Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds

By Philip Thon Aleu

May 27, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) – State director of statistics and census disclosed Tuesday May 27 that senior officials from his office are at the hand of police over ‘missing census funds amounting to 136,000 Sudanese Pounds (about $68,000 US).’

He warned against premature judgments saying “the accountants are innocent until the source of mishandling of money is found.”

Accountant Deng Bol from head office in Bor Town and other colleagues from Wuror County are the first senior staff in Jonglei to experience arrest over mishandling of public funds. However, Mr. Bol denies any wrongdoings. “That is the amount I actually got in the bag from Juba,” he is reportedly said to have plead while being arrested over the weekend.

State director of census Thiong Akuei told reporters at his office today that the arrest is to pave way for further interrogation. “They are arrested and that does mean they misuse the money,” Mr. Akuei said. He narrated that Deng Bol took the money at the airport in Juba and claimed to have no time to count how much he was given. Mr. Bol then had adequate time while at Bor and realized that 72,000 Sudanese pound was missing.

The other two from Wuror County allegedly failed to pay 54 enumerators and went away with over 64,000 Sudanese Pounds (US $32,000).

Enumerators from Bor, Twic East and Pachala Counties refused to handover returnable census materials over what they described as “lost of trust in senior officials” in April 2008 but reversed decision after internalizing the effects. One hearing the development at the state census centre, the former enumerators condemned the accountants.

“This is how they behave,” Chol John, a former enumerator told Sudan Tribune on Bor Town street adding that “they want to get riches at the expenses of others.” He look forward for fair trial and wish other officers should learn a lesson.

A team has been invited from Juba to carryout the investigations. This will ensure free and fair trail of the suspects.



  • James James
    James James

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    Hi folks:

    That is a serious felony which is very punishable without doubt. The suspect must be be punished to warn others from mishandling of public funds.

    Mtter of fact,it was his responsibility to count the money or take the bag which might have been filled with feathers and get severe punishament for him and others to recieve this kind lession very attentively for the feature utilization.

    God bless

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    What is the Matter with Jonglei or jungle

    Am sick to see that jonglei has become a major engine of corruption and troublemaker in South,always from here to there,this and that what is wrong people,why do leaders intend to act like they where born with money on their hands Oh my God am so sorry jonglei people.You don’t even stay in one place with your corruption just spreading it every where across South.Is this how South is hoping to achieve their vision really.people like Mr Bol and others who are consuming on the back of others should have been dismiss from work let them go and enjoy what they have stolen.it’s a big shame for you to comsume some one’s sweat,don’t you understand why some people just die like a chichen would you like to die like them.am not insulting any jonglei infact some may consider my view as an insult,but this is how to refresh the deaf.

    hope jonglei and South in general will get some generous leaders to bring an end to the selfishness.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    This is ridiculous and bizarre altogether, handling such pretty cash is not an easy task, for somebody to claim he had no time to count it. Unless Deng is not professional accountants. And how would he get that job if it was not his profession? Deng Bol should not be allowed to get away with that fat money and get rich within a short while, he has to be indicted and interrogated thoroughly, and he has to pay that money back wether guilty or not such that, next time he should count money and handle it with extra care. Somebody somewhere was quoted saying, “Dinkas love women, money, being in power over others and grabbing other peoples’ land” and here those of Deng and rest are proving it, why don’t our people serve their people in good faith?

    However, for others to learn from example, Deng should be taught a lesson that he will never forget to loot people in a broad daylight like that never.

    That is what I think.

    Maguacwum the Young.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Brothers,

    This is just unbeleivable to me and the rest of the world,how dare can an accountaint, just accountant to take that huge amount of dallars. that is just but craziness.

    Please and again I say please Jonglei, hendle that case properly, this are the very people who like spoilling the name of that gaint state full of wise people as the world know.
    There must be an evile hearted big man behind all this and that is the man we want to cleans out of our society with immediete effect

    To the others pigs.

    Please learn to know which one is yours and which one is ours!
    Census was ours and there is no needs of you guys to put your dirty hands in what was brought to the state for it purpose.
    You are not going to beforgiven that mistake either in Jonglei or in an other world.
    Be bless,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon,a man far away from tribalism and can give no room to mundukurus policies.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    I am not surprised to hear about the arrest of the census accountatants in Jonglei state over misappropriation of census money, may be these are the few unlacky ones. But the most dangerious and strange thing in the whole scenario is for the accountant to cleary say he just recieved the money from the air port and did not count them. What a jok is this accountant is trying to tell the world.This is a big insult to the government and people of Southern Sudan.Is this is the way how people manage public finance?

  • David D. Mayom
    David D. Mayom

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    Dear Mr. Logic,

    I/we have read your May 28, 2008 comments about the arresting of Jonglei Accountants, Mr. Deng Bol and his unnamed colleages from Wuror County. After carefully reading your comments you wrote, I regret to inform you that some of your comments are out of bounds to meet our public healthy discussion at this moment in part. As you may know, generalizing people from particular instances such as this is not a good thing since it does nothing good to anyone of us or the general good of the community. It is wrong to draw a general rule from this case and apply it to whole citzens of Jonglei State. If a member of a particular group does something wrong, we ought to deal with that person only rather than generalizing the whole group.

    I would, of course, be pleased to see you take on these people, Deng Bol and the two unnamed colleagues from Wuror County, rather than citizens of Jonglei State and these criminals. Nobody will disagree with you, if you take them on. It is unfortunately, we cannot allow such generalization of some individuals actions to whole group to continue. We need to draw line of individual actions and group actions. Thus, for the best interest of both of us, we must deal with wrongdoers excluding innocent people who may be part of the association/group.

    The Author is a resident of this beloved state and he can be reached at [email protected].

    “The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
    -General H. Norman Schwardzkopf

  • James James
    James James

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    Mr. Logic:

    I think your mental retardation had unfortunately advanced to the third stage that need urgent observation.

    Jongolei is not a human being to rob the bank or steal money as you have miserablly percepted. Please try to squeeze into your little mind that, there is big different between Deng Bol and Jongolei, Deng Bol is the person who stole the money and Jongolei is the state that has nothing to do with the missing money.

    You really need to be very careful with your comments because when you mention the name of the state, you got to remember that, all of us in the state including children, women, men and cows within the state as well as rivers, are nicely included.

    First of all who are you and where do you belong? you might be one of those stateless car washers in Kampala who only love to run their mouths without true opinions.

    Please, again try to learn how people talk or we will send you one strong guy from Jongolei to go and throw you away together with your cassava or simply we will instruct him to go and teach you surprising lession.

    I hope you copy that kid.

    God bless.

  • Mabor Yiel
    Mabor Yiel

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    Deng Bol and his team memebers should be brought to justice.

  • Michael Peter
    Michael Peter

    Jonglei census accountants arrested over mishandling funds
    Hi every one,

    It is clear sign that there is no any financial System in the Government of South Sudan. Many Thousands of pounds had lost on their way since the time of JALABA. We are still following jabala system, that is why problem still exist (CORUPTION).

    I would suggest the following to overcome such kind of problems

    Ø There should be a present of GOSS offices in the Ten South Sudan States, since GOSS have Projects in these states. To decentralised the system.
    Ø BOSS should handle any big and small financial matter, that mean their present is very important within the states rather than giving individual to handle public interest (Money).
    Ø It should be the responsible of BOSS to transport any among of money either ELECTRONICAL or PHYSICAL to all South Sudan States.

    God bless People of South Sudan.

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