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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese official arrested in connection with rebel assault on capital

May 18, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese security forces arrested a leading member of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) for suspected involvement in the rebel attack on the capital last weekend.

Hassan Bargo
Hassan Bargo
The daily Al-Hayat newspaper said that Hassan Bargo was taken from his home a week ago by security officers and taken to an unknown location.

Bargo’s family was quoted as saying that they have not received any communication from the authorities on his whereabouts.

Sudanese authorities began a wide-scale crackdown on Darfuris in the capital in the aftermath of the rebel attack. The move was criticized by rights group inside and outside Sudan as well as political parties.

The NCP official, who belongs to the Zaghawa tribe, is in charge of the West and Central Africa bureau in the party and the relations with Chad.

Bargo has family ties to the Chadian president Idriss Deby and the leader of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Khalil Ibrahim who are both from the Zaghawa tribe.

JEM fighters mounted an assault on the Sudanese capital that took the government and international community by surprise. However the Sudanese government repulsed the attack and accused Chad of backing JEM in its attempt.

Last year Sudanese authorities arrested Bargo by Sudan security services after the Chadian rebels stormed the capital in a bid to oust president Deby.

Sudanese security found on Bargo’s phone records that he called Deby just before the latter met with Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir on the sidelines of the France-Africa summit in Cannes hosted by former French president Jacques Chirac.


1 Comment

  • sudanson

    Sudanese official arrested in connection with rebel assault on capital
    Well there is alot of problems going on now within the ruling NCP, the president Omar El Bashir have been forced to replace all security agents and itelligence officials with his close relatives and family members, most Darfur army officers and security people have either been detained or killed.
    Also there have been rumours in recent days that the Defence minister abdul Rahman and other security officials might have had early info about the recent rebels movement but failed to attack and disrupt their movement early, because there is report that intelligence should that the rebels had enter Sudan from Chad in column of over 50 vehicles and where detected Kordufan headgin toward Khartoum but to action was taken to stop them untill they reach omdurman.
    There is clear hidden hands from within the NCP and top security officials who know what is going on but keep quite and collaborating behind the scene.
    It is now clear that some elements of the NCP and also security forces are not happy with the way this government is carrying on, the ruling party which has actually been dominated by top officials from Darfur origin is now very divided, who smells something cooking? there could be a coup from within anytime.

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