Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Khartoum not paying for border demarcation- south Sudan

June 27, 2008 (JUBA, Sudan) — The semi-autonomous government in southern Sudan on Friday accused the Arab north of underfunding a key committee tasked with delineating the border between the two former warring parties.

“Only 7.5 million dollars was released for the committee,” southern information minister Changson Chang told reporters.

“There were some works that couldn’t be completed because money was not released,” Chang said. “Documents, maps from the Republic of Egypt were not released because some money was not released to the committee.”

North-south border demarcation is considered vital to the 2005 peace agreement that ended two decades of civil war and to a scheduled referendum in 2011, which would determine whether the south separates from the north.

Fighting last month in Abyei, the most contested border region, was seen as the biggest threat to the Sudanese peace process that ended a devastating war in which more than 1.5 million people were killed.

Chang spoke after a day-long briefing to the southern cabinet by members of the Sudan border demarcation committee.

Experts consider information from Egypt, as well as former colonial rulers Britain and the Ottoman Empire, key to the border demarcation.

Failure to demarcate the border was a factor in southern ex-rebels pulling out of the national coalition government in late last year, which prompted Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir to order the work to start in February.

“Money should be released to carry out activities, including getting documents from Cairo,” said Chang.

Under the 2005 peace deal, the south was offered a six-year transitional period of regional autonomy and participation in a unity government until a 2011 referendum on whether to break way.



  • Deng John Ajang
    Deng John Ajang

    Khartoum not paying for border demarcation- south Sudan
    Failure by the Khartoum Government to facilitate the demarcation of the North – South border will result in second pulling out of the SPLM miniters in Khartoum.Things are easy said than done by our brothers in the North.Where are you the International community?,USA,African Union and the rest of you.They have exposed their horns “dehorn them strictly”.

    When two elephants are fighting,the grass in which they are fighting would suffer,collision of the two sides in Abiey some days back increased the suffering of the Abiey inhabitants please (NCP) show willingness to our three year old Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

  • Amanya Joseph
    Amanya Joseph

    Khartoum not paying for border demarcation- south Sudan
    Please minister of Tele-communication what we Southerners know is that this Abyei border demarcation fund was not release inorder for the application of delaying tactics toward the CPA implimentation to succeed as most of us know the tendency of Khartoum goverment is to let Abyei border be as that border between Ethiopia and Eritheria.Therefore my sincere request to the goverment to take a critical look on this Arabs otherwise they may distroy this CPA through there ugly tactics we remain the same citizens of Sudan. Peace will prevail wether Khartoum like it or not What Khartoum is scared of is for Southern Sudan to claimed independence but that can’t stop us from following the vision of Southern Sudanese.
    For a fox thinks that devicating in one place is the best,not knowing that it can be the trapped for it.Hence Khartoum think that by using the channel of the past is the best way to play Southern Sudanese.
    Let me remind Khartoum goverment that our eyes are widely open and the eyes of the all world is on you therefor don’t think that you can make us not to cross the bridge of peace. With all those Antinov of yours Southerners didn’t give up and with all your policies of jihadism on the Southerners you didn’t win the war I know we have been fighting the whole of Arabs world when you claimed that the war was a holy war but this didn’t scared us therefore my request to the goverment of Southern Sudan is to expose all the weakness of Khartoum on the implimentation.
    New Sudan Oooooooooh yeeeeeeeeee
    Southern Sudan Ooooo yeeeeeeeeee
    Let us unite to defeat this King of terrorism together.

  • Deng Gai
    Deng Gai

    Khartoum not paying for border demarcation- south Sudan
    Did I hear that the khartuom government is not paying for the border demarcation? what a shame to the governmet that does not care for its people whom it normally claim to be it people! I think NCP and its allied EGYPT know very well the out come of the referedum coming 2011, because you always feel guilt of what you are doing to your subject at your daily basis. no matter how much you may delay the demarcation, still it will not affect our decision as southrner despite the fact that you are keeping the border issue as the source of the future conflict. iam advising GOSS not to wait the fabricated maps from because they reflect and represent the views from the arab league which does not want to see southern sudan as an independent country.
    New Sudan forever
    New Sudan Oyeeeee!

  • Samani

    Khartoum not paying for border demarcation- south Sudan
    Why dont you pay for it yourself if its so important in dividing the South. The SPLM wants to sit back grow fat from all the money its getting and let the government do all the work or blame it. Since its vital for the South to demarcate the border why doesnt it pay for it on its own, instead of trying to build an airforce !!

  • Ring Majak Kout
    Ring Majak Kout

    Khartoum not paying for border demarcation- south Sudan
    Samama or samani

    what the point of having unity government if you are saying SPLA should pay for it alone. isn’t the retrieval of relevant document is your(NCP) concern too?.
    You should thank southren government and it’s people for their independent initiative . because at this new generation of our’s eighties and nineties you (arab) will not deceive or survive at all in new Sudan, if the unity you are embarking on become reality in modern Sudan.
    The air force white paper draft was approved last week by the southren government seem it’s it had caused a mental destruction for you, get over it, stop crying about all the time. How about you facing real combatant in action which is not far from now as I am speak. NCP must adhere to all resolution which are stipulated in CPA to avoid north been reduced
    ashes in near future by JEM alone if SPLA lifts it hands from protecting your Mecca Al-Mackrama (Khartoum). You hav seen what happen 10/05/08? Thus are the facts you (NCP) need think about them twice before you visit this site next time Samama… get it.

    Ring Majak Kout A medical graduate @ UQ. Brisbane – Australia, contact: @[email protected]

  • Akau Malek
    Akau Malek

    Separation Emminent
    That,s very true. They are scared about this unstoppable issue of boarder which is believed as the nuclear and pivotal turning point of CPA implementation. Brothers in the north think that they can simply drag their feets and get away with it without respond from the south. We have learnt alot from your pasts and presents situations and your goddamn islamised tactics are known in the south. We can separate minus boarder demarcation and see how you can survive. We were helping you by giving you northern sudan but does it mean that the north belongs to you? you are just greedy war mongers with no intentions at all to live in peace with others, that’s why you were dispatched from arab countries to sudan . Why you are killing durfuris while they are already islamised ( brothers in islam). Sudan is going to split whatever tactics or brutal war you use against none arabs tribes of don,t deserve living with weak people othrwise they risk extinctions.Nubians are the great casulties of extinction because of their past association with those thugs in Khartoum. our great nuba kingdom is reduced to almost nothing and that is the trend that all African tribes in sudan will follow. they need to get rid of us to take over our blessed land of sudan. Who is not aware of that policy? Do you understand why Arabs League is so involved in issues related to sudan? Get to know that they simply want to clear all african tribes from sudan through massive killings (genocide) and declare sudan as an arab nation and rename Khartoum as NEW MECCA and Allah and Mohammad reign in sudan. The paradise for muslims!. That’s why i think southern sudanese should unite and save their marginalised brothers in nuba mountains, Eastern sudan and durfur so that they don’t risk extinction. leave alone boarder demarcation issue, History of sudan as the land of great Black people will tell. I need all of us to realise our background and strive for our freedom (black man’s freedom in sudan). I am too wordy today because i need them to understand that sudan does not belong to them but it is big enough to accommodate all of us regardless of our race, religions if were not selfish. Our history is just overshadowed by wars, hatred, hunger and diseases just because some groups think that they are better that others.Comeon guys in the north, let’s demarcate the boarder of south and north and let’t wish good luck to one another. Long live south sudan. Die hard southerner

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