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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official

By Wasil Ali

June 24, 2008 (WASHINGTON) –The Sudanese government considered turning over two suspects accused of war crimes in Darfur to the International Criminal Court (ICC), a senior Sudanese official told Sudan Tribune today.

Sudanese Vice President Ali Osman Taha gestures as he speaks during a press conference in Khartoum, 21 October 2007 (AFP)
Sudanese Vice President Ali Osman Taha gestures as he speaks during a press conference in Khartoum, 21 October 2007 (AFP)
The official who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter said that the leadership of the National Congress Party (NCP) “is getting very nervous over the upcoming announcement by the ICC of new suspects”.

A year ago the judges of the ICC issued their first arrest warrants on the Darfur case against Haroun and militia commander Ali Mohamed Ali Abdel-Rahman, also know as Ali Kushayb. Sudan has so far rejected handing over the two suspects.

The senior official said that the NCP held an unpublicized meeting recently that included the Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir, 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha, presidential adviser Mustafa Ismail and state minister for foreign affairs Ali Karti among others.

According to the official, Karti made a presentation to the NCP leadership in which he outlined the “difficult position” the government will be in if senior officials are charged by the world court of war crimes.

Karti recommended that Haroun and Kushayb being extradited to the Hague “as a protection from further indictments” the official said.

Al-Bashir appeared to be in agreement with the proposal, the official said, as well as others who were present but that Vice President Taha staunchly opposed it “on the grounds of preserving Sudan’s sovereignty”.

Taha was the top official in charge of handling the Darfur crisis during 2003-2005. He secured the release of the notorious Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal from prison to help mobilize Arab tribes to crush the Darfur rebellion.

Hilal was serving a jail sentence for leading an armed robbery against the Central Bank of Nyala in which one policeman was killed.

The leak of the meeting comes a few days after the Sudanese president swore 3 times not to surrender any Sudanese citizen to the ICC.

Last week the UN Security Council (UNSC) and European Union (EU) issued formal statements voicing support for the work of court in Darfur. The EU threatened sanctions against individuals obstructing cooperation with the ICC.

The ICC prosecutor is also due to name new suspects next month likely to include senior Sudanese officials.

Sudan has not ratified the Rome Statue, but the UN Security Council (UNSC) invoked the provisions under the Statue that enables it to refer situations in non-State parties to the world court if it deems that it is a threat to international peace and security.



  • Uncle Louish
    Uncle Louish

    Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official

    This is an ultimatum of glowing truth and that, by so far, nears absolute solution to Darfur crisis. Of course, it will act as a detterent to more crimes else the convicts will be brought to justice!

    Dear Taha, pliz the world does not know your Arabised politics and this teaches you to transform your politics into more appreciable that engulf the Citizenry ( Darfurians inclusive). Therefore, preempt vices of impunity in oreder to let justice prevail more over to see a comprehensive solution to Darfur crisis and we shall grant you the right to justity your fellow Arabs-the Bashir’s come the national elections!


    Uncle Louish, the humble Gent.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official
    Hey Guys,

    NCP guys are crazy!!!!. They must cooperates with the ICC whether they needs it or not.

    For sure the next suspects is mr Basheir, it is not a supprise,not a joke but the truth, ICC does not cheats. It is straight forwards.

    So mr.Basheir whether you cooperate with ICC or not you will do it like your dull uncle Saddam Hussein did. You better cooperates so as to earns some days at least(For it is said that he who respect his father shall live longer), (anyway we don’t want you to live longer) We Sudanese are tied of you and your rubbish NCP. ICC is like your own father if you don’t know that.

    Change before the changes,changed you like your mad uncle Saddam. It is sometime good to learn from your past

    Be bless,
    Dend Akol Agut-tungduon.

  • Philip Akau
    Philip Akau

    Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official
    Dear Ali Taha,

    There is no more options for Sudan government (NCP) to keep on cheating the World that, they are not involves in killing of innocent civilians in Darfur. More truths are coming up for those hiding under the parasol of Sudan not signatory to Rome Statue. I think it is best now for Sudan government (NCP) to surrender those wanted by ICC rather than wait for bad news. Mr. Taha and Mr. Bashir are pretending to be very smart to protect Sudanese citizens’ in their sovereignty. This is opposite to what they doing now Darfur, Abyei and South Sudan, in which the cause instability. Sudan government (Bashir and Taha) would /will be accountable for all people who have lost their life in Darfur, and other part of Sudan.

    Cheers, P

  • Moses Kuocgoor
    Moses Kuocgoor

    Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official
    I think the days are numbered for the most wanted Sudanese officials to pay the price. Although Mr. Bashir and Taha have vigorously defended the war crime officials, the Sudanese will never accept their speeches. The NCP has been spotlighted Sudan in the most wanted countries that harbored terrorist organization in the world.

    Sudan had been accused of carrying out a massive killing in western Dafur, which had marked by the humanitarian observers as genocide. These issues put unerasable mark on Sudan. The NCP officials do not want to see Sudanese living in peace. They prefer of having to kill innocent people who are not even supported by the government.

    The biggest question is that will ICC include Omar Al Bashir in this search? If yes, what kind of trail worthy Bashir? Will he be hung or lynched? I hope that he does not understand the reality of becoming a criminal. The leader of NCP has also been accused of encouraging or fueling Abyei, and Ruweng(Karasan) conflicts. The Sudanese do not want the rule of the 1989 when blood had become a crystallized of power.

    On behalf of Taha, I would advise him to distant himself away from unskillful leadership of Bashir (he will pay a price in near future). If the leader is uneducated the government would become brutal to its own people. I am glad if the Sudanese support the handling of war crime officials to ICC so that peace will prevail in our beloved country.

  • Kur

    Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official
    I personally blame the ICC for indicting the low profiles individuals leaving those who give orders to the janjaweed to commit atrocities in Darfur. Whether Haroun and Ali are handedover, we still want to know who is running the war in Darfur and why? Who give orders to the so-called Sudan Armed Forces to kill and rape women and children at will in Darfur without being stopped? For the ICC indictments to be credible in the eyes of all Sudanese and the world at large, the big fish must also be questioned to tell us what are they doing in Darfur.


  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Sudan contemplated extraditing Darfur suspects to ICC: Official
    Dear Sudan Tribune,
    It will be a dengerous game for
    Northern Sudanese/Middle Eastern Afro Asiatic peoples of North Africa, both with Darfuri and Khartoum, because ICC of “International Criminal Court” is manipurating and dictating
    the Afro-Asiatic Middle Eastern culture from Baghdad to Khartoum,
    the order of revived Roman Empire of todays society.
    It’s not about religious concepts of defined culture of both
    WEST and EASTERN society, but WEST equal revived Roman Empire of
    Anti-Semitic Order from the ICC. of Roman System.
    Don’t admitting to handling 2 Sudanese
    mistakenly by the order of Khartoum.
    Either Sudan’s future will be coming to End and becomes Afrikkkanized or remain stay SUDAN to refuse the tactics of Roman ICC “poor” games towards the people of the Norther Sudan.
    Anyways, ICC’s target is not
    2 criminals not nessesary, but total control of Sudan, and they wants Capitalized in Khartoum in our presence.
    Let’s wait ’till, these idiots make themselves back to Damascus, then we all Northern Sudanese will attack the army of Antichrist agents… “ICC” and rest of hypocrites…
    Sudan’s problems should solve within in our realms, don’t bring Europe, or else, at: Next do you like Caucasoid Bantu Breed will dictate CUSH?
    DAVID N.

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