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Sudan Tribune

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Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin

United Nations

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin

No.19 – 12 June 2008


North Darfur

– The International Organization for Migration (IOM) concluded a verification exercise of approximately 10,000 new arrivals in Zam Zam IDP Camp. Data will be crosschecked with the IOM IDP Registration Database before completion of the final report and registration.
– IOM is providing technical support in the form of a Verification, Monitoring and Registration training for WFP’s cooperating partners and other INGOs in Shangil Tobayi, to facilitate the regular updating of the IOM IDP Registration Database to account for new arrivals, births, departures and deaths.

South Darfur

– In preparation for the planned relocation of up to 10,000 new arrivals in Al Salam IDP Camp to El Sereif IDP Camp, IOM has supported the relocation site assessment, the verification of voluntariness to relocate, and the planning of an information campaign in Al Salam IDP Camp, together with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), WFP and other agencies and international INGOs.

– IOM is providing technical and on-site support to WFP’s cooperating partner, World Vision International (WVI) in the verification of new arrivals in Al Salam IDP Camp for possible consideration under WFP’s food aid distribution list and for registration in IOM’s IDP Registration Database.



North Darfur

– UNICEF has supplied 15 tarpaulins to the NGO Partner Aid International (PAI) for roofing of schools and health centres in Khazan Tunjur and As Salaam IDP Camp supporting a total of 375 children. UNICEF has also provided 19 student material kits, 14 recreation kits, stationery and textbooks to benefit more than 1,000 children in schools in Kabkabiya.

South Darfur

– UNICEF supported the State Ministry of Education (SMoE) to conduct the first round of teacher training on the new curriculum module on HIV/AIDS awareness reaching 30 teachers from the State. Meanwhile, UNICEF has also provided a range of HIV/AIDS information materials including factsheets and posters to the NGO Rofyda Organization for public education work amongst prisoners and tea-sellers in Nyala.


South Darfur

– WFP, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNICEF and the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) launched a pilot Community Kitchen Garden project on 03 June in Otash IDP Camp in which 25 women were trained on how to grow plants in sacks. The main objective of the training was to provide an alternative means for diet diversity among IDP camp populations through planting vegetables using empty food sacks and oil tins, seedlings, compost and soil.

West Darfur

– WFP and its partners are conducting verification exercises to determine the number of people that will require food assistance during the rainy season. This exercise has been completed in Bendisi, and will take place in Mukjar, Deleij and Garsila.


North Darfur

– UNICEF has supported the training of 70 doctors from the State Ministry of Health (SMoH) on improved malaria diagnosis and treatment. Meanwhile, UNICEF also provided support to a measles vaccination campaign reaching 300 people in El Fasher Shala prison and its catchment area following two reported cases of measles in the prison.
– The Word Health Organization (WHO) continues to support the SMoH and partners to plan for the rainy season. Tasks have been assigned to various health actors and the final work plan will be presented to members of the flood task force. Prepositioning of some of the required supplies has started in functioning health facilities in high risk areas.
– In Shala, 300 contacts of the reported suspected cases of measles (reported on 26 May) were vaccinated against measles. WHO’s expanded immunization programme (EPI) officer with the Ministry of Health is doing another surveillance in the area.
– WHO facilitated the training for 12 medical supervisors of Malteser International on health management information system (HMIS) from 9-14 June 2008 in North Darfur. WHO completed the preparation of an Arabic training module of HMIS, upon the request of Malteser International, as the INGO saw the urgent need of its local staff from Dar El Salam and Shangil Tobayi to be technically guided on health management information system.
– A training session on the new protocols of malaria management was held in El Fasher Teaching Hospital. The training was supported by UNICEF, the SMoH, and the WHO and was attended by 70 doctors.

South Darfur

– WHO technically supported the SMoH with training sessions on acute watery diarrhea, tuberculosis, and malaria case definition and management in Buram locality. Guidelines, protocols, and reporting formats as well as the training materials were provided by WHO while the Finish Red Cross working in Buram locality funded the workshop.
– WHO, UNICEF and the SMoH support health partners with medical drugs and supplies and ensure that cholera treatment centers (CTC) are fully functional during any outbreaks. Construction of the cholera treatment centers in South Darfur are being undertaken by Medecins Sans Frontieres-Holland (MSF-H), with approximately 70% completed in Nyala, Domaya and Kalma IDP Camp. Construction in El Salam IDP Camp is being conducted by the NGO Humedica.
– In Otash IDP Camp, 55 IDP women benefited from a UNICEF-supported training programme on improved nutrition through kitchen gardening, in partnership with the NGO CHF.

West Darfur

– UNICEF has provided 20 primary health care kits, containing essential drugs and medical supplies for the SMoH to use in clinics across the state.
– As part of ongoing efforts to prevent outbreaks of diarrhoeal disease during the rainy season, UNICEF has provided enough chlorine to treat the town water network in Zalingei, benefiting approximately 30,000 people. Additional chlorine was also provided to the SMoH for chlorination of nine open dug wells along the Zalingei wadi, providing water to a host community of 20,000 people.
– WHO in collaboration with the SMoH conducted two training workshops on case definition and management on rift valley fever (RVF) for health workers in Zalingei. Chlorination and residual chlorine checking is on-going in all IDP camps in Zalingei.
– To strengthen response activities to the increasing incidence of environmental health-related disease in Forbaranga, Habila and Krenik areas, WHO is working closely with Save the Children–US (SC-US) in formulating an environmental health response plan. WHO supported SC-US with insecticides, water quality analysis reagents, protective clothes, and spraying pumps to step-up implementation of activities in Krenik, Forbaranga and Fatorborno areas.


South Darfur

– UNICEF co-facilitated a five-day “Training of Trainers” on child protection issues aimed at community leaders. Thirty Six (36) participants from Yara, Kilmo, Amasho, Umm Janaa, Gadal-Habub and Dimo attended the workshop along with representatives from government and NGO bodies. The training was provided as part of UNICEF’s support to integrated community recovery and development programmes in Darfur.

West Darfur

– Child protection and nutrition sectors came together this week as UNICEF organized a two-day workshop on breastfeeding and the use of complementary foods aimed at social workers and community liaison offices from NGOs.


North Darfur

– UNICEF and the State Water Corporation (SWC) have repaired and rehabilitated 17 hand pumps in Abu Shouk, As Salaam, Kassab and Zam Zam IDP Camps, and in Dar El Salaam rural district. Also in Zam Zam IDP Camp, 259 communal latrines have been rehabilitated. In Dar El Salaam rural district the SWC — supported by UNICEF — trained 90 people on operation and maintenance of hand pumps. In Kassab IDP Camp, 62 people received hygiene education messages through household visits by hygiene promoters, while in Zam Zam IDP Camp 1,425 latrines were cleaned by camp residents with the support of the SWC and UNICEF.

South Darfur

– UNICEF supported the SWC on a number of water, sanitation and hygiene projects during the last week, including the construction and rehabilitation of 105 household latrines in Mossei and Otash IDP Camps. Two environmental clean-up campaigns were held in Mossei IDP Camp, along with a range of hygiene promotion activities that reached more than 1,000 people. In Otash IDP Camp, 131 household hygiene education visits reached 890 residents, while other group events on hygiene promotion reached nearly 800 people.
– To strengthen its activities on water and sanitation, WHO supports Samaritan Purse with training activities in water quality monitoring and health education. Samaritan Purse focuses its activities on water and sanitation in Eastern Jebel Marra area.

West Darfur

– With the support of UNICEF, the SWC installed two hand pumps in the new Nertiti IDP Camp ensuring safe water for some 1,000 residents. Two environmental clean-up campaigns were conducted in the camp, while 722 households were reached with hygiene promotion messages in Nertiti and Dorti IDP Camps.
– WHO is working with the El Geneina Hospital to review the implementation of water/waste management activities in the hospital, as well as to identify gaps and design/planning of the needed water/waste management facilities in the hospital.

* If you have inputs for the next edition or questions and comments on this one, or other media and public enquiries, please contact:
Nahla Zarroug, Information Analyst, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12160065

* For other media and public enquiries, you may also contact:
Orla Clinton, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12174454
Imad Hassanein, Media Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12178035

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