese and all the members of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) have determined leading veterans who tirelessly struggled for freedom and right to self determination for the people of Southern Sudan. But, all forms of oppressions against which SPLM attributes its advocacy will persist in the Sudanese history if choice of who to lead the party is based on propaganda.

After the death of the former SPLM chairman, the instantaneous outraging concern was not a suspected incapability of Salva Kiir to inherit the leadership positions of Dr. John Garang de Mabior. The fact was that it would cost time and claim attention for him to build close ties and integrated approaches with Ali Osman Taha (second vice president who is arguably more influential than Bashir) as well as the international bodies with whom Garang had interacted during their holiday’s resorts of Naivasha. It is a vicious circle in making another deliberate choice (if it is mass suggestion) of a new leader to lead the party at the shortest time span when the party would like to revitalize, excel and achieve revival in its efforts and policies to realize political stability in Sudan.

On gleaning at the political stand of Sudan, what determines whether Southern Sudan secedes or remains part of the Republic of Sudan after the interim period is achievement of equality of opportunity, stakes holding, and share of resources, balance of power and secular laws. Willingness of Southern Sudanese to assume an ostensible trust for the ruling government precedes these rights and obligations. It is therefore, a priority for the party to annihilate and dispel the propensities of diversity in campaigning for a peaceful Sudan. A shift ( if need there be) in the host position will accentuate discontentment and rivalry in the leadership at a political season when we expect SPLM members to unite as part and parcel of the peace loving party.

Nhial Deng Nhial and Dr. Riek Machar Teny have made it well to show up their aspirations for the post of chairmanship which Salva Kiir serviced with iron hands since the death of Dr. john Garang. It is more flanking if one focuses to SPLM/A’s future after the convention. Out of these two contenders and Salva Kiir, it is normal that any two must lose as one callously succeeds. To aggravate the situation, other positions have different and independent contenders who are warming up for favorable competition. The hard task is where to place these losers since lower positions will have been occupied! It can not be compromised that their services will be missed and they will be subjected to “displacement activities” due to stress. How promising is it to lead a life of political stress at this critical moment of peace and reconciliation?

From the retroactive Sudan politics, the just ended civil war ignited following Gafaar Nimeri’s decision to circumvent the Addis aba aba Peace Agreement which exacerbated on implementing Sharia laws in September 1983. The crucial tool used was first to change lawyers and then set southerners into a state of political confusion through phony southern elections which degraded unity. However, though SPLM second convention is not an induced decision as such, still it shall be perceived as a wild competition that will culminate in disturbance of SPLM policies rather than a declaration and initiation of democracy and transparency in SPLM/A since the signing of the Peace deal. It is by the way an ambigous situation to shape the future.

On the other hand, proposal of leaders to uphold positions as a means of attracting loyalty and willingness of their group to adhere to the objectives of SPLM is a clear signal of lack of devotion to the party and resentment from the theocratic northern Sudan. It depicts bribery in the policies of this young party instead of capabilities and will set a guarantee of losing aims of the liberation struggle. This asserts the notion that all the delegates at the convention should first scrutinize their votes before casting since the entire future of SPLM/A as well as its innocent members is entrusted to the winners.

As an extract from the above, I am of the view that a presumed capability among the leaders has to be “a month of Mondays”. Else, it will reflect a give-in to the harsh northern based political parties. Southern Sudanese will go back to suffering if all that glitters is gold.

The writer is a Pharmaceutical Technology student at Dr. John Garang de Mabior Institute of Science and Technology-Bor Town.
Contact [email protected]


  • Gatwech

    SPLM second convention shapes the future
    Dear student,

    Thank you for the nice article. It looks and sounds like one of your teachers, am I right? Anyway, we expect a wind of change for new leadership in the SPLM and hope that the losers will accept the election results. ‘Democracy’ isn’t it?

  • Kuachthoor

    SPLM second convention shapes the future
    You should have gone through a number of political histories of couple countries before coming up with such a mediocre writings. I mean, why should we worry about the future of a loser? We need quality service and if we don’t find that in a person, then we have no business keeping him/her. We are transforming SPLM from its previous status in to a political party whose future can be determined by folks’ will. By group 50 soccer star K.

  • Mr Point
    Mr Point

    SPLM second convention shapes the future
    Where can I find out the Policy of each candidate?

    What would they do (different) if they were chosen?


  • Mr, Red Fox, Awan thieth
    Mr, Red Fox, Awan thieth

    SPLM second convention shapes the future
    You guys have fought for more than two decates to acheive your goal, which ended up with the comprehensive peace agreement that we all love. After that peace, we have lost our great leader DR. John Garang de Mabior whom we all did not respect. He was a strong leader and great hero, but some of us were still not happy or satisfy with his leadership. Upon his death, H.E, Salva Kiir Mayardit whom I respect like DR. Garang, secceeded him, but some of us are still complaining about his ability to lead us. Based on that, you need to spend another two decates or more to seek for right candidate to lead us. if you think that Salva is not a right candidate to lead SPLM at this time, you are totaly wrong. What you need to do at the present time is to give him your full support so that he can acheive some of out standing issuse on the CPA. Anyway, it is absolutly your choice. You will be thinking about changing your leaders untill the end of your world comes without achivement, because you want to be a leader too. Alha Maakum fi Junubkum

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    SPLM second convention shapes the future
    Dear Readers,

    Don’t let your mind be confused by By-Passers,
    SPLM had A Vision which is clear and achievable in real sense. Slogan forth Peace Love, Unity and Liberty and Freedom Progress are in SPLM/A which took arms voluntarily for a cause.
    Scarifies have been made and many lost their lives, If they were still a live quitter could have either be silence or stay away from politic of the South.
    Lt.Gen .His Exe.Salva Kiir got much credit from Southerners to Lead to intended Vision.
    His Exe.had declares Corruption as his main enemies that make is administration to skeleton.
    Kiir owed the SPLM Chairmanship even for 20 Years because He had defected to NIF for Food and Money stained with Blood for Southerners. He Even stay at Nimule when NIF-Bashir was in Pagri targeting SPLA lonely strong hold and pot of resistance.

    The non-nationalistic and betrayal move by Dr. Riek Machar’s support based counties of Dok Nuers, Unity State, is too late and insignificant in its scope. The move confirmed, among other things, Dr. Machar’s lust for power.
    The prospect of Riek becoming leader of SPLM has been damaged beyond any repair with this last minute political rebellion by few Nuers who want to use the powerful name of Nuer to sound as if it was unanimously supported by the Nuer Nation. The political advisers of Dr. Machar failure to work on their assignment on such a vital issue show how inexperienced politically they were.

    A politically wiser leader always knows where s/he went wrong and learned from mistakes but Dr. Machar, given all the positions he has held as: SPLM/A-PMHC, Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA)-president of the South Sudan Co-ordination Council and Adviser to president of the Sudan and now deputy chairman of SPLM and vice-president of GOSS, never learned nor will he ever know the arts of political maneuverings.

    Dr. Machar’s problem emanated from the 6th January, 2002 Unity declaration between SPDF and SPLM/A known as Nairobi Declaration. The declaration was not a merger of equal factions, it’s widely considered as capitulation of Dr. Machar and his SPDF to SPLM/A. Had the merger been between two equal partners Dr. Machar would automatically been the second in command of SPLM/A and the power struggle consuming the party-SPLM would be avoided.

    Dr. Machar lacks long-term vision like any other leaders; the case in point is the collapsed Ugandan peace talks. Can a leader of a nation of his caliber be taken for a ride until the very end without detecting the loophole of the process? What does this signify? Didn’t Dr. Machar good intention embarrass the whole nation of South Sudan and the GOSS in particular?

    Dr. Machar and his supporters shouldn’t make fools of themselves. With due respect, Dr. Machar is weak and can not run a nation still in war footing unless the South Sudanese want the hard won CPA to go down the drain like other agreements (Addis Ababa agreement, Khartoum Peace Agreement). Dr. Machar political niche is deputizing but would also be an excellent senior service officer under someone directives. He was good under John Garang and Salva but poorly when he the boss as in SSIM/A and SSCC.

    Dr. Machar like his former boss, Dr, Garang is being accused by human rights watch for crimes against humanity his forces might have committed and could at any time (I hope not) be extradited to war crimes court although the Hague wouldn’t be the venue as these alleged crimes were said to be before 2002.

    Likewise Nhial Deng is only accompanying the Truckers, Nhial was appointed to be Minister of Regional Cooperation-(Foreign Affairs) but to the sudden death of hid right Father-Late Dr. John Garang, He developed a long mourning till He end up quitting his position which is came for it NOT for SPLM/A Chairmanship.

    Taban Deng Gai and Lam Akol and bird of the same feathers, let them flew to their house, and stay away from South politic. Because their mouth are full of poison.

    SPLM is not a dumping area for the failures who failed to promote the SPIRIT of SPLM Vision.

    James Wani and Pagan Amum need to campaign for the deputies of SPLM/A/

    There are other big commanders keeping themselves away from politic or avoiding, Why are hiding your faced, this is the time to know why you fought, no More War only Politic is at track/

    Long Live the SPLM/A

    Long Live NEW SUDAN,



    the Author is A southerners residing in Southern Khordufan State Monitoring the Development in the SOuth Sudan

  • Jonglei

    SPLM second convention shapes the future
    Dear Gatwech

    It is too early for you to talk of killing women and children to achieve Demorcracy.

    Don’t divert an international understanding of democracy
    and goverment in to your primitive definitions. I do remember that you and your friends (dr riekism followers)define democracy as the killing of women and children while Goverment refers to the group of people with common and primitive understanding, having surrounded themselves with power(soldiers and traditional warriors) and embezzle public funds. isn’t it?

    My dear big fool!! CPA was not brought by defectors and factions nor was it brought by confusing agents like dr riek who return to their vomits like dogs

    Iam sure dr riek has defecated in his political pair of shorts as such,he has no body to dance with in the political arena or hall.

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