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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel

Jun 13, 2008 (JUBA) — The chief mediator in Uganda’s collapsed peace talks said on Friday he would pursue a final deal with fugitive rebel commander Joseph Kony.

Riek Machar
Riek Machar
South Sudan’s Vice-President Riek Machar said preparations for a joint military offensive against Kony’s fighters by Uganda, Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo were premature.

“Why give up when all that remains is a signature?” said Machar, who chaired nearly two years of talks between Uganda’s government and the Lord’s Resistance Army guerrillas.

“It is too early.”

He said he hoped to be in contact this week with Kony, who is wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Then he added he wanted more talks with Kampala “to sort the way out”.

Machar statement comes five days after an announcement made by the southern Sudan Interior Minister Paul Mayom saying more SPLA soldiers would be sent to the region bordering Democratic Republic of Congo to guard against further attacks by fugitive Lord’s Resistance Army rebels.

“Instructions have been given to the headquarters of the SPLA to increase their presence,” Mayom told Reuters. “The LRA have proved to be a danger.”

“We are ensuring they do not come into our country,” Mayom said. “The war is in Uganda. They are supposed to be in Uganda.”

Uganda’s two-decade war uprooted 2 million people and also destabilised neighbouring parts of oil-producing southern Sudan and mineral-rich eastern Congo.

Most of the LRA’s forces now operate out of camps deep in northeastern Congo’s lawless Garamba Forest.

Machar’s talks had returned relative calm to northern Uganda. But hopes were crushed in April when Kony failed to appear on the DRC-Sudan border to sign a final peace deal.

Last week, LRA fighters killed 23 people including 14 southern Sudanese soldiers in the same area.


South Sudan responded by rushing troops to the region. Machar said he wanted an explanation of the attack, but that his door was still open to Kony.

“He should talk to me, explain to me what his difficulties are,” Machar said.

He said part of the border that was designated by the talks as an LRA assembly area would remain a safe haven for the rebels.

They were vulnerable to attack outside it, he said, though he warned armies from neighbouring nations against hunting the guerrillas in south Sudan.

Analysts believe the type of military offensive being threatened by Uganda, Sudan and Congo carries big risks for the forces involved, and would be likely to fail.

“I am not for southern Sudan to be used as a battleground,” Machar said.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Mr RIEK If Southern Sudan is not a ground for war why do you intend to show little attention since the signing of peace in April?,you better talk to your friend Konyi clearly and frankly that if he fail to respond with well organise view,it would be his last time to be on the ground of Southern Sudan.You don’t have to rash from here to there,it is good to be accurate with entire ambition rather than leaving your own people to be killed like animals without owner.Those two issues in Greater Equatoria must be deal confidentials and responsible otherwise if we are to apply some personal ideas for truth things will go wrong.

    logic is back honest to all,fresh in mind and responsible in view

  • Gai Chol Paul
    Gai Chol Paul

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Dr.Machar,please allow LRA to face consequences of their atrocies they committed for years.Let the army deal with them accordingly.They are deaf_eared organization with the aim of killing innocent Southerners.Stay away from convincing Konyi,he is very difficult to change.If you keep on talking with him you will be attributed with the life of those killed in Sudan by LRA

  • Maganydam

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    All eyez are on you in bringing peace to Uganda as Sambeyo did at CPA, we wish your peace talk shall yield a name of related wing as Sambeyo is not greater than the “World known Riek Machar”. Remember one step determines the next, and we appeal to the Parties you are intermarrying not to attempt with Southerners lives for we have fought enough.
    LRA and Uganda government accept peace, please!!!

  • ngwerajak

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    This is how Machar is known for his delusion weak ideas. He just jumped to conclusion by saying Abyei Road map Agreement was a permanent solution to Abyei suffering. This is how Southerners known him as short sighted person and this is how he signed fools Agreement of 1991. Leader need to reserve and wait for the outcome. The Agreement has not yet been reach and no implementation made. The Road Map only favour Khartoum not the CPA and you cann’t call it a solution. Mr. Big Logic, south Sudan will never forget nor forgive the so called traitors Dr. Riak and Dr lam because pig is pig even if when you wash it and keep him clean he can still go back to mads and dirty himself, is just like the two men, the reality remains as they are cowards, irresponsible, untrust, unreliable with their too much ambition for leadership, never should the south forgive their enemy unless we see the just done. This man Machar is really black like his middle name call and also destruction to the South is like his first name Riak. There is nothing good could come out of this man. He is corrupted and full of tribalism, even Nuer are divide behind him. He so an arrogated and a man that deserve not to mention. A wicked man who hijacked our victory in 1991 when he fought our movement a long Bashir, killed many innocents, people women and children’s and divided the movement by his collaborated activities, letting Neur turning against themselves and working for the downfall of the movement, Govern Taban Deng Gai acknowledged the man as a collaborator and a really enemy of the South. He is a best friend of Bashir and Konyi of LRA and that is why LRA are killing Equatorials and block the SPLA offensive against Konyi so that he can have money out of the suffering people as he done in 1991. By Ngwerajak

  • ngwerajak

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    This is how Machar is known for his delusion weak ideas. He just jumped to conclusion by saying Abyei Road map Agreement was a permanent solution to Abyei suffering. This is how Southerners known him as short sight person and this is how he signed fools Agreement of 1991. Leader need to reserve and wait for the outcome. The Agreement has not yet been reach and no implementation made. The Road Map only favour Khartoum not the CPA and you cann’t call it a solution. Mr. Big Logic, south Sudan will never forget nor forgive the so called traitors Dr. Riak and Dr lam because pig is pig even if when you wash it and keep him clean he can still go back to mads and dirty himself, is just like the two men, the reality remains as they are cowards, irresponsible, untrust, unreliable with their too much ambition for leadership, never should the south forgive their enemy unless we see the just done. This man Machar is really black like his middle name call and also destruction to the South is like his first name Riak. There is nothing good could come out of this man. He is corrupt and full of tribalism, even Nuer are divide behind him. He is an arrogated and a man that deserve not to mention. A wicked man who hijacked our victory in 1991 when he fought our movement a long Bashir, killed many innocents, people women and children’s and divided the movement by his collaborated activities, letting Neur turning against themselves and working for the downfall of the movement, Govern Taban Deng Gai acknowledged the man as a collaborator and a really enemy of the South. He is a best friend of Bashir and Konyi of LRA and that is why LRA are killing Equatorials and block the SPLA offensive against Konyi so that he can have money out of the suffering people as he done in 1991. By Ngwerajak

  • Deng Ajok Deng
    Deng Ajok Deng

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Dear Commerades,

    It seem as if Mr. machar is doing a business on this peace which is going on between LRA and NRM, and of cours it is true. because the peace deal has taken long time without any solution. Don’t you think that when machar sign the peace, then there will be no more incomes again. Also, how do you expect mr.machar to sign the peace when konyi is his friend, don’t you remember when riek was fighting the SPLA. konyi was his ally. So he knows that when konyi is taken for icc. Then, the next day will be his. Do not react please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Otherwise.

    So dear, forget about peace deal which will be sign by my boss machar. unless it will be taken to any other country or to be chair by a great man called wani igga.

    Lets pray for our vice president riek to understand the suffering of our friend ugandans especially the Acholi people and also to change his attitudes.

    Enjoy your weekend,

    Cool Hero

  • Steve Paterno
    Steve Paterno

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Speaking of ICC, the name Riek Machar must be added in the list for prosecution for crimes against humanity in 1990s and for abetting and harboring the LRA at the present.

    Steve Paterno

  • Onen Walter Solomon

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    What is defeating Psychologists’ understanding is “what thoughts are contained in the brain of the clients”. So what Mr. Kony, President Museveni and the mediators are involved in the Peacetalks or probably Wartalks, have their own individual intentions (either conbined constructively or destructively).
    If goat refuses to drink water after hiking from the kraal to the river, will you force it to open the mouth and drink????

    Historographically, no one knows why the Maya civilization collapsed in 900BC, but one unknown Maya wrote, “All moons,all years, all days,all winds take their course and pass away” Thus, it worths nothing wasting time on this issue daily.

    Our leaders should show us the sweetness of leadership in all waves.
    Let’s wait…though, but patiently.

  • Jonglei

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Waau! it is too direct for wrong doers to forge wisedome in conflict resolution and mangament.
    this is what i know from day one,both the mediator and kony have all committed many attrocities against humanity hence are trying their best to watch themselves clean.

    pleas riek, we have seen what you are driving at, enough is enough, it is time you resumed your office issues other than loiting along the border with your friend kony.

  • Nak Isaac Kau
    Nak Isaac Kau

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Defending your own people is a moral and legal responsibility of every leader and I think Dr.Machar vividly knows that. Dr.Machar should not be offering LRA leader a peace when he only maimed and killed the people of South Sudan. On the contrary if calling Kony to sign a peace deal seemed to be a declaration of war on LRA, then South Sudan authorities should try the opposite i.e declaring war on LRA may force them to sign a peace deal with Kampala.Or else stop killing South Sudanese than go and fight your war in Uganda.

  • Jonglei

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Big_logic_Boy BACK TRANSFORMED

    I would like to take this precious opportunity to thank the managment of sudantribune for the decision taken against the “tribal conflict preachers”.

    This action has finally worked in asense that the most notorious logic boy has come back from his suspenion with something he called wisedome which never bypassed him since he was born.

    Thanks for good management


  • Gatnath

    South Sudan says to pursue final deal with LRA rebel
    Dr. Riek Machar the rami raan, what the hell are doing with LRA? is the Ugandan peace much more important than the development in southern Sudan?? I mean, what is that big gain are we going to get from Ugandan peace? Please allocate those resources you are wasting now to the solution of the problems of southern Sudanese problems!!

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