Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan front reorganizes its structures

The South Sudanese Liberation Front (SSLF)


To: SSLF’s members / supporters

From: Yien Lam Tot,

Leader of (SSLF)

[email protected]

13th June 2008

Subject: SSLF, has been restructured

The South Sudanese Liberation Front (SSLF) has been reorganised. The re-structuring of (SSLF) is a response to the absence of South-South dialogue, security, peace, equality, justice and power-sharing, just to mention a few. The (SSLF) will consist of two National councils. For instance, Supreme and Executive Council.

(i)The Supreme Military Council (SMC) will be the highest decision-making body of South Sudanese Liberation Front (SSLF) and also it will deal with domestic affairs.

(ii) The National Executive Council (NEC) will be responsible for foreign policy and prepare reports to the Supreme Military Council (SMC). The (NEC) will work as an advisory body to (SMC). The highest military rank of (SSLF) at this stage will be Major-General.

Every member or supporter of (SSLF) has a right to participate in the formation of the (SMC), National Executive Council (NEC) and other organs of the association. The (SSLF) has got no owner; it was designed for all peace- loving Sudanese. The membership of (SSLF) is open freely to all Sudanese who have attained 18 years and over. Every Sudanese has legal right to lead the South Sudanese Liberation Front (SSLF) regardless of gender, race, age, colour, religious beliefs, social origin, ethnicity, cultural background, marital status, language and so on.

The democracy and pluralism are very crucial for the people of South Sudan but it is impossible to exercise democracy at this stage because the (SSLF) is still in the bush. In addition to this, the (SPLM /SPLA) is not a democratic organisation; it is a tribal paramilitary association created by the late Dr / Colonel Garang de Mabior Atem Aruei in Pil-paam Ethiopia in 1983.

The constitution of (SSLF) will be forwarded to the current Executive Committee of South Sudanese Liberation Front (SSLF) for approval before July 2008. After the approval of the constitution, the document will be made available on line or it will be supplied to the members of the public free of charge.

A part from the above, the South Sudan has already gone back to 1991 period so the (SSLF) is very likely to target the key (SPLA)’s garrisons in South Sudan. The (SPLM / SPLA) which is predominately Dinkas, continuously concentrating on the defending of Dinkas against other Sudanese tribes.

The latest report from (SSLF)’s intelligent in Central Equatoria indicates that the (SPLM / SPLA) has been completely defeated and surrendered itself to the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) currently headed by Cdr Joseph Kony. The (SPLM /SPLA) was not only defeated by (LRA); it also lost bitter war to Misseriya militias (Arab Militia men) in the maginalised region of Abyei. The source stated clearly that the second Head quarter of the (LRA) is located in Juba, Central Equatoria. Many innocent Equatorians are killed every day, cattle are raided, children are abducted, women are raped and houses are burnt down by (LRA).

The so-called Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), has totally been dishonoured by (SPLA / SPLM) and its allies. It is now safe and legal for (SSLF) to take over the (SPLA / SPLM) and implement the violated (CPA) with the Government of Khartoum (GOK) or sign a new peace deal with the National Congress Party (NCP) without (SPLA /SPLM) ’s involvement. The (SPLA / SPLM) must be driven out of South Sudan through maximum military strike and replace the so-called parliament of South Sudan with Supreme Military Council (SMC). After the elimination of (SPLM / SPLA), the 50% from the oil revenue and other incomes must be given to (SSLF). The (SSLF) will build the infrastructure such as railways, roads, bridges, domestic and International airports, military colleges, police academies, hospitals, and public schools just to list a few.

The struggle will continue!!

SSLF Oyee!!


Yien Lam Tot


  • Yaak Barach
    Yaak Barach

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    To Yien.
    Man,you are so fucked up! what a messy and stupid article.You are so wicked and also a stupid evil. Shame on Sudan tribune for publishing such a piece of trash. Go to hell Yien with your SSLF, you are an arab slave and your article doesn’t even deserve to be commented on!!!

  • Sam

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    Yien Lam Tot, why don’t you shot the fuck up with your own organization of SSLF. You are playing with name of Nuer people who are not following your ass to that damm SSLF. Southern Sudanese has better idea to set up their Southern Sudan Militery reserved which they already have for all New Sudan States. I wonder who fund your ass? your husband Umar al Besher. Why don’t you go once and for all to go and start to clean his waste from his toilet and sewers then live us alone to focuse on our beautiful New Sudan motherfucker.

  • Mabutu Malet
    Mabutu Malet

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    Dear Yiem Lam Tot.

    First of all, Thank to have betrayed your own self.

    Your SSLF you say in Sudan, when I turn West, East, North, South and Central Provences. I see and hear none in them.

    You are talking of SPLA defeat to LRA And Missaryians, is not true. They are just traitors that live in the bushes.How can they defeat national Army which well equiv with heavy guns. Beside them where was your SSLF to save the lives of Southerners that you ever claim to have protection to them? Late your SSLF first fight LRA then come to fight SPLA. SPLA is not easy to be defeated as you dream, It would have lost powers in 22 years to Sudan government not your invisible SSLF to loss ground to.

    In my life, I didn’t get a stupid and foolish person like Yien and i have found today.
    Yien you mentioned SPLA being dominated by Dinkas. Are Riek Machar,Paulino Matip, Taban Deng, John Luke,James Huse, John Kong, James Kong to mention few from Dinka? if not withdraw your statement from being mistaken by your own tribe mate.

    You are out of your sense with unknown SSLF that does not exist in Sudan. It’s your association really as you have said.
    You are just confined in your house with it. It will not and never get into your house compound for it’s individual organization created for survival in abroad.

    Tot means one you are just one and you will remain alone in SSLF. Nuer as a tribe is not Idiot to follow a person like you who like division.

    Advice to Nuer Community. Are there no Elders in Nuer to talk to this fool from hidding habitate to tell him what he is doing is betraying of vast Nuer as atribe? if there are elders talk to him he is spoiling your image.


    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    Dear Yien, If you are not stupid and blank-minded person you could not post this your stupid article that portrays who you are. Who told you that Southern Sudanese need war? And who told you that SPLA/SPLM is a Dinka organization,and who told you that SPLA was defeated by LRA or Miseriya? If Khartoum and her allies [they know themselves in 1980s and 1990s]during the war could not defeat SPLA/M then who is the poor LRA which has never captured any village from the Ugandan government not to talk of a town or poor Miserya who can not feed themselves to defeat SPLA ? please can you revise your article and findings about SPLA/M. You are one of the few confused elements who use tribal per say to set peace loving south Sudanese on fire.You will indeed pay the price of your words.South Sudan need positive thinkers and not stupid thinkers as you.Shame on you. I would like also the Sudan tribune not to disrespect its policies by publishing such deadly and meaningless or senseless articles.Please Yien come out of your bush and join the building and the rebuilding of the people of south Sudan and southern Sudanese.

  • sudanson

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    Yien Lam Tut

    Why don’t you go and find something useful to do than wasting your valuable time with this bullshit that you post here all the time, no one has the time for wars or fightings or even militias without cause, peace in south and in Darfur and in north is the way forward. Please go find yourself something useful to do you than posting too much rubbish on the internet that will only make you look like a traitor int he eyes of many Sudanese. I don’t even know if this Yien Lam Tot actually exist in real life, can you please prove to Sudanese that you exist mr Tot, like who you are, which party you belong to, where do you live, who are your friends, who knows you personally in Sudan and so fort?

  • Uncle Louish
    Uncle Louish

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    Dear Tot,

    I would advise you to go for more political training than the vague politics you already have. What makes your article the most dishonoured on this Web is not that it’s politically discriminative but your way of presentation; I thought yours was a political party re-structuring into existence after long period of silence perhaps due to lack of funding but a mere Association would not pair up with financially sounding SPLM and NCP no matter what it cost.

    You are somewhat wrong when it comes to the point of dominance of SPLM by Dinkas neglecting other tribal entities and to justify my statement as a learned Citizen, the SPLM chairmanship goes to the GOSS president, a Dinka I concur with you; the first Deputy is a Nuer from where you come: your name signifies the undisclosed fact; the Second Deputy is Equatorian and a a Speaker of South Sudan Legislative Assembly ; the third Deputy is from Blue Nile who is not of Dinka origin and the Secretary General is of Shilluk origin plus other members who form the platform of SPLM as a political party.

    If you meant SPLA I would say yes Dinkas are the majority because they were the first to take up arms in 1983 against the Khartoum regime and as an army, there is no exclusion based on tribal lineage if anybody is willing to defend the nation. Do you now see where you went wrong with your associates. Frankly speaking, Dinkas are not the majority even in the SPLA as military wing of SPLM but this is a fabricated ideology aimed at spoiling the credibility of Dinka as a tribe and as people with diversified views on Sudan’s issues. Carry out statistical research and you will come back to the truth.

    Besides, SPLM is not a tribal paramilitary organistion as you put it and that was why other political movements ceased to exist yet SPLM remained to be the mother party in the South. My dear, let’s allow change to take shape in us so that what used to be a song should not be heard on our lips. Look at the way you brand the late hero who brought peace and tranquility to the entire Sudan; he is a fallen hero and will stiil remain a fallen hero simple as that!

    Concerning the LRA, I don’t think our army can just be allowed to fight any guerillas who are of foreign origin; in short GOSS allowed UPDF ( Uganda People’s Defence Force) to hunt LRA before the negottiations in which the vice president of GOSS was the Mediator. Therefore, on this point you are also wrong to have imagined that the SPLA could fight against the LRA in order to defend Equatorians no matter they are fellow compatriots. SPLA being defeated by the Messeriya is, too, a baseless arguement as all of them shared losses on equal terms and let me remind you: success for an army is not automatic just like Americans lost in Iraq war on one hand and succeeded in the capture of late Saddam Hussein on the other. Thus, SPLA not an exception in point.

    You should also understand the fact that armies are formed from the already existing army and no leader on Earth save Heaven has ever invented an army;yet we will watch to see where your army will , at any point never defeated, emerge otherwise that is an additional political material to your impromptu!


    Uncle Louish, the humble Gent, can be reached at: [email protected]

  • Deng Cagai
    Deng Cagai

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    To Mr Yien Lam, I’ve got one advice for you ‘DUDE, GET OFF THE DRUGS’
    Am not gonna waste my time commenting much on your artical.

    My quarrel is with sudantribune. You have a clear message on your homepage that says you prohibit the use of profanity, vulgarity, hate speech, disruptive, or hostile comments, interpersonal disputes, or threats of violence, yet you continue to publish such crap. If this is what you will turn this website into then you might as well close it down and go to hell with your associates such as this fuckhead called Tot.

  • Alfred S Magwn
    Alfred S Magwn

    South Sudan front reorganizes its structures
    First of all, Thanks for unacceptable statement by you and your are claiming for security, peace, equality, justice and power sharing these things whole people of south sudan needs them. But not by the way you claiming them, you way bring division among us. we are still a new born country this time is for us to unify and face the difficulty. Am very positive you know nothing about democracy you one of those who bring confusions division within us. I want you to be more careful when you say some thing about our fallen hero late Dr John Garang he did not created tribalism as you said he was claiming true democracy, equality and justice for all Sudanese people especailly southern he struggles enough with his followers till he achieved what we are looking for by signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)January 9 2005 I get a question for you. where were you when our fallen hero late Dr John Garang was in the bush? Answer youself. I don’t agree with your idea and what you stand for.your intelligent reported that SPLA/M has been defeated by Lord Resistance Army (LRA) and from Arab millia men in Abyei region. These are not truth by your intelligent, by the you as the head in other word a leader not doing things right now.How come intelligents be smart. I am certainly sure no one can defeat SPLA/M even Khartoum Goverment they tried hard for 22 yr to defeat us but they can’t and they will not till the end of the world beside you too. SPLA/M they doing they best to maintain the CPA but the Khartoum goverment recruiting people like you to bring division, confusion, indiginty within us its our time to stop those Arab people from sale and buying us like animals Mr. Yien Lam Tot think twice before you do any things wake up and do positives things for south sudan nation. I want tell you, Arab people they have parties and they have differences among them but when they sat on the table to discuss the south sudan issues they forget about they differneces and unify against us. but why we are always try to look stupid to Arab do you know why the answer is YOU. stop and forget what you are doing come and join SPLA/M and let’s unify against Arab the money the paid to do all these confusions. SPLA/M can pay you more than you deserve. If the money is the issue for you.Arab is recruiting people like you to disturb the referndum in 2011 but you still have a chance to wake up and apologize to SPLA/M and to all people of south sudan no one is ready to fight again we fought enough and am sure you lost at least one member of your family member during the war. Are you ready to lose more?

    By: Alfred S Magwn
    USA-Dallas TX
    Email: [email protected]

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