Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ethiopian Governor blames oppositions for Sudan border rumors

By Tesfa alem Tekle

May16, 2008 (ASSOSA) — The governor of Benshanguel Gumez state,Yaregal Aysheshim says that the current rumors(Ethiopia gave part of its territory to Sudan)which is being broadcasted by some mass medias and reckless bodies is the conspiracy of some desperate oppositions and anti-peace elements who restlessly are digging holes to create conflicts among the two brotherly people.

Briefing to reports the official said the rumors are propogandal out comes of envious anti-peace elements who are dying to disrupt the peace of the nation and of those who found it hard to take in the ever-growing bilateral and developmental co-operation of Ethiopia and Sudan.

The official accused the Medias for being weapons for some anti peace bodies who are dying to bring down the peace in the horn of Africa.
The mass Medias are responsible for reporting baseless information in negligence to international media discipline. He said.

According to the official Ethiopia and Sudan have agreed to demarcate their common border and a common border commission is currently working on it.

The official has called on the Sudanese people to collectively condemn and not to be misled by the destructive mission being plot by those irresponsible bodies .he has also called on the two nations to further strengthen the ongoing developmental cooperation they are executing.
In a country where there is justice and supremacy of law, no nation in the world would as its wishes seize or give part of a border territory. He added.

The official didn’t deny of some minor and common complications when peoples of both sides cross border looking for farmlands or grazing lands but he assured that traditional ways of resolving are successfully implemented.

The Benshanguel Gumez region, which borders Sudan, hosts thousands of Sudanese refugees who fled home years ago following the civil war in Darfur, which left some 200 thousand people.

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