Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UN peacekeepers failed to protect Abyei population – US envoy

June 17, 2008 (UNITED NATIONS) — The U.S. special envoy accused U.N. peacekeepers on Tuesday of failing to protect residents of a disputed Abyei during clashes last May between northern and southern Sudan troops.

The lack of administration and the non implementation of Abyei Protocol since three years, raised tension between Misseriya tribesmen and southern Sudan army since last December. However last month clashes between northern and southern Sudan troops displaced around 50.000 people from Abyei for the first time since 2005.

Richard Williamson, told an informal meeting of the UN Security Council that he felt the United Nations mission in Sudan (UNMIS) had not lived up its responsibilities.

“We pay a billion dollars a year for UNMIS and they didn’t leave their garrison while 52,000 lives were shattered and nearly a hundred people perished,” Williamson told council diplomats and representatives from activist groups.

“The devastation was complete,” he said about Abyei. “Meanwhile U.N. peacekeepers and UNMIS staff in their garrison were as close as 25 feet (7.6 metres) away. Sudanese homes were burned to the ground and looting took place, despite the fact that UNMIS has a mission … to intervene to protect innocent people.”

The 10000 stronghold troops of the UNMIS are deployed in northern and southern Sudan following the signing of a peace agreement between Sudanese government and the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in January 2005.

According to a roadmap signed between the Sudanese parties last week to settle difference over Abyei border, armed forces will be withdrawn from the area following the deployment of joint units and the UN peacekeepers.



  • Mr. Long John
    Mr. Long John

    UN peacekeepers failed to protect Abyei population – US envoy
    Not only has the UNMIS in Abyei failed to protect the lives of the innocent citzens of Abyei but the Zambian battalion sided with the SAF and a thorough investigation needs to be carried out.I tend to think that they have been bribed and they were working in light of what they have been paid.I recommend the withdrawal of that Z.battalion there since they have proved unfaithful to their mission and redeployment of a different battalion from a different Country not Zambia. I have lost my trust on Zambian.Their peace holds no water.
    Thanks to the U.S Envoy for his straight forward remark.Amen!

  • Jonglei

    UN peacekeepers failed to protect Abyei population – US envoy

    UN peace keepers in Sudan instead enjoy drinking and exploit the locals in every way they like.

    For instantce in Jonglei state, You find them drinking in groups and turning any corner with girls of their choices(both Ugandans,Kenyans and Sudanses as well

    As such they are keeping human abus instaed of peace.they also pick informations concerning security at road side instead of going to the site of the ocurance or events e.g Murle constant raiding in the area of Bor proofs their poor reporting system.

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