Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign

June 20, 2008 (JUBA) — South Sudanese authorities have begun to collect thousands of guns amassed by civilians during decades of war to try to end tribal conflicts which claim dozens of lives each year, officials said.

arms_collected_in_Rumbek_022007.jpgSince a 2005 north-south peace deal ended Africa’s longest civil war, efforts by the semi-autonomous southern government to disarm civilians have claimed an estimated 1,500 lives because they took weapons from some tribes leaving them vulnerable to neighbouring communities who were still armed.

Southern Internal Affairs Minister Paul Mayom said on Thursday few had given up their guns voluntarily and a new army- backed campaign was needed. He said they would simultaneously disarm communities nearby to avoid bloodshed.

“(This) new approach is comprehensive disarmament, by removing all the illegal guns,” Mayom said. “If you don’t do it we’ll take it by force.”

During Sudan’s north-south civil war which has raged on and off since 1955, tribal communities were given or bought weapons to protect their lands and cattle. But with peace, gun law has remained paramount in many parts of the south.

The new campaign will differ from earlier attempts that targeted specific communities.

In 2006 the Swiss-based independent research group Small Arms Survey estimated some 1,200 civilians and 400 soldiers were killed in a campaign to disarm the Lou Nuer tribe as their neighbours retained weapons.

But this year the civil authorities will give communities warning and then record, collect and store the guns in a more organised fashion to avoid similar bloodshed.

At least 911 rifles have already been collected in one area, one official said. But others warn that any army involvement could backfire. “There could be violence,” John Baloch, a member of one of the still-armed tribal communities said.

Cattle raiding and revenge attacks have sparked cycles of violence in the largely pastoralist south with deep tribe and clan divides. At least 20 people were killed in one incident in May but numbers are often higher.

“Without disarmament there can be no peace,” said William Chan Acuil, deputy of the southern government’s humanitarian wing.

The north-south war, complicated by issues of religion, oil, ideology and ethnicity, claimed 2 million lives and forced more than 4 million to flee their homes.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign
    Good process,but i want to remain those people from particular states that if they are ambitious to stop the problems of cattle riding,tribal attacks, and etc,they must ensure that each family right from Jonglei,Lake,Upper and etc must hand more than two guns to Goss,therefore in this point of view,am referring it to those states which are having alot of trouble just because of huge number of guns on the hands of civilians.Perhaps those people will never live social if the situation of those guns is not improve by mean of collection.

  • Ajuong Ayany De puorgook
    Ajuong Ayany De puorgook

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign
    Disarmament is a good option for GOSS since some leaders use civilian to promote thier evil plans

  • Maganydam

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign

    Up-rooting all kinds of guns even is pistols is the way forward for this Sudan of Corruption, otherwise leaders can be shot dead by untrained civil-soldiers.
    I recommend that may your strength really penetrate deep to all the villages of the South, and any gun found without license is a terroristic method.

    Dear Southerners

    Surrender all your guns to the Disarmament Committee for hand to hand fighting is the way to show manhood among brothers and remember that John Garang brought guns for wiping-out Arabs not for Tribalism.
    I will believe in the disarmament process if Nuer,Murle and Taposa had surrender their guns. But SPLA watchout Murle and Nuer are dangerous, they will kill you unless otherwise.
    Let peace prevail during disarmament please!

    DamMagany-the patriot

  • Jido de Jonglei
    Jido de Jonglei

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign
    Dear Readers.

    I am very frustrated with the way some of you are posting abominable comments to this website.

    Madness is what you are demonstrating. If you are hating then you are bound to get irate.

    This is in response to what Mr. Topboy wrote yesterday that Bor are Ayuan (animals).

    Kayier Rut not Topboy.

    You have seriously demonstrated your madness by saying that and that is why Sudan Tribune removed it. I did not reply it because I knew you are insane.

    Kayier Rut, are you not staying in Bor with Bor people? Are you not studying in Dr. John Garang de Mabior Institute of science and Technology? If Bor are animals then why do you stay with them, eating their food (animals’ food).

    Kayier you also talked alot about Riek Machar, who is he in South Sudan Politics? A traitor.

    What is the difference between a dog and Riek. A dog eats back its vomits. Riek turned his gun towards SPLA in 1991 and again came back to the same with out any objection. Shame on him!

    Kayier, in Garang Institute you are enjoying good food, good accomodation, good education, etc. Which Nuer did that idea of establishing an institution came. Can you give me the answer? You are a damn foolish!

    Kayier why don’t you go to Dr. Riek Institute of Science and Technology if it exist any way?

    Kayier I didn’t expect you the person staying with Bor to insult them if it is not your madness caused by the cuts on your forehead. You are very ugly with those contuors on your head. Mother fucker! Son of a bitch!

    I have been getting information from Garang Institute that you are ever the last student, very dull. That is caused by cutting off your nerves from your head. That is the general cause of madness in Nuer. You are just bulshit man!

    Kayier Rut, it is very easy to get you since I know you physically. You have fallen in to my trap man! I will send the Watchdog to get you and bring you for justice. You may think it is easy but you are joking with your life.

    Unless you leave the animals as you call Bor and you move to Wurol, I will not let you and chance again to live in Bor.

    You proceeded by saying that Bor are beggars. Now who is a beggar? A person who is in his home or a person who left his home to stay in another person’s home? You are the beggar.

    Kayier you may apologize to Bor people on this website. That is the only chance that I have given you Otherwise you are at risk of losing your life.

    To hell you go!

  • Jacob

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign
    Bravo Bravo,Your Exellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit for courage to remove guns from our dear civilians.Also thank goes to all your faithful leaders who had carried out peaceful disarmements in some areas.Now one can imagine abeuatiful South Sudan without conflict because guns were the source of evil.After CPA which ended the north-south longest war in Africa our people need time to figt another greatest war for development and conflict or insecurity is HIV/AIDS to development.Jonglei State in particular Bor will start the disarmement to her citizens so that people begin enjoys the fruits of semi-autonomous Southern governmet.
    As aremainder Your Exellency President Salva Kiir,rebels of Kony of Uganda are not disarmed, therefore, SPLA soldiers should now take a serious duty of protecting our civilians especially in areas of greatest, Equatoria to mention but afew.To my FELLOW southern Sudanese please let us respect the process of disarmements because we do not need the guns as civilians.Guns should now be for authoried forces like army, police etc.
    God Bless South Sudan

    Jacob Kuany Jeremiah(GAMR).

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign

    Man, you are hallow hearted individual with devil/evil spirit that need only Jesus to expel.
    Murle and Nuer are the most important communities who are also peace lovers in southsudan. To brand them as dangerous to the SPLA is psycologically wrong, I think about 50% of SPLA are from Murle and Nuer and I don’t think it make any sense or there is somebody from this earth who can agree with you that Murle or Nuer can kill SPLA soldiers while majority of them(SPLA) come from their own communities. Such kind of incident may happen only when SPLA soldiers tend to run out of law and rules that bind disarmament compaign.

    MR. Mayanydam, I think you are wrong to the extend that, even dogs and cats still smele you as dangerous liar.

    For Mad LOgic:

    YOU need to know that, everybody in southsudan knows Amadi girls has been selling themself for guns for centuries, Also arabs who failed to pay Amadi local beers were victims whom their guns got often confiscated as result of delay payments, these lead us to the truth that, there are good heap or amount of guns in Amadi land that need to be collected. Therefore, every Madi individual is liable to handover five guns as Mr. Wiseman has stated. Failure to do so will result into catastrophic consequences. If Logic was not just care washer,I was going to ask him to alert his community in order to get ready and choose either to handover five guns to the GOSS or face the hot music.

    Anyway thank you Mr. wiseman for reminding Logic about the forthcoming agenda.

    I hope Logic will close his beer bottle and rush back to his village with this news because we don’t want it to be a surprise to anybody over there.

    God bless.

  • 13012 Shepard
    13012 Shepard

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign
    Well done your excellency the governor of lakes state Lt Gen. Awet Akoot for snashing those weopons their hands. They should not be allowed to bomb each other as if they are fighting Mundukuri in Kapoeta, Torit etc.
    These people will consttitute 90% of our army if Omar Beshir continue to playdown CPA implemetation.

    Let me tell that Equatoria is the most dangerous place i have ever gone to.

    Read below

    1. Toposa.
    This primitive community in 1991 and beyond murdered large number of SPLA soldiers many civilians just for the sake of guns which will used against Didinga or Boya.
    They continued to be secret agent to the Mundukuri upto now. one Toposa man has 10 guns which are to be collected during dissarmament.

    2. Didinga. These people right from the history of Anya-any one continued to go gainst any revolution stagged by the Southerners. in 1994 in Chukudum the infamous Lorot waylayed and killed many innocent womens and childrens who fathers/husbands were busy fighting in Aswa, Poge when the SPLM/A was about to collapse.

    They went as far attacking the town several times killing numerous soldiers who were preparing to attack Kapoeta.

    3.Lotuko. They formed large Militia group in the east of equatoria. They killed many traders travelling from Iktos to the famous Agoro market.
    They together with the indescent William Nyuon attacked Iktos threatening to capture it.
    they have more guns to surrender to Goss

    From the Central Equatoria, Clement Wani not only armed Mundari (Why are you always victimising Mundari? is it because of their ilitracy or what) but armed all the communities of Central equatoria. they have more guns to surrender too.
    They have to surrender this Juju Dawa that they used to poison people because it is another weapon which must be collected by GOSS.

    Thesame things applies in the Western Equatoria but these people are somehow good. They ran to Uganda peacefully therefore i consider them as good and descent people only that they are cowards

    Logic you have two weapons to surrender guns and juju
    Am afraid that you are poison people online with your charms.

  • Jonglei

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign

    Good idea from GOSS,iam also ready to suurender my gun as a senior civilian but the this exercise should not be localise to some places.

    There is that perception that cattle keepers have gun as if tha cattle give birth to gun and ammunitions.the disarmment should involve the entire sudan including the areas where there were factions e.g Eastern Equatoria.

  • Uncle Louish
    Uncle Louish

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign
    Remove the guns and there shall be peace in Southern Sudan! Have you forgotten of the SAF and the likes, anyway do it but with lots of logic pliz.

    Uncle Louish, the humble Gent.

  • mathbai

    South Sudan begins mass disarmament campaign

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