Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Eritrean president raps Ethiopian officials of “cheap” diplomatic moves in Libya

ASMARA, Feb 29, 2004 (Sudan Tribune) — Excerpts from a report published today, by the official Shabait web site entitled “President Isaias returns home“:

President Isayas Afewerki returned home last night, 28 February 2004, after participating in the special session with heads of state of the African Union. [passages omitted]

In the papers presented regarding the Eritrean Ethiopian peace process, President Isayas Afewerki articulated that the papers reminded the convention’s legal responsibilities, the agreement reached [between Eritrea and Ethiopia] in Algiers in 2,000, the process endured for the final agreement, the [Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary] Commission’s responsibilities and [the] final and binding decisions it passed.

President Isayas, after underlining the cheap diplomatic moves the TPLF [Tigray People’s Liberation Front, dominant party in the ruling coalition in Ethiopia] officials attempted behind curtains at the meeting, bringing the pretext that they would give anything to Eritrea if they can get Badme [disputed town between the two countries], and tying the convenors’ views, stated that it is clear evidence that the TPLF regime is trying to derail [the peace process] and escape from the final and binding decisions already made.

President Isayas concluded his statement by saying that there is no possible way that the convention or the organization, by large, will bring another mechanism to the Eritrean Ethiopian peace process.

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