Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei

June 18, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — After two days of delay, military units from northern and southern Sudan armies arrived today to the Abyei following last week deal to end a three year row to delimit the border of contested area.

Abyei_units.jpgThe Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) troops arrived today to the area where they will form a new battalion with Sudan Armed Forces units. The 640 stronghold battalion will be the sole military force in Abyei.

Under the terms of Abyei roadmap agreement signed on June 8, SAF and SPLA have to withdraw their troops out of Abyei while the JIUs with the UNMIS peacekeepers will deploy in the disputed.

On Tuesday, seven UN flights airlifted 320 SPLA troops from Juba to Wau. After an overnight stay, the troops boarded an UNMIS truck convoy at 6.30 a.m. this morning and continued overland to Abyei.

SAF has transported and deployed its JIU component into Abyei today, where they are to join SPLA in forming the new JIU battalion.

The SAF-SPLA units have to start on Thursday a ten-day training and then take position in the area to facilitated the return of around 50.000 people displaced by the fighting between the former SAF-SPLA units on May 20.

According to the roadmap to resolve difference over Abyei border, the parties agreed to form a joint interim administration. The Sudanese president issued on Sunday a presidential decree to establish Abyei administration which should be led by a SPLM named president, flanked by a NCP vice-president.

Juba didn’t submit the name of president who should be from Abyei. However, unconfirmed reports say that SPLM may re-conduct its former representative Edward Lino against whom the NCP carried a campaign accusing him of being the cause of last May’s fighting. But Lino’s appointment faces opposition from some SPLM leaders also.

By the end of this month the displaced people have to begin their return to their home.

The executive body has to “provide the necessary services including the resettlement of displaced persons and rehabilitation.” Further it should initiate national reconciliation and promoting stability and peaceful coexistence.” Says the 8 June deal.

Besides other ressources, the new administration Abyei will receive 2% of the net proceeds of the oil extracted from the area under arbitration in accordance with the Abyei Protocol.



  • Gatwech

    Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei
    Abyei Oyeee……

    Again God bless Salva Kiir and his competent and peace-loving strategist, Dr. Riek Machar for negotiating the Abyei roadmap agreement which will now save the people of Abyei for the first time since the CPA was signed three years ago in 2005. The people of Abyei will now be able to administer themselves, have security and have access to the much needed basic services like the rest of us.

    I also urge Dr. Riek Machar as the Chief Mediator of the Uganda Peace talks to use his peaceful strategies and skillful negotiations to convince the LRA to resume the peace process. Peace in Uganda will consolidate peace in Sudan and help develop our region through uninterrupted trade in the region. May God bless you, Dr. Machar!

  • Augustino

    Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei
    Dear my fellow nationalists,
    this step gives credit toRiak Machar Teny.good steps taken by the peace lovers will be recognised by other peace lovers.
    please,would all deployed soldiers be completely mixed, to form non divided force to take fully control of the area and protection of the people of sudan and not Abyei alone.
    this move shows the committment of our leaders specially Salva Kiir and His Deputies.
    please never take Lino Wour there again.
    Put in another person from uppernile,Equatoria or Igasna to keep correct records of what will happen again.
    the war of 20 may 2008 have got no explanation.
    Augustino in Sydney

  • Atenymaker

    Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei
    That’s good and logic.
    But this time sudanese esp. southerners need to be keen and adheresive to where the next problem be started.

    And to those who flet from Abyei recently please go back in a huge group. Occupy as much as you could because the trick of the last fighting has became known; the Abyei population was to be replace by Missiryia who form least then 0.4 of nine Dinka Ngok chiefdom.They just want to know the population and plan their prat future plan as they claim to be today. Take this advice seriusly my dear GOSS leaders and leant it by cordially.

    I know of Ngok boys (lost boys) and VIPs that have been in indifferences of politics but this is the time for action as mark by the begining of CPA implementation which is starting but long way away.
    Hurry up and join hands with GOSS leaders to go on one by one ABC.

    weldone our leaders!

  • Mijocque

    I beg Abyei Sons & Daughters
    Thank be to God,SPLM/A & GOSS for maintaining peace in Abyei, it’s extremely wonderful that we shall see the IDPs returning to their homes and catch up with their planting which was interrupted by the fighting in the region.
    Eventually I ‘ve got one request and it goes directly to sons & daughters of ABYEI please,please help SPLM/A(GOSS)to achieve a permanent solution to ABYEI PROBLEM sometime we get confused because many of you are so close to Arabs including sharing the same religion and many other associations that you have been involved along with those unfaithful beasts.
    I beg you to add your voices,thoughts and actions to bring this game to an end.Thanks

  • Grader

    Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei
    Where are those who were criticising Kiir administration for failing not to launch an offensive on Abyei?

  • seja

    Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei
    Dear Nationalist, the SPLA Force should be
    serous because they will use many to buy them then at the end it will happen the same to the fellow indigenous of Abyei

  • Daniel Kalaka
    Daniel Kalaka

    Sudan’s joint units arrive to Abyei

    Fantatics ! it’s what world can not image for us as African to solve our own problem ourselves.That is what people want from our leaders to do and we apprecaite that deal,keep that emotion sudan is the greater for all!!!!

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