Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA destruction of villages must stop

By Steve Paterno

June 22, 2008 –In a discussion with someone, I was told, “SPLM/A is hopelessly disorganized and at times looks like it has lost its way.” Looking around, one cannot help it but agree. On June 3rd, 2008, the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) intervened in tensions alleged to have been related to cattle rustling in neighboring Iloli and Ogurunj villages in Hiyala Payam, Torit County of Eastern Equatoria State. As a result, battles ensued; villages were burnt; lives were lost; properties were confiscated and destroyed; and the people of these villages were displaced. The incidents already created one of the worse humanitarian catastrophes in Sudan and marked one of the too many human rights violations, all of which are ignored and unreported.

This is how things went down. On May 22, 2008, Salva Kiir, President of South Sudan issued a decree, ordering a forceful disarmament of all the civilian populations of South Sudan with effective date of June 1, 2008. Such a decree is issued against the advice of experts and international communities who view it as shortsighted and could lead into more violence and bloodshed.

Anyway, by June 3rd, on hearing rumors of tensions between the neighboring villages of Iloli and Ogurunj—tensions related to alleged cattle rustling, the state authorities of Eastern Equatoria who included Governor Aloysius Emor Ojetuk, Commissioner of Torit County, Masimino Allam, and Marcello Otwari Dominic, an advisor on security affairs were all eager to make moves into those villages. They immediately ordered the SPLA soldiers to move in. The soldiers were divided into two. The first column of the SPLA soldiers moved in Iloli village and entered the village peacefully. There, they began to arrest, intimidate, and harass the population. The second column proceeded into Ogurunj village and cordoned off the village. At early hours of morning, at three to be exact, the soldiers indiscriminately opened barrage of fire supplemented with rounds of artillery. The Monyiemiji (the active youthful generation) responded in kind, by firing back. The battle lasted for hours. At dawn, on realizing that they were engaging the SPLA soldiers, the Monyiemiji melted away as they withdrew into cover at the bushes.

The SPLA hatched plan turned out disastrous. Eight of the soldiers were killed and nine wounded in the course of the battle, (even though one of the wounded is just reported to have passed away, adding the total of the dead to nine). Outraged by their terrible lost, the soldiers went berserk and into rampage and plundering spree. They set the entire village of Ogurunj ablaze. The people were displaced. They went on to killing the civilians of the village. Even the bystanders such as the couples from a neighboring village of Itohom on the Imotong mountain range fell victims to the soldiers’ outburst. Properties, cattle, goats and sheep of the village folks were all confiscated.

On hearing the lost of their comrades in Ogurunj village, the soldiers in Iloli village, executed on spot three of the village’s Monyiemiji they have just arrested. In rage, Iloli village was also set ablaze and the same routine like the one in Ogurunj village ensued. The population was displaced, more plundering, and more arrest were made.

The chaotic situation spread beyond the confines of these two villages into the other neighboring villages as well. Two soldiers who went astray in the heat of the battle in Ogurunj village found a young man and an elderly woman working at the farm in Hiyala village, and executed them on the spot. As a result, the Monyiemiji of Hiyala village almost joined into the furor of the fight, but fortunately, they have to be restrained by the elders. Otherwise, all would have broken loose.

Thus far, the situation is reported to have been calmed down a little bit. The outrageous soldiers are said to have been withdrawn from the two villages with only a platoon left at the station in Hiyala Center, pending further investigations. Limited relief activities to the displaced are slowly picking up with some food and non-food provisions being distributed. Most of the cattle that the soldiers confiscated are returned to their rightful owners, though some of the cattle are already consumed. The goats and sheep that the soldiers stole could not be tracked. There is also an effort to recover some of the properties that the soldiers looted, though there is no guarantee that they could all be recovered.

All these are neither enough to avoid the occurrences of such unfortunate incidents nor would justice be served in these manners. These incidents are as much as they are humanitarian catastrophes as well as they are human rights violations. Therefore, there must be a huge humanitarian mobilization for the affected areas. The undisciplined SPLA soldiers must be withdrawn from the area and the police must be deployed there instead. The village folks who are illegally detained must be released immediately. The torturing of the detainees must stop. The government and humanitarian organizations must help rebuilding the burnt villages and resettling the population back into their original villages. Those who lost lives, properties, cattle, goats, sheep, etc. must all be compensated in full by the government. A thorough and independent investigation must be conducted and all those found to have been responsible in one way or the other must be held to account.

These incidents have clearly exposed the government poor decision making, faulty policies, inept and undisciplined soldiers. These also revealed the government that cannot govern. Take for example the issue of cattle rustling and disarmament, both cannot be dealt with in ways that lead into more violence and bloodshed. Cattle rustling, prevalent it may be in some areas, it is a criminal action that individuals responsible for such action must be held accountable, not the villages the individuals come from. Punishing the entire villages for crimes alleged to have been committed by few individuals is a crime in and of itself. That is why it is very important that those officials responsible in these incidents must be prosecuted criminally.

Speaking of forceful disarmaments of civilians, then it is clear on who needs to be disarmed first, the civilians who dare to defend their turfs or the soldiers who go on rampage shooting, plundering, and terrorizing villages.

One important fact that is seemed to have been forgotten by those in decision making business is that the sons and daughters of the two villages burnt down are among the best fighting force within SPLA, most of whom are currently deployed in the frontlines, along the much disputed South-North borders. Another fact is that civilians from this area are the only civilians within South Sudan whom during the course of the war, were fully participating in combat operations alongside SPLA soldiers in advancing the cause of freedom. The women from the area were also generous enough in feeding the SPLA soldiers during the course of the war. It was in this very area that some of the worse battles between SPLA forces and Khartoum armed forces were fought and concentrated. And it was in this area that SPLA, during its trying times, was able to strategize and survive.

Therefore, it is only unfortunate that the sacrifices, patriotism, nationhood, and generosity of such a people can be betrayed, particularly in times of peace. Villages in this area, during the course of the war suffered tremendously as they were burnt down several times. They cannot be afforded to be burnt down again in times of peace by the very forces that suppose to protect them. If villages can go into flames, so is the entire nation.

Steve Paterno is the author of The Rev. Fr. Saturnino Lohure, A Romain Catholic Priest Turned Rebel. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Grader

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop
    The destruction of villages must stop and the civilians carrying arms must stop as well. It seems the author forgot to mention that the major threats to stability in South Sudan isn’t Abyei but uncontrolled lethal weapons in the hands of Monyomieji all over our beloved nation.
    Please try to be fair in reporting such incidents otherwise you’re going to fall in the category of the most notorious South Sudanese writers who are tribalists and egocentric

  • sudanson

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop

    one: Why they refuse to handover their arms? this alone is violation of law and they have to face the consequences, no government in this world will accept civilians roaming around with hundreds of guns in their houses accept in southsudan, so it is time to get civilized and hand over weapons as the law now required, two: this decision was made by the governor and his civilian advisors who are from those villages themselves, so blame the advisors who advise the governor to call in the army, you cannoty blame spla for that problem, they just followed orders to enforce the law, just blame the governor and his advisiors and the civilians who were carrying arms. thanks

  • Ahasakmoi

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop
    Dear Paterno,

    You have truely brought in the exact image of what had happened. We felt the Agony of our brothers and sisters from Iloli and Ogurung, but what can we do,it is governor Ojetuk and his master Allam.

    To me, governor Ojetuk is marking the end of his regime, since the people of the state voted him out of the governership in the name of Democracy, just because of his tribalistic and villagism mind. This incompetent and illitrate man, Ojetuk knows nothing other than rust things. For if he was to implement the presidential degree, then that is ablunder since it doesnot state there that, the disarmerment ”must” start in Eastern Equatoria. All what he is did was out of his manute mind.

    Even now, this same evil governor is still planing to send more soldiers to burn more villages, but our question is how many villages have been set ablaze in other states apart from our state?

    This evil man must be brought to ICC to join those ofn Harum.

  • kou panamel
    kou panamel

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop
    Equartoria has no media – the cause of such incidents

    When Jonglei governor was asking State citzens to listen, you thought he was joking. This is luck of information among the Equartorians that such happenings are maximum. Let me tell you; President Kiir will not call the whole Equartorians to the GoSS headquarters to convey this message of disarmament. Your sleeping Governor is responsible for your daily life. Don’t blame the SPLA for they were loyal to their masters; EES authorities. Don’t cross bounderies to finger point GoSS or SPLM as a party!

  • Allaman Ikoilaman
    Allaman Ikoilaman

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop

    Steve Paterno.

    Thanks so much for bringing this story for the people around the Globe to know and comprehen on the realities on the ground. First, I want to pay condolence to both the civilians who lost dear ones and other SPLA, widows who lost husbands in their lands by brothers. Let the Almight rest their souls in Eternal Peace.

    It is very oblivious to hear such an precedented move by the authority of Eastern Equatoria State Government.That alone shows us that we can’t even solve our home problems if we are to react to Civilians Militarily.Why didn’t they use a soft communities approach?. What is interesting is that; Soldiers went in two colums, one entered Iloli Village Peacefully and they were welcomed by Monyie Mijji, afterwards, they started intimidating the population, arrested suspects, beating them but on hearing the second colum which went to the Village of Onguruny on bullet exchange, they started killing the captees in Iloli. What was wrong with SPLA who went to Iloli Village who were peaceful with the Civilians, given cordial welcome to also turn hostile to their hosts?. While those in Onguruny went to start fire on the Village, what a hell is happening with the soldiers to be indiscipline as such?.Was it because they were orderd to act in such ambigious way?. I hope that was an order, we never expect our soldiers to behave to their fathers, mothers and so on like that !. These identified three or may be the list goes on, have to face the law on the innocent lives claimed.It is never there in the CPA, that states; Villages and duellers will be displaced or burnt in the course of Disarmament and so if this is a one man’s Law, he or she must leak his or her elbow. I am urging the people in these two villages to compile a petition or summon to whoever got involved in that outragious act , burning the villages like what the Arabs did in mid 80’s.

    Disarmament is good and welcomed generaly by the civilians themselves, but the employed tools or ways our people in authority are trying/tried to execute it, is so inhuman, unwise and in fact they should refrain from such illogical approach.We have lost a number of people who could add to the total votes comes 2011 and next year’s elections. We have created IDP’s by ourselves unlike those in Abyei forced by Arabs. Now that this is the rainny season,expect more aged, women and children to face this catastrophic phenomena to claim more lives.

    Please, those in Eastern Equatoria State Parliament, should address this issue critically or otherwise you are making our civilians to loose hope in the State Government since you are the most powerful arm of the government, go in and convince these traumatized population and give them assurance of help and return to their villages.Failure to do that, you will meet with them on your way to your constituencies when lobbying for votes.

    The move and those who participated, should admit the wrongs, confess on the innocent lives lost. Aged, Children and Women couldn’t go raiding or are not possesing guns, even the huts, why didn’t they think of the presence of these vulnerable group of people making up the villages?. I can imagine that Eastern Equatoria is the most unfortunate State among the 10, led by cycophanes, shortsighted and illiterate leaders who are forcing themselves to know what they don’t know. Those leaders are still inclined to the ”Laws of Suspect”, the primitive model. Think of tomorrow’s generations.The innocent lives lost due to your order, will have a gap in future if you don’t know still you monsters. We are not happy of such incident and never should any of the kind happen again or otherwise you are putting an end to your regime, Governor. But go in peace after having broken the masses into pieces.You have created alot of enemies to not only yourself, but your children. Whoever is driven by the wheels of this Governor, will follow him wherever he will rest his soul.


    Kamalong Johnson Changarr

    Middle East Country and can be reached at, [email protected]

  • 13012 Shepard
    13012 Shepard

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop
    SPLA must not behalf like the SPLA of 1980s. It has become a well organized army ready to protect their country Sudan from foreign aggressors like the ghost rebel LRA however, our people especially the civllians from those areas should respect the army and that is the only way to safety.

    Take care monyimujis


    SPLA destruction of villages must stop
    Dear Steve Paterno iam not satisfy with the way you are writing your article,SO long you know the cause of the problem as the cattle raiding between your village and the other village. why do you blame the SPLA on distroying the villages while they maintaining law and orders in your villages? do you not know the raiding your people are doing is dangerous and violate the right of the others individuals in that area? as a matter of facts, let me advise you talk to your people not to attempt any more raids on any other village since it is so dangerous to life on both sides and there properties. let us not protect our people becuase they are our relatives and let us approciate the SPLA for the work do on time to save any more blood shed .SPLA OYEEE!

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    SPLA destruction of villages must stop

    This is your ugliest article i have ever read. You clearly know that SPLM has been making a lot of compaigns for disarmament and called up all politicians from all states and counties till the level of civil adminstrators but the people you are talking of did not change, could be because their leaders do nothing. If you could not talk when this leaders paid deaf ears, why do you blame SPLM yet SPLM is you and any liberal body not Kiir, Riiek or Pagan?

    It was your governor who made a wrong initiative and cann’t be counted on SPLM. Weaknesses of respective governors should not be exaggerated as other prominent politics. What do SPLA hate from any village in Southern Sudan not far those around Torit where first liberation war began through a mutiny? Please, try to write neutrally like you were doing otherwise you are now going back to tribalism while some people had a thought that you are a transparent person.

    First reason!

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