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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army

By Isaac Vuni

May 21, 2008 (JUBA) — The head of southern Sudan government has condemned the northern Sudanese army for the killing of civilians in the disputed Abyei area.

Sudanese refugees from the Ngok Dinka tribe in the village of Dokra, central Sudan, Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007. (AP)
Sudanese refugees from the Ngok Dinka tribe in the village of Dokra, central Sudan, Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007. (AP)
Speaking at the celebration of the silver jubilee of the SPLM in Juba, the newly energized SPLM chairman and the Commander in Chief of the SPLA, Lt General Slava Kiir Mayardit strongly condemned the Sudan Army Forces (SAF) Battalion 31 “for killing innocent people of Abyei” during the last four days.”

Kiir said that the Sudan Armed Forces are responsible for all the atrocities against Internally Displaced Persons who freshly returned home from Khartoum.

The SPLA Commander in Chief who is also the First Vice President of the Republic and president of the government of Southern Sudan demanded for the immediate arrest and trial of SAF commander of battalion 31.

He also said that SAF commander committed crimes “against humanity”.

President Kiir told the congregation that the National Congress Party (NCP) that has concluded a peace agreement with SPLM in 2005 is never serious about implementation of the Abyei protocol that was signed since 26th May 2004.

However he appealed to all peace loving Sudanese to remain calm as they in the presidency tackle the issue of Abyei including Darfur.

Hundreds of thousands Sudanese from cross section of life in Sudan, today, celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) in Juba the capital of Southern Sudan.

The enthusiastic masses started storming around the mausoleum of the SPLA founding John Garang de Mabior as early as 8.00am Sudan local times.

The SPLA commander in chief declared that 16th May 1983 will be annually celebrated through out the Sudan.

The Chief of staff of the SPLA, Lt. Gen. Oyai Deng Ajak said SAF has been for several time attacking SPLA forces in Unity state, northern Bhar el Ghazal states and now Abyei yet his forces remains loyal and only act on self defense they are fully committed to honoring and respecting the security arranged harmed out from the CPA deal.

He, However, appealed to GoSS leadership to address as a matter of urgency the unfolding insecurity in the Abyei area. “Otherwise our tolerance and patience will run out of control,” he warned.

Regarding integration of other groups of armed carriers, “despite most of them coming from villages with some fresh students from classrooms,” SPLA has integrated 57,000 forces and promoted some to the ranks of generals without any formal military training or experience simply for the shake of establishing unity of southern Sudanese. Ajak said.

“Therefore such move should not be seen as weaknesses of the SPLA.” He added.

He further said that SPLA is transforming from guerrilla movement to a national army that is now capable of not only protecting southern Sudan but the whole Sudan.

He thanked Sudanese masses for their generous support and encouragement to SPLA as their national army.


The host Governor of Central Equatoria state, Clement Wani Konga appealed the GoSS to kick LRA out of southern Sudan territory if they refuses to sign peace agreement with Uganda government mediated under the auspices of Goss vice president.

Governor Konga attributed the causes of insecurity in greater Equatoria states to LRA who had being supported then by Khartoum government. Nevertheless, he said of late, the security situation in central Equatoria state has greatly improved with exception of robbery being reported within Juba town.

He thanked president Kiir for issuing directive to stoppage of land grapes in the stated and that some land that has been grape by some SPLM/A have been returned to the rightful owners.



  • Sihs

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    Mr Kirr , you a wise leader , i think both parties should be calm ,and we condemn the killing of civilians ,who they do not benefit from this cursed oil , i hope we avoid warring and killing …………..and from this website i pray for god to bring peace to Sudan and save the invaluable lives of people , again get together and solve problems without weapons ………….for how long we have to be retarded and pooooooooooooooor country????????????????????

  • NgorKur Mayol Chier
    NgorKur Mayol Chier

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    This is a very excellence explanation that Beny Kiir mayardit and his military commander Oyai Ajak both have never made a legitimate decision like this. Please I a dare all of you to keep continuous of protecting the rights of our entire citizens of southern Sudan.


  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    Thank you Clement Wani CES governor i appreciate your ability of being a right leader in Equatoria and South in general infect you have being tolerating alot of rubbish in your own state and Equatoria in general,the issue of LRA and Dinkas to occupy land in Equatoria are the major concern in our hearts and i recommand that if GOss is not taking any responsiblity of solving those two poisons as mentioned above for sure the vision of new Sudan will never come to it’s destination.i would think that we have to make self determination on our own if LRA or Dinkas are aiming to fight we must take action to protect our land.If father can break up with son why not South if people are standing on others.I warn that IDPs must go back and LRA must go and fight with Uganda not us Equatoria.Time for IDPs is over

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    Yes Oyei ,Kiir,this issue ,of Killing of civilian and our beloved once brother in Abyei as well as unity state areas are seriously issue address this issue otherwise our brother in battle are tied of obeying the protocal !fuck this Bashir fuck ,fuck ,fuck till he come in line with you as your youngerest brother SLPA Oyeeee,Junubi oyee and that is our ambition ”

  • Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth
    Pothwei Apet Bangoshoth

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    The commander who is in charge of infantry brigade 31 of Sudan Arm Forces made it clear to the entire world that he intended to kill innocent Sudanese peace lover in Abyei by attacking them last week. We all condemn it strongly because it is a major crime against humanity. The National Congress Party ignorance to Abyei protocol and ABC has played a significant role in this attack. Also the deployment of NCP militias known as Messeria in that territory is part of violation of ceasfire agreement which, was signed during peace process. I suggest SPLM to help SPLA train militias to confront those militias, if (NCP) thinks that the deployment of messeria and other militias is not violating the ceasfire agreement in Sudan. Most importantly is to bring the crimnal commander of infantry brigade 31 to face justice immediatly before SPLA forces strike back.

  • Monye Jur
    Monye Jur

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    I don’t know what to say,

    you salva is talking okey now but when you landed in khartoum you will talk something different in front of Al Beshir. You normally have one face of hero in south and a differnt face of compromise in Khartoum.

    So am doubting in your words coz a dog who is hidding its tail by the legs is not a good dog.

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    Shame on you silver kirr for letting your own tribes been kill and made homeless
    With 0 action

  • Ruai Malual Jal

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    Hi, SPLA commanders,
    what do you wait? the sudan army force is killing th civilians in Abyei and Unity state.It wiil be nice for the SPLA to protect the civilian.

    i can appeal to LT General Pualino matip and Major General Peter Gatdet yaka the sons of Unity state to take major action against SAF, who are killing the civilian in Abyei and Unity state if the GOSS hass failed to protect the civilian.

    So Mr. Kiir look at your people whom you depend during the JEM ATTACK, they are killing the people of southern Sudan. so you are leader for south Sudan? if you are leader for south sudan why you don’t good decision against NCP?

    Do you want Abyei to be taken by Arabs, if no, why don’t send more troop to Abyei and Unity state to fight more with Arabs.

    Please my brothers in the north, killing the civilian in Abyei and Unity state will not make you to take Abyei forever.
    Abyei will remain the part of southern Sudan till the end of world.
    if you don’t leave Abyei to the people of southern sudan Sudan will never stable.

    long live SPLA


    Ruai Malual Jal

    LEER COUNTY, Unity State,
    Souther Sudan

  • Mabutu Malet
    Mabutu Malet

    Kiir condemns civilians killing in Abyei by Sudan army
    Logic Dog!

    Do you really mean the word (Logic)in english or you fixed from your mother tangue?

    If you mean it, It’s contrary to what you say. Boy in Dinka is a person who is not matured biologically and mentally. you really drived your name by calling yourself a boy. you prove it to your collaegues Sudanese by conparing LRA with Dinka who brought you back to sudan from exile. Dinkas where fighting for your freedom as you talk today on media, it dinkas struggle. What struggle is LRA for in Sudan to Compare Dinka with it in Sudan? You are just a hopeless person.
    A dog just bark and a camel goes. You are dog and Dinka is a camel.

    There is Hai. Jalaba,Hai Nesi ma mapii,Hai Rujal Mapii all in Juba but there is no even a single place being named in Juba town using Dinka names.

    Juba is capital city of South Sudan if your are not aware, in which Nuer, Dinka, Murle, Shilluk and others South Sudaneses in The South to possess ownership of land and rights. In 1992 many tribes lost thier beloves one in the soil of juba that you call yours. why weren’t it only equatorians to face death in capturing of Juba?

    I don’t blame Your governor he sold many officers from equartoria to his masters (Arabs)for example Major General Jadala and Thomas Chirilo were about to be assasinated. they servived narrowlly when they ran in to SPLA whom you say is government of Dinka. Because of dinka they are still alive and your praise them they are your leaders. Take care you don’t know how the came up.

    Clement knows nothing about SPLM/A and South Sudan as a whole.

    SPLA protect brothers and sisters in Abyei area. you are the right army to protect civilians even you are suffering then SAF that kill innocents civilians, they are just traitors, they don’t deserve rights in sudan that why they just kill any how.

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