Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Islamic group takes responsibility over Ethiopia’s hotel bombing

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

May 29,2008 (Ethiopia) –A little known Somalian Islamic group calling itself ‘the Islamist Guerilla’ has taken full responsibility over yesterday’s hotel bombing in Oromiya’s region of Negele town.

The group has declared a new Jihad-war against Ethiopia in protest to Ethiopia’s presence in the war torn Somalia.

According to sources, the Islamic group has warned of further attacks in Ethiopia soil till the day Ethiopia withdraws from Somalia.

Ethiopian officials yet didn’t respond to the claims.

Twin bomb blasts which went off in three minute differences in Negele town yesterday has killed 3 people and wounded 6 others.

Mean while Ethiopian police today disclosed that it has taken some suspects to custody but didn’t say which national nor did it say how many.

The group is believed to be one wing of the Islamic Courts union (ICU).

In less than four weeks Ethiopia uncommonly has engaged 4 attacks.

The town of Negele Borena which is some 560 kms away from Addis Ababa is close to neighboring Somalia and Kenya.


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