Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Egypt deports southern Sudanese refugees to Juba

May 31, 2008 (NEW YORK) – Egyptian authorities forcibly repatriated Sudanese refugees and asylum seeker to their country breaching international refugee law, Human Rights Watch said yesterday.

On April 19, 2008 Egyptian authorities deported 30 Sudanese men and boys to southern Sudan. The UNHCR recognized at least 11 of them as refugees or asylum seekers. At least two of the deportees were 17-year-old children.

The rights watchdog said the deported Sudanese were in prison since last February because they had been accused of damaging cars during a fight in Cairo between two southern Sudanese gangs.

However, relatives and lawyers told Human Rights Watch that some of those detained were neither gang members nor present at the scene of the fight, and that police had apparently arrested them simply because they appeared to be Sudanese.

The rights group, which urged the Egyptian authorities to investigate the issue, explained that some of the deported refugees were neither gang members nor present at the clashes.

It also underlined they had been deported before to attend a court hearing on May 6. A judge had ordered their release on March 24 but the police appealed the decision and charged them with illegally entering the country and treating public security.

The HRW added that “Some of those apparently deported to Juba are originally from southern Sudan,” but … one man had “been born in Khartoum, in northern Sudan, and another man whose family had fled to Khartoum when he was 2 years old.”



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Egypt deports southern Sudanese refugees to Juba
    This is a good idea of bringing them back rather than the daily report about the killing of Sudanese by Egyptain polices on their border with Israel,therefore Goss need to put high pressure of law to deal with such people in South,otherwise such kind of people who have gone mad due to improper settlement/treatment in Egypt will bring some issues to South,they are our brothers “loss boys” and “out law” i judge logicially,and we all welcome them back home,but we need to ensure that they are socially with our own communities in Southern Sudan.

    Lets understand that the policy of a man called Arab is not a suitable life in this World infact they are making obvious raciest “police had apparently arrested them simply because they appeared to be Sudanese”.even in Sudan we learnt alot about the treatment of African Sudanese eg Durfurians after the attacked by JEM in Khartoum,and all the consquences of frequent “Rebellion” of African Sudanese in South.I wonder if South will settle for a democracy or any mean of peacfully life without future conflict.However i believe that to have democracy in South or Sudan in general,we need to workout whether united or separation as Southern ??.Therefore everyone can imagine brothers and sisters,since we came to realised the tricks of Arabs in Sudan and began to raise rebellion,none of Arabs town,village nor county in North has been destroyed by bombs/airforce like what we have experienced in South since decades.To make is simple every Southern must be specfic in 2011 by memorising the future and the past.separation means adding fuel in the hearts of arabs in fact separation is a big joy to our people and their future,while unity is a great key for arabs to keep using their tricks which is a big poision to our people and their futures.

    Therefore lets remeber that a nuclear family has a huge number of issues compared to extended family and this is frankly to South and Sudan in general,if our people prepared loss more lives throught the third or fouth rebellion in Sudan,than it’s your choice to maintain Sudan as extended family,but if your hoping for better and democracy enviornment,than it’s obvious where to put you votes.therefore i recommand that mr president must oragainst campaign/especially people who can spread the massege to our blind people in their respective areas otherwise some will throw their votes into wrong box during 2011 game.

    Our Future is in your own hands Southerners,beside their trick of violiating CPA in Abeyi

  • Grader

    Very good initiative
    They better die at home fighting for the rights of the marginalised rather kill themselves on the streets in Cairo. There is no Human rights problem with criminals as such. Thank you Egypt for bringing them back home and not kill em akin to what you do when they try and cross to Israel.

  • Michel Fleury
    Michel Fleury

    Egypt deports southern Sudanese refugees to Juba
    Since when is it an insult or a shame to return to the South Sudan for young Sudanese Southerners ?

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