Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”

By Philip Thon Aleu

June 26, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Police apprehended 22 traders on Thursday, charged of “poor display of goods” at shops verandas in Maror market and fined them between 100 and 200 Sudanese Pounds (SDG), chair of traders’ union has said.

traders_arrested.jpgHead of Bor traders’ union impeaches Bor County police officer Isaiah Manyok, who ordered the arrest, for lack of information.

“If such a pronouncement has been formulated by the County authorities, then we are not aware,” Chairman of Bor Traders’ Union Samuel Anyijong told reporters today (Thursday). He said commanding police officer Isaiah Manyok had totally suprised them and argued that such cases be properly handled.

“You can’t charged a person who is not aware,” he stressed. Mr. Anyijong however, declined to acknowledge or rebuff the “poor display of goods” as claimed by the police but insisted that “police should have made us aware before arresting, charging or fining” anyone for the underprivileged display of goods.

Arrested include Makech Majok, Florence Keje, Mayen Malok and nineteen others; all fined between 100 SDG ($50) and 200 SDG ($100) and released after meeting their forfeits.

Efforts made to get Police commander were futile as junior officers refused to commend; but a mobile police anchor on Thursday evening (6:00 – 7:00pm) answered traders’ complains. “No trader should display his or her goods on the veranda of a shop. Failure to do so will be a crime punishable,” a car loaded with local commentators patrolled Bor Town for about an hour spreading the declaration – already implemented.

The public went astray with Bor County authorities over traders’ styles of displaying items.

“It is none of their (police) business to ensure that goods are properly displayed. It is the buyers to tell; by refusing to buy or advising their sellers to improve on the display. It is not the police,” a Town resident identified as Mach rejected police intervention in market arrangement.

Traders and police in Jonglei capital Bor Town have been engaged in transforming old market into modern-well surveyed one in recent months were the parties had to misconstrued in one way or the other. On Wednesday, police ordered closure of all shops aligning the main road and with immediate demolishing on Thursday. By Thursday noon, over 60% of shops were dismantled.



  • biarawieu

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    For my advice to Bor town police you are doing a good job but what i can suggest is that you cann,t force. to change from the old market to the modern civilise market is not easy, it take time but you need to explain to them so that people work together.Biar M Bul.

  • Grader

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    Is there a state government or GOSS legislation stating how the traders has to display there goods or is the state police making it up?
    If there is no law regarding the incident a part from the notorious decrees (Sudanese style) then am afraid Jognlei state government is going too far and her citizens are going to be stretched beyond the elastic limit.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    I can see that those people in Bor are almost to abolish their benefit from Equatorians and foreigner who are doing their best by bringing a health system of human needs, so in this point of view I would point my finger to Mr Koul who has intend to act as a real Dictator in that Area of Bor, please try to behave like human otherwise this action will affect your own people particular the area of Jonglei where 95 % of industrial products are generated from Equatoria and East Africa in general. I support this idea of promoting sanitation and good lives but I would like to advice you on the effects of charging people without notes, this is a kind of corruption which means people are interested on someone’s properties. Please work in fair system and make everything publicity before carrying further action against those who are not following.

  • James James
    James James

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    Mr Logic:

    Your lies are almost getting me crazy to the endless point. Where in that tiny world of Equatoria do Jongolei traders get 95% of their goods from, what type of goods are produce in Equatoria? I have been in Equatoria both during the war and after CPA, and I have never seen production companies in Madi land that manufacture products for Jongolei traders. I really need well detailed explanation about that whether Equatoria become Western Europe or united states these few months.

    I think you have serious mental retardation that block you from finding new ideas, I could see you keeping on saying the same thing over and over, month after month and may be years or decades if you are not inform to stop.

    Please try to adopt an habit of producing new opinions like others, while remembering that, everwhere around the globe, every good or commodity is produce at a given areas that favors its production conditions. The production of certain goods might be determine by either the nature of soil, availability of man power, the consumer demand, and the presence or existance of raw materials. For instant, Madi produce cassava because madi land favors cassava growth, beef come from Jongolei because the pastures, soil, weather favors animals, in addition, people in Jongolei love to rear or specialized in animal farming just to give you few examples. AS a result, you don’t need to fool yourself by nagging us in negative claims.

    I know you agree with me.

    God bless

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    Juuk is transforming Jonglei day by day!!.

    Dear brothers and sisters, it is very good to be told what is good and what is bad. We can not just feel proud while our own house in a mass. Teaching all the shopkeepers how to display their goods in jonglei is like teaching the whole population of Jonglei how to makes themselves more then tidy.

    Bor town is free from rwenzori water battle dirt!!. It is a good work and for that I appericiates mr Juuk alot.


    You can not just keeps royco and ommo
    on the same shelf!!. Why???, royco is eadible while ommo is not eadible. do you guys see that clearly?. I hope you are not going to repeats the same mistake in future.

    Be bless,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, aman far away from tribalism.

  • Deng Gai
    Deng Gai

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    Dear police, thank you for the work well done,but remember you shold inform people in advance before you charge them. let forget what you normally do in the past and claim it to be from the above without any proper source.

  • Joash Garang
    Joash Garang

    22 traders arrested in Jonglei for “poor display of goods”
    What a good move! I appreciate it that the police is doing its work perfectly beyond doubt. Please keep it up since you are not interfering with anybody’s rights. Implementation of rules is what is required.

    Nice time!

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