Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Two Darfur rebel groups rejects Geneva meeting on security issues

May 26, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur Peace mediation team has failed to persuade two main rebel groups to participate in a meeting to discuss security arrangements in order to stop violence and fighting between the Sudanese government and the Darfur rebel.

A_member_of_the_Justice.jpgThe UN-African Union mediation planes to organise a meeting on security issues to commit the warrant parties to observe a ceasefire in Darfur to create favourable conditions to resume peace talks. The meeting is scheduled to begin on May 29 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The two main rebel groups, Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) led by Khalil Ibrahim and Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur refused for different reasons to attend Geneva meeting.

JEM has refused to attend the security talks because the mediation invited smaller groups including a dissident one. The rebel group which attacked the Sudanese capital early this month considers such participation as move to weaken their position in the talks.

While the SLM of Abdel-Wahid al-Nur, who demands the deployment of peacekeepers on the ground and the ceasefire enforcement before peace talks, rejects to renegotiate a ceasefire agreement while Khartoum did not implement the already signed ceasefire agreements of 2004. Al-Nur says Khartoum must implement the signed deals.

Also the position of the Sudanese government towards this initiative seems unclear. Khartoum said following the 10 May attack on Omdurman that it would not negotiate with the movement of Khalil Ibrahim.

However, the mediators continue their efforts to bring the main rebel groups to the table of negotiations and to persuade Khartoum to discuss security measures with the rebel JEM.

Last October 2007, the mediation had failed to convince the rebel groups to take part in Sirte talks in Libya. At that time, JEM and SLM-Unity asked the mediation team to come to Darfur and to meet them in order to consult them on the preparations, and to determine who will attend. While al-Nur asked to change the venue of the talks besides the ceasefire implementation.

The SLA-Unity and JEM also refuse to commit themselves to a permanent ceasefire without a serious perspective for peace talks. The question of the participation of small groups will remain an obstacle in the peace process as long as the mediation insists on their involvement, they say.

The UNAMID says the ongoing violence and banditry hinder the implementation of the mission and makes from the ceasefire and the end of violence a priority for the success of the “peacekeeping” mission in Darfur. “There is no peace to keep” said the UNAMID spokesperson last week.

UN experts estimate some 300,000 people have died and 2.5 million driven from their homes. Sudan blames the Western media for exaggerating the conflict and puts the death toll at 10,000.


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