Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

U.S. calls for Sudan cease-fire

WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 02, 2004 (United States Department of State) — Statement by State Dept. Spokesman Richard Boucher.

The U.S. Department of State released a statement calling on warring parties in the Darfur region of western Sudan to act to avert a further humanitarian crisis in the area. Following is the text of the statement:

The United States views with grave concern the deepening humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan. A lack of civil order and the refusal of local as well as national authorities to permit unrestricted access for humanitarian workers have put as many as one million people at imminent risk of life and livelihood.

Particularly threatening are the actions of the Government-supported militias, known as the janjawiet, who continue to attack and burn undefended villages, murdering and raping the inhabitants, and forcing survivors into desperate flight to garrison towns or cross border locations.

The United States and others in the world community have asked the parties to establish a cease-fire. The U.S. has also offered to facilitate negotiations aimed specifically at resolving the procedures for implementing humanitarian assistance programs in the region, and stands by that offer. The Government of Sudan has not yet responded.

For this reason, the United States calls upon the government of Sudan and opposition leaders to:

– Ensure the safety and unhindered movement of humanitarian workers and commodities into all areas affected by the conflict;

– Immediately enter into negotiations to bring about a humanitarian cease-fire;

– Facilitate the rapid and free movement of representatives of the parties to the site of the negotiations; and

– Act decisively and transparently to disarm and bring under responsible authority all irregular forces, particularly the janjawiet.

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