Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria

June 14, 2008 (YAMBIO) – Thousands of Western Equatoria State citizens marched on June 10 in the state capital, Yambio, to protest against the Ugandan LRA attacks in the State.

Protesters stand in front of the WES government premises holding banners against the LRA presence in their state and chanting anti LRA slogans like
Protesters stand in front of the WES government premises holding banners against the LRA presence in their state and chanting anti LRA slogans like
In this demonstration Yambio residents turned to express their grievances about the presence of the Ugandan rebels in their territory. The demo attracted youths, women, students, elders, churches and civil servants.

The protest aimed at sending powerful message to the Government of Southern Sudan, international community and regional powers to intervene rescue the lives of the WES citizens.

In the youth petition presented to Jemma Nunu Kumba, Governor of Western Equatoria State, they pointed clear that, “enough of the barbaric invasions of the so-called LRA, enough of the blood shed of the people of WES.”

However, the youths expressed some doubts, which they need the state government, GOSS and the international community to address, “we don’t want hear of the LRA base in Nabanga, We need the Government to send force to protect the civilian lives.”

They further requested the southern Sudan government to find another country to host the Ugandan peace talks, if these talks are not concluded swiftly.

“If Sudan is the base for the peaceful negations between LRA and the Government of Uganda and yet our people are the most affected then, we seriously urge the Government to either find a suitable country for the LRA peace negations or stop completely any affair related to the LRA in South Sudan”.

The traders of WES in their brief speech condemned the looting, killing, raping and all kinds of crimes by LRA against humanity in WES. They called on LRA to change their battle line back to Uganda. They further accused the LRA leader Kony of waving war on a sovereign land an act of invasion.

The chiefs’ representative, reiterated that, “the entire communities of WES is not happy with the migrated war waged on the people of WES by LRA, the chiefs are appealing to GOSS to do something to curtail the random crimes instigated by LRA”.

Governor Kumba, in her remarks to large crowd who ended their popular demonstration at the state HQs, said that “today the people of WES are not just demonstrating, but we are mourning too, of our relatives whom the LRA killed in last week in Nabanga.”

She added that, “the struggle to remove LRA from WES and the provision of security for the people of WES is her number top priority”, she echoed her fellow women as saying “her Government have condemned the atrocities carried out by the LRA rebels.

She appealed to the Government of Southern Sudan to “take this incident as an eye opener and take the issue of LRA more serious that ever, as well as reviewing its stand on peaceful negotiations and mediation as a means of solving the problem as the refusal of the LRA to sign the long negotiated peace agreement is a clear indication that they are not ready for any peaceful settlement.”

The governor said the main security problems in the Western Equatoria have been caused by random movement of external forces, the LRA, around the state borders harassing the communities by abducting, looting, and killing the citizens.

On the 5thth of June 2008, the LRA made a surprise attack on the SPLA military garrison in Nabanga, causing losses of our people, burning down houses and devastating the whole area. Similar LRA attacks were made on Source Yubu and Ezo earlier.

The southern Sudan Vice-President and mediator of the two year peace talks between the Ugandan government and the LRA declined calls for military action against the Ugandan rebels.

Riek Machar hopes to convince the fugitive rebel leader Joseph Kony who is who is wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, to sign a peace deal negotiated between his delegation and Kampala.

Last week, LRA fighters killed 23 people including 14 southern Sudanese soldiers in the same area.



  • Majak-da

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    Bravo Yambio

    You have shown your stand. Some of our leaders have been decieving us that LRA will be asked peacefully but I don’t think of that at the expenses of lives.

    Can Dr. Riek remain your friend you doom WES? Riek is the one delaying SPLA/UPDF and DR Congo troops from helping you…… How can you still be bonded to such man of lengthy failures…

    WES please reform. Leave Riek alone.

  • Onen Walter Solomon

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    Yes, enough is enough my brothers and sisters. It is painful if sending away the rebel by our government is delayed while blood is being flooded innocently.

    Please, our “Hokuma”, take action. I know it is difficult to force Kony to sign the Peace deal to stop his merciless killings, but the government can not really fail to send any rebels, or foreingners who cause atrocities, out of the land unless there is a logic to allow them brag triumphantly in South Sudan.

    A rebel leader seeks only to get a base where he and his disciples can settle in order to achieve his goal(s) for his country but not to kill your host.

    Please, Mr. Kony, learn from the Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior and the Late Dr. Milton Obote. They never fought their hosts, but sought their help to free their lands from dictatorship.

  • ngwerajak

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    The killing of innocents Equatorian by Dr. Riak closes allied in War against the Southerners is still the setback and bricked of CPA. This man called Riak came to SPLA/SPLM as result of seeing the victory of the South became unstoppable and the Movement was about to sign the CPA that was 2004, after he left the Movement and joined Al Bashir by signing “fools Agreement” with Khartoum sold the South Sudan within cheap price compare to the lives lose during the struggle. I would like you people to understand this man is a great enemy of the South Sudan and if you would like to know about him read Dr. John Garang’s book of “new Sudan”. This man will never learn and more innocent lives will still be lost if Kiir continues with him. I really appreciated the people of Yambio to send message to this traitor Riak, telling him that your time with friend Bashir and Konyi is over and the South victory is still unstoppable and you may also face what Konyi will face. As I read the Uganda monitor news paper, calling Riak as ‘war Monger ‘, the man is well known for his linked to LRA during the Struggle. Riak is more than idiot and I will never stop mention the “Fools Agreement” because this word came out from our founder and liberator the late C IN C. Dr. Garang de Mabior. I do agreed with Majak-da and but the fools behind the fool will never learn with him because blind man cannot lead the blind people and that why only fools people like Riak support him and he is even rejected by Nuer as community. Why Riak call Konyi in first places when he heard the SPLA move against his friend and what information did he passed to Konyi? Thus SPLA and Equatorian children were killed by the same group and he is still calling Konyi for meeting if he not a great enemy with too much desire for leadership in which he never fought for it. How we are going to be lead by traitor, an animal and the enemy of our people. I can support kiir if no other liberator likes Nhail Deng Nhail than this dog to lead the South. By Ngwerajak

  • Jonglei

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria

    It is too late for you to protest against riek your political son when SPLA has been deployed already.

    It is written in the Bible that God will funish Sudan including the WES, So since all of you were in excile and did not recieve your punishment ratios.it high time you recieve it.you were only recieving food ratios in excile

  • kou panamel
    kou panamel

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    Dear All WES,
    you have showned to the world that you really care for the lives of the fellow citizens by protesting against the LRA and the gvernment of the south Sudan.
    But i want to tell you that , it is you to protect the life of the innocent citizens because the government in the which the Raik is the mediator will not help you as it was clearly explained by NGERJAK above.
    Dr. Raik is the failure and the close ally of Kony and as such he will not do anything.
    The lost of WES citizens has no one to account for But Dr. Raik is behind the killing of the people.
    Last year the president of Uganda requested Riak to allow Uganda soldiers to hunt for him but Raik rejected the move .
    so the killing of the WES citizens RAik known and one time he will be asked to explain why he did that.
    How can we keep our enermies with us.
    In the years of 1994-2004, Kony has been killing most of our people in much IDPS camps and refugees camp. how can we enternain him in the south when he has killed number of our people.
    please,Riak enough is enough and you end you friendship today with Kony for the benefit of the south people and you will meet again in Hague.

    I request the government of the WES to mobilise youth to defend the local people beause the govermenet of the south sudan have shown negative response to the life of the citizen.
    Otherwise iam sending my condolences to those who lost their beloved one to Kony.

    thanks alot

    son of the soil.

  • Kujur

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    First, I would like to send my condolences to family, friends and WES people for great loss of human live, may almighty God rest their souls in peace.

    Second, I dearly blame GOSS and Dr. Riek in particular wasting resources and time trying to help illusive leader of LRA to reached into peaceful end into longer civil war which Uganda and people of south sudan many lives and property damage, who can still believe in what Dr. Riek is saying that still there is hope for Kony to sign peace’ Dr. Riek will that hope be on expenses of our people live, enough is enough I support those who applaud that LRA should be kickout from sudan and not in WES only though no war without pain still we have to pay any price to save live of innocent people being kill by LRA.

    If you (Riek) want to negotiate and be mediator still our end to peace road have not yet reach, champion it and leave LRA peace and if you are caring for your friend Kony than wai still there are many places prepare for friends to meet and you know it!!

    Guem David
    Canberra Australia

  • Sakis Francis
    Sakis Francis

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    Its rather unfortunate that citizens of South Sudan who are supposed to be in peace still continue to die in the hands of foreign rebels who are not Sudanese.May Almighty rest their souls in enternal peace.
    However, I have this question for Dr. Riek to answer; “Why are you opposed to military response to the atrocities committed by the LRA?” Which human being with a sound state of mind will harbour ,feed and protect a poisonous snake in the bedroom of his children under the umbrella of peace despite efforts and willingness from his neighbours to help get rid of the snake? if he/she genuinely cares for the children. Kony has fooled us who claim to be mediating the talks on several occasions,this poses another question, may be to all of us Southerns, how many times shall we be fooled before we realise it?.For your information, Kony is a fool and ” A fool at fourty is a fool forever” if you did n’t know. Kony is never gonna come out of Garamba as long as he is being defended, fed and protected after killing innocent South Sudanese.He will continue to do it. We will keep praying to God for a divine intervention to this issue of the LRA,God will never forsake us.

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria

    Brova, Bravo to all citizen of WES for thier protest against the LRA Action of brutal humanity. Don’t be coward like Mr Gatwech who strongly follow the foot step of his uncle Mr Raik by saying people are beaten drum of war which could cause more live behind .But the issue is,his uncle failed to bring peace between LRA & uganda Government through peaceful negotiation and our people are finishing rather then to go and weed them which can cause less life behind and long live for coming generation.
    Anyway ! God is greater through him every thing is possible go ahead!!!!!!

  • factual guy
    factual guy

    Yambio protests against recent Ugandan LRA killings in Equatoria
    It is not rational for some of you to prop up the view that peaceful steps can trail out LRA in WES. How long has the negotiation taken between the LRA and government of Uganda as far as DR. Riak is the mediator? Do you know the number of people who have lost their lives during the range of mediation?


    Avoid narrowing your thick brain but try to widen it through analysis of what you are going to say or write. What will you gain from preserving LRA in WES?

    They are not source of Tourism which will earn us some revenue for development of our country. Then there is no reason of conserving LRA in our WES yet they are distructive. Military action is the best option for tracking out LRA in the South. Should you disagree with this view which is beyond no doubt, then you are an ‘Idiot’and not a true citizen of this country.
    Reason as educated person before you comment please!

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